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Observing being sober...

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    Observing being sober...

    Haven't drunk anything since last Thurs. (and my terrible fall that I've talked about ad nauseum!)...

    Decided that I would go to Oregon, as planned. Leaving tomorrow.

    But I was just thinking how "normally", I would be drinking, getting maybe some things done, but probably waking up before leaving for flight feeling lousy & then running around in a tizzy to finish packing... maybe forgetting something important...

    OH - and the JOY of flying with a hangover!! :H You just haven't Lived until you've done that... esp. on a Long flight!

    Instead, I am calm and have plenty of time to finish things before going to bed. Will wake refreshed!

    Y'know, this drinking thing is HIGHLY overrated!

    (I guess I just wanted to Emphasize how being sober really IS better!!)
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

    Observing being sober...

    I hear ya, Savvy! How's the ankle feeling today -- any new rainbow colors? BTW, you probably know this, but sometimes the cabin pressure can make an injury hurt worse. Maybe take some Advil on the flight with you?

    I used to sit in my seat on the plane and think it was taking forrr-e-vvver for the flight attendants to get to my row with those miniscule wine bottles. And I would wonder if the person next to me would notice or care that I ordered two at the same time. Ah yes, flying without the AL is SO much better!
    "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


      Observing being sober...


      Back in June I flew from PA to Quebec without a smoke or a drink!
      Life really is so much easier when you get the monkeys off your back

      Have a safe flight!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Observing being sober...

        Thank you so much for your comment that "this drinking thing is HIGHLY overrated." I needed to see this tonight. The misery lasts so much longer than the pleasure!


          Observing being sober...

          LilBit - yes, the colors are now migrating around foot putting on quite the show! Thanks for reminder about Advil...

          Lavande - Congrats on your quitting smoking! I also quit on Aug. 3rd!! (That really has been harder for me than quitting drinking - although the drinking is Definitely more dangerous!) This will be the first flight where I won't be running to go outside on layover so I can puff a couple cigs down, then waiting in line AGAIN to go through Security.

          Maisie - Your comment just shows how we never know how our words (even if we're just complaining or something!) can "speak" to someone at the right moment to give comfort or support.

          BTW - Continental has been Great. They're providing a wheelchair... and they changed my seats (on full flight - not sure how they did that!)... so I can sit on aisle with left leg sticking out.

          It's going to be a LONG day - 6 hrs. flying time, 2 hr. layover... But I'm so glad I'm going. It will be fun! (My niece's wedding/reception at cool Oregon beach, Cannon Beach.)

          I'l probably be checking in. Hope all have a Safe and Happy Labor Day weekend!!
          Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


            Observing being sober...

            Talking about flying with a hangover just gave me a horrible flash back to one Xmas Eve when DH and I went helter skelter and never slept that night. The next morning we were late and in a mad dash, met my parents at the airport just in the nick of time to say goodbye and hopped onto the plane green around the gills. How I didn't throw up I'll never know but just thinking of that day makes me ill. I really dissapointed both my parents and myself.

            Have a safe flight Sav -- I'm so pleased you are feeling well enough to go. And congrats on notching up those AF days:-)
            "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


              Observing being sober...

              Savon - Isn't it amazing when that thought hits - about how being sober is so much better than we ever expected. When I was drinking (1-2 bottles of wine every night), I couldn't imagine life being sober. It just seemed like it would be so....boring. I now realize that was the AL taking over my life....and it does feel great to be on a journey to be AF.

              Good luck with the flight and the wedding!


                Observing being sober...

                Good news Savon! Welcome to our neck of the woods. If you haven't left yet, this is a reminder to pack a windbreaker, sweatshirt and sweater. The coast can be foggy, breezy and especially cool when inland areas are hot like today. The charming shops at Cannon Beach make a lot of money selling sweatshirts to the flatlanders... ;-)


                  Observing being sober...

                  Well observed, Savvie! Have a safe flight and a grand time at the wedding!
                  Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                  Winning since October 24th, 2013


                    Observing being sober...

                    Hi Savvy

                    So glad you will be able to make the wedding. have a lovely time and impress all your folks with the new sober you!
                    If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


                      Observing being sober...

                      Have a wonderful trip, Savvy!

                      I have yet to take a trip AF, but hope it's in my future.

                      Had to laugh at some of the memories these posts brought back...
                      ...several times I pack with drink in hand the night before, passout, then wake up in a scramble to get to the airport...always forgetting something
                      ...those drink carts do seem to take forever! And, why do they only come around a couple of times? I mean geesh! Having to continue to walk to the flight attendants area for more wine again and again gets old..for everyone! Last June I was flying first class and still had to get up several times as I was embarrassed to keep hitting the call button...Oh the shame...
                      ...and I've actually missed my layover flight before because I was in the bar thinking...I've got time for one more...and if I get on the plane no one will know I've already got a good start on a buzz..yeah right!

                      I think your trip AF will be much better. Be sure to report back!


                        Observing being sober...

                        Enjoyed your post, takeheart.

                        I don't let myself drink during the day. But when traveling, since it is an international airport, that means there all the time zones intersect so drinking during the day is ok because it's really night for someone else.


                          Observing being sober...

                          savon, everything is so much better without al. I went to a concert recently and remained sober,It was so goooood! Good Luck and well done:goodjob:

