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It's come time

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    It's come time

    welcome Irishman!

    i think it might depend on what and how much you've been drinking regarding how long it takes for the initial symptoms to pass?
    i'd say give yourself a week-10 days to start to feel better.
    congrats on seeing things as they are! At 31 you have lots ahead, it will be great that you will feel and remember it all!


      It's come time


      Hi Irish,

      Sorry I also missed you 1st time round.

      It's amazing how many people get the 3 day hump but good for you for coming back.

      Please keep posting and let us know how you're getting on and SHOUT out if you're struggling.

      Love Jackie xxx
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        It's come time

        It's about 830pm my time and it has been almost 48 hours since I have drank. I start back to work tomorrow and I feel better than 48 hours ago. It's tough being a teacher and having to go through this. I will keep everyone posted on my progress. I hope to post the 72 hour mark tomorrow evening.


          It's come time

          welcome Irishman, I noticed my hand shaking and i have almost given up the Al, for 3 weeks I have hardly had a drink and already my hand shakes have just about gone, good luck, lots of advice and support here, they are all wonderful people, Tawnywitch


            It's come time

            I just got through another day of not drinking. I also read "the tool box". great stuff in there. The shakes are almost gone. Just when I think I need to drink or get nervous.. I think it has something to do with my blood sugar. Any good way to combat the highs and lows or energy?



              It's come time

              Hi Irishman well done on keeping AF. I find L-glutamine is great for cravings and helps to level blood sugars out. It can be bought otc in health food shops and is safe to take. You will find out more if you look in the supps and meds section in general.
              Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                It's come time


                hi irish well done on your first couple of days ...... i too am a teacher and have been drinking for longer than you ....... 30 years or so i am 47 ..... ive actually had to run out of lessons to vomit in the past, its a hard job to do as an alcoholic!!!!! i am 2 days AF now ... its not easy but i am going to die of this thing if i dont stop ...... you are at an age where if you stop you still have a full life ahead of you ...... good luck mate i hope you get there take care pompeyman :wave:
                I'm just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round .... really love to watch them roll .... no longer riding on the merry-go-round ...... I just had to let it go

                Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans


                  It's come time

                  Today is Sunday. I was doing doing until a friend invited me to dinner. I had 3 beers. Luckily dinner was short and he didn't want to go have more drinks. I came home drank some tea and a good amount of water and took some vitamins. I know I have to start over. I don't physically feel bad, but I know that has allowed me in the past to go on and drink again. I won't this time. I am fearing work this week. These days I feel anxious going to work and feel weak and shaky when I walk in. Even though I ate and didn't shake walking to work. Can anyone shed light on this? Is this just nerves?
                  Day 1 again


                    It's come time

                    Good morning Irishman. Sounds to me like you are doing better, because you were able to stop drinking alcohol, drank water, and took vitamins. This is a journey, and I know for myself, I have had to work on learning skills and strategies to remain AF. You are starting again and that is wonderful, you can do this.

                    Feeling shakey and anxious? Quitting drinking is huge, and your body is affected strongly, and your mind and mood are also effected by alcohol. I'd suggest a doctor's visit for a check up just to make sure everything is O.K., but I know for myself that it has taken time to feel healthy normal. Also, when I have slipped with a couple of drinks, I really feel it the next day. I think it is my body screaming out for me to STOP. Keep posting, take good care of yourself, and know you can do this. Take care.


                      It's come time

                      Morning, Irishman...

                      I've been lurking here and posting a bit over at the Pearl thread. Good for you and taking a step in the right direction. AF is great, but stopping after a few drinks deserves some credit. You did well! I'm still working toward another AF day, but came crashing out of my wagon, if you know what I mean on Friday.:H

                      As far as the anxiety, did you get the True Calm from the Health Store here? I find that it helps a lot with the free floating anxiety and keeps my mood pretty stable during the day. That and extra B-complex. If you didn't, you can find Hylands' Calms Forte at most any health food store. One or two of those when the anxiety hits can really help.

                      All the best to you!



                        It's come time

                        Thanks everyone for your replies,

                        I read a few other threads and just reading other people's struggles makes me feel not alone. I didn't realize that, even after a few weeks of AF, that your body is still changing. but now that I look back on it, I have been changing my body, for the worse, for 13 years. Can I really expect my body to bounce back after a few days? No. For me I think that's the catch. My body wants alcohol and my not given it alcohol make it go crazy and making my mind go crazy too. Tomorrow is a new day. the start of my new life a better life a better me.

