Hey! I am brand-new but found this site last night. However, I was already on Topomax (this is week 3) and now I have ordered the other supps and the book. I didn't spring for the cd's yet, and now I'm wondering if I should have.
Anywhoo, my hubby also is 99% abstinent. Exceptions would include perhaps some extra-special wedding, or similar. He HAS noticed my every night bottle of wine and it is taking it's toll. I was pretty sure I wanted to be abstinent prior to stumbling (literally!) on this site. Please tell of your successes. I am a 40-something mom of 3 and only drink in the evening. It doesn't "directly" interfere with my parenting but I'm aware that on some level, it must. I'm also fairly sure I just want to stop and experience life as an alcohol-free person, although a part of me grieves in advance of quitting, for all those dinners prepared with a bottle of wine at my side that I will miss.
Thank you for reading this!