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hi there friends....some advice needed..

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    hi there friends....some advice needed..

    I have ordered the book, but want to go out and get the supplements tomorrow morning. I have read a dizzying array of posts on the site about the supps, so I just want a clear and simple way to get started.
    As far as I can tell, (mind is fogged after reading hundreds of posts) the best way to start is with kudzu and l-glutamine. Am I right? What about baclofen? (SP?).
    And if I am right, what doses should I start with?

    I have severe anxiety (panic attacks) and depression. So should get some SAM-E also?
    I am just looing for some clear advice to get going tomorrow.

    And advice would be massively appreciated. I know many of you started out on this program, and have read the many sucess stories. I just need a "starter's kit" advice at this point.

    Many thanks to any of you kind enough to respond.

    hi there friends....some advice needed..

    Hi Cary,

    I have found that the most helpful supplements are the kudzu, L-glut, Nutritech's Allone, and GABA. Baclofen is a prescription med so I could speak to that one (although I think some people can get the baclofen on the internet without a prescription).



      hi there friends....some advice needed..


      Hi Carey,:welcome:
      I am no expert but I will tell you what's working for me. First do you take anything for your depression? can't take SAM-e with them accord to my doctor, on or the other.
      I take good multi-vit (I take one for with iron-that's me, I bruise easily), Milk thistle-hel's heal your liver, Amino acids, L-gut., and Melatonin if I can't sleep. Lots and Lots of water, and decafe drinks. I also take a low cal high protein drink(130 cal., 26 gram protein) . I feel great physically, 14 days tomorrow AF. Mentally is still a struggle.
      I don't know where you live but in US, Costco and Trader Joe's are great places to get the supps. at lesser cost and good quality. Good luck. There is no right or wrong way just try things and see how you feel. The books and site as and outline of how much etc.


        hi there friends....some advice needed..

        Hi carey,

        Welcome! Glad you found us! There's lots of support & encouragement to be found here.
        Sheri has spelled out the supplements for you.

        I did not use any of those because I had already started an herbal product I found on my own and wanted to stick with that. It was designed specifically to relieve anxiety, panic & depression.
        I do, have to agree that stopping drinking really does help with these problems. I'm a much happier, calmer & relaxed person these days. Please know that the Hypno CDs are very helpful as well.

        Please feel free to join us on the 'Newbies Nest' thread, we'd love to get to know you and support you.
        Wishing you the best!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          hi there friends....some advice needed..

          I used all the supps that Sheri mentions. I also use velarian to help sleep at night, which was a big issue for me and one of the reasons I drank.
          I started with panic attacks when I stopped drinking and was very anxious. Since I also suffer from depression and was off antidepressants at the time I quit drinking, my MD put me back on antidepressants which not only helped with the depression, but also with the anxiety and panic attacks.
          L-glut, kudzu and Gaba were great when I quit and the all-one helped replace all the vitamins that alcohol depleted from my system.

          My holistic counselor also recommended doing a candida cleanse and then to start probiotics. That also seemed to help with the cravings and I continue the probiotics now every other day.
          I've been completely AL free since May 1st and loving it. No more cravings and it gets easier day by day.



            hi there friends....some advice needed..

            So, winefree, the valerian did help with sleep? Getting to sleep, staying asleep, or both? I tried Melatonin, but it doesn't help me with sleep, though I've read it is great for getting the natural rhythms of the body restored, so I am continuing to take it for that.


              hi there friends....some advice needed..

              Maise, yes the velarian works to get me to sleep(I also listen to the hypno CD, which is like white noise). If I wake up in the night, I take another velarian. It doesn't make me groggy in the morning. Here and there I have a rough night, but more nights I'm doing fine and it's healthier and cheaper than AL!



                hi there friends....some advice needed..

                thanks so much for your responses.
                I have tried to find Kudzu and L-Glut all over Atlanta, and have come up empty.
                Guess I should order these prodcuts online.
                Does anyone know of a reasonably priced online pharmacy for these prodcuts.
                Thanks, and best to all of you.


                  hi there friends....some advice needed..

                  Welcome Carey

                  Kudzu is all over Atlanta in fact the south is infested with it. I posted a thread about it not to long ago in natural and homeopathic section. you can also google it.
                  Good luck the journey is well worth it.



                    hi there friends....some advice needed..

                    I have been having anxiety lately, my counselor told me I need to learn to "let it all go" and just do tthe best I can.....leave the rest up to a higher power, or whomever you believe in. Easier said than done I know but it has been helping me. Anytime I start to feel that way I take a deep breath and......let it go. He also said exercise, which I don't do but if I feel weird I get up and walk, even if its just around the house.

                    The supps are awesome just don't get overwhelmed. I tried so many so soon I found it hard to keep up and eventually gave up. Start slow and get one of those cases. Add on from there.

                    Good luck to you
                    :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.

