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ODAT - Saturday

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    ODAT - Saturday

    Morning all

    Another early start but this one's on purpose. Going on a breakfast ride in preparation for the start of the trail hunting season here. 8am ride for 2 hours with bacon butties half way round! The hounds are coming too! Got a dinner with friends back here tonight and another early ride tomorrow so hoping that will keep me moderate - I know how hard the payback is if I drink too much and have to get up early. But I also know a lot of other things about how crap al is and still let it take over my life sometimes. But I am getting focussed early and will keep repeating my intentions and reasons to myself during the day and hope my brain listens up.

    Now I must just go and check on the ice situation. Wouldn't do to run out!!! :H:H:H (You're going to have to explain to my why that is so funny Greeny! )

    Love to all to come.

    Bessie xx

    ODAT - Saturday


    Alrighty, my day is off to a good start! Walked out in my robe to retrieve my newspaper and I saw the neighbor is having another yard sale. (She's leaving husband soon) So I wander over and pick up a few things. I sit down in a chair and just hang out for a while chatting with the shoppers and people start handing ME the money! :H:H

    Had dinner with GFs last night - one had a birthday. Delish! But I must REEK of garlic.

    EO signed the financial declaration yesterday and there is a POSSIBILITY of getting into court Wednesday. That would be great.....

    Bessie, it's funny to me because we have ice like we have water. It's just always there. In fact if you ask for water in the resto and don't want ice, you have to specify.

    Hang tight to your goals!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      ODAT - Saturday

      Hey guys!

      I am up fairly early for me on a Saturday (8am) and am clear headed after an AF night last night with friends.

      Today BF is playing ball and daughter is with daddy so I have a day to myself. I am going to clean, do some laundry, maybe unpack a couple more things here - we'll see how industrious I get! But it is nice to start the day clear headed knowing that I'm actually going to accomplish things today, unlike those hungover days of the past.

      Hope everyone has a great Saturday!
      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


        ODAT - Saturday

        Hi Bessie, Greenie, Uni, et. al. Hope we all get done what we need to and have some comfort and companionship as well. Happy AF Saturday. Love, Ladybird.
        may we be well

