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Hi there, read the book.

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    Hi there, read the book.

    Hi all, have just read RJ's book. Have looked through the forums and it seems that Baclofen is the drug of choice rather than Topamax - is that correct? I'm very much struggling with my drinking, about to lose my marriage, my health, and my sanity. Gave up for one year, then drank for a couple more years, then gave up for seven months, then drank again, then recently managed only three weeks. My husband is totally fed up. My girls love me but our family life is in ruins.

    I would appreciate any advice.

    I bought the Kudzo a couple of years ago but haven't tried it - is it effective without the rest of the programme? I am now taking Naltrexone and Campral, as well as Valium, and an anti-depressant.

    Look forward to hearing from any of you.

    Hi there, read the book.

    I'm just starting out again too. I found in the beginning that the supplements helped me so much. I have not tried the topamax or any of the other pills because I am afraid of the side effects. For me there is no magic pill, but I know that others on this site have been truly helped by some of the medications.

    In the last year and a half I have gone from drinking 5 or 6 days a weeks to once a week. I have even had over 30 days AF. I have to plan, plan, plan. Keeping busy and being around people who don't drink is vital for me. Although I mostly drink at home. Boredom is a huge trigger, so is stress and being hungry and tired.

    Tonight I have to go to a wedding reception, but I have made up my mind I will not drink and my husband has been helpful in suggesting nonalcholic drinks for me. So, we'll see how I do. Mostly, I need support and have asked for it on this site for the first time. The Kudzu and other supplements may have been helpful, but mostly it is what is going on in my thinking patterns. Everyone is different and I would suggest trying different things to see what works for you.

    I feel for you when I hear about your family life. I shudder to think of what my kids, now grown, must have seen in the past. I know my son has questioned my drinking in the past and I feel so ashamed. And my poor husband, putting up with a drunken wife. He deserves so much better and that is one of my motivations. To be a better wife because he deserves to have a sober wife seven days a week.

    All we have is right now so I for one am going to make this day the best day that I can. Keep posting keep trying.


      Hi there, read the book.

      Thank you

      Thanks so much, Red. I really appreciate your reply. It's seems so unfair to be stuck with this problem, but I believe, after much skepticism, that it is a hereditary problem. I come from a long line of problem drinkers, and I so envy those who can just enjoy a glass or so of wine. I'm trying really hard but struggling. Please keep in touch.
      Yours, Laura


        Hi there, read the book.

        It is genetic. My father is a recovering alcoholic through AA and I guess my grandfather was also a problem drinker who quit. My daughter has had a DUI but is able to moderate. She was bad for a while when she was in college but in the last year she has moderated and lost 40 lbs, really getting her life together for the most part. She and I never speak of my is almost like it is taboo or something. Now that the kids are out on their own, I can hide my drinking from them. It is really shameful though. This life of lies and secrets.


          Hi there, read the book.

          Hi lozzyjane,

          I haven't used any of the medicines, just supplements Kudzu and L-glutamine, and a hypnosis CD that I already had. I feel certain the Kudzu and L-glutamine have helped whether one or both I don't know.

          Above all though it was letting go of the guilt and shame by realising that I wasn't the only one, and being part of the community here.

          :welcome: and best of luck to you.
          I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.


            Hi there, read the book.

            Hi lozzyjane,

            Welcome, you have come to a good place! There's lot of support & encouragement to be found here

            I have not used any meds, I did'nt even use any of the supplements here. I use an herbal product to relieve my anxiety/depression (works so much better than Rx antidepressants with no side effects). I did make my plan and used the Hypno CDs (still do). I am now 5 month AF now and very happy, calm & relaxed.

            You have had success being AF in the past, why do you start drinking again? What are your triggers? Perhaps you can find someone to talk to about this??

            Please feel free to join us on the 'Newbies Nest' thread, we would love to get to know you and support you.

            Wishing you the best!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Hi there, read the book.

              Hi Lozzy and Red,
              I'm another one that hasn't taken any meds apart from the 1st week when I had a home de-tox with diazapam.

              My Doc is very much in favour of the herbal remedy route instead handing out prescriptions.

              All I can say is stick close, read the posts and SHOUT if you need help.

              All the best for you both at the start of journey.

              Love Jackie xxx

              AF (alcohol free) since 7/7/2009
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Hi there, read the book.

                Hi Laura and welcome! So glad you found and joined us!

                I do have the supplements although I have barely used them.
                I mainly use this community and the hypno cd's to get me through.

                Listen... you have it in you, hon... you did a year without AL before. You CAN do this. As for your husband, does he know much about recovery from addiction? Do you 2 talk about your efforts, successes, relapses? Hopefully, he does realize that this is a process and not an overnight event, right?

                In any case... please do this for YOURSELF - with the support and awesome advice here, I know you can do it!

                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                Winning since October 24th, 2013

