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First time invitation!

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    First time invitation!

    Hello! I am BRAND new to MWO. I read the book and am ready to begin a cleansing process with all of the recommendations in the book except the Rx on Tuesday, September 1, 2009. Personally, I would like to see how I do with everything else before I do the pharmaceuticals, though I honor anyone else's choice to integrate those into their regimen (as I may certainly do so later if need be....I am certainly not opposed to it.) If anyone else is starting anew and would like someone to ride the surf with, I would love to have some support. I am a daily wine drinker. I don't drink bottles. I drink several glasses a day, which doesn't resonate with me as "normal" drinking. I am doing abstinence for several weeks at least. My goal is to be able to retrain my brain to sip an occasional quality glass of wine or two. That's it. I want to leave behind the buzz behavior of the past 35 years. Any partners in this journey would be greatly appreciated! I am a seeker who is integrating other things besides what the book outlines (the teachings of Abraham, Bruno Groening's Circle of Friends, etc.) I would LOVE to hear from any interested souls. Blessings! janet54love:new:

    First time invitation!

    Hello Janet54,

    Welcome to MWO!
    Lots of us here have never used the Rx meds, I didn't even use the recommended supplements. I have my own herbal products that I prefer.
    Take a look at the Toolbox thread in the Monthly Abstinence section for ideas in helping you to make you plan. Reading & posting frequently helps you stay focused quite a bit.
    Please feel free to join us on the 'Newbies Nest' thread. There are lots of folks there just beginning their journeys as well.

    Wishing you the best!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      First time invitation!

      Hi Janet and welcome,

      I too don't use the medicines, just Kudzu and L-glutamine, and a hypnosis CD which I already had during the first couple of weeks.

      These things must have helped because I have 37 AF days behind me. The CD was especially helpful in the beginning because it is something to do at the time I might usually have opened a bottle of wine.

      I am familiar with the Abraham teachings and I am sure you can apply them to this new adventure.

      Wishing you success.

      I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.


        First time invitation!

        Hi Janet,

        I would like to join you on that journey, I am also new to MWO only finding it yesterday, but as I sit here with another hangover I just want to find out what else life has to offer.......


          First time invitation!


          Hi Janet and Sonny,

          I'm another one that doesn't use the recommended supps, I prefer to go down my own herbal route.

          Lots of new people here so try the Newbies Nest.

          Keep reading,keep posting. You'll soon see familiar names popping up.

          SHOUT if you need help.

          Look forward to getting to know you both better.

          All the luck in the world to you both.

          Love Jackie xxx

          AF (alcohol free) since 7/7/2009
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            First time invitation!

            Dear Sonny, Jackie, Lavande and Gold!
            WOW! What a delight to log in this a.m. and see your replies.
            Thank you! I am glad to know that the RX has been an option some of you chose to opt out on. That is encouraging. Today is the last day of August and my "total transformation" starts tomorrow! I have not yet received my hypnosis cd's and I sure hope they come today. I feel confident in my endeavor. I am newly retired (55 years young) and I want eventual moderation to be a part of my life. It is a good time to begin anew, especially since the stress of teaching special education is no longer central to my life......NO MORE EXCUSES! The time is right for me to create my new reality. I look forward to your input, thoughts, and friendship!



              First time invitation!

              Hi Janet and Sonny,

              I joined yesterday, too! And I would love to support and be supported by you. I am 56 yr old wife and mom (empty nester) with a mother who lived with us for 3 years but moved into a nursing home in April. My parents were alcoholics (Mom still asks for vodka in the nursing home) and her parents were alcoholics. 10 years ago I quit for 15 months after a shameful episode. The past Saturday I got abusively angry with my husband in front of friends. A definite wake up call. Downloaded the book yesterday, ordered the hypnosis cds, did order the Topomax and left a message for a couselor. I am dealing with depression (hostility) - the balance in my life just isn't there. I have my own business and people think I've got my act together really well. Well, maybe not now after Sat night. I really need to change! This program is giving me help!


                First time invitation!

                Hi, i hope your day is going ok, I'm still AF but feeling a little anxious.....


                  First time invitation!

                  Welcome Janet, Sonny, Amcal!

                  I'm also 54 year old female, a daily (and not moderate) drinker for 36 years. I'm now 22 days AF. I have been doing kudzu and L- Glutamine, which I am having success with. I would rather try supplements first, but would try prescription drugs if necessary. That as well as really clean up your diet, as that can effect your mood, and when you feel bad, you're more inclined to drink.

                  There's loads of information on this site, as well as support - I come here and just read sometimes if I need a little encouragement.

                  Hang in there those first few days - they may not be easy, but you will be so glad you did. I feel better, I look way better when I wake up, and I am just so happy and grateful to feel like I am alive again.

                  Best of luck to all of you, hang in there, you will not be disappointed.

                  Bless you and much love!
                  ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

                  AUGUST 9, 2009


                    First time invitation!

                    Good thread Janet. I also found this site recently and joined a week ago Sunday.Same age group, similar issues. Empty nest, stressful job, ailing parents. I lasted until the night of day 3, then caved pretty much for the rest of the week. I embarassed myself again on bender yesterday. Was OK for work today, but started feeling anxious by the flashes, flushing, etc. I need to post more frequently. I'm taking the Kudzu and L-glutamine (uh, forgot to take the latter today). I'm considering the Topamax, but don't want to go through my health care practioner to get it...cuz I work with many of them! Will once again throw in the towel and hang out with u guys! Thanks again for starting this thread.


                      First time invitation!

                      :thanks: Thank you for your support - I will need it! We sound fairly similar - I am just 2 years older than you, but have been problem drinking for 25 years. So, this is Day 1!
                      dancelot;705900 wrote: Welcome Janet, Sonny, Amcal!

                      I'm also 54 year old female, a daily (and not moderate) drinker for 36 years. I'm now 22 days AF. I have been doing kudzu and L- Glutamine, which I am having success with. I would rather try supplements first, but would try prescription drugs if necessary. That as well as really clean up your diet, as that can effect your mood, and when you feel bad, you're more inclined to drink.

                      There's loads of information on this site, as well as support - I come here and just read sometimes if I need a little encouragement.

                      Hang in there those first few days - they may not be easy, but you will be so glad you did. I feel better, I look way better when I wake up, and I am just so happy and grateful to feel like I am alive again.

                      Best of luck to all of you, hang in there, you will not be disappointed.

                      Bless you and much love!


                        First time invitation!

                        janet54love;705329 wrote: Hello! I am BRAND new to MWO. I read the book and am ready to begin a cleansing process with all of the recommendations in the book except the Rx on Tuesday, September 1, 2009. Personally, I would like to see how I do with everything else before I do the pharmaceuticals, though I honor anyone else's choice to integrate those into their regimen (as I may certainly do so later if need be....I am certainly not opposed to it.) If anyone else is starting anew and would like someone to ride the surf with, I would love to have some support. I am a daily wine drinker. I don't drink bottles. I drink several glasses a day, which doesn't resonate with me as "normal" drinking. I am doing abstinence for several weeks at least. My goal is to be able to retrain my brain to sip an occasional quality glass of wine or two. That's it. I want to leave behind the buzz behavior of the past 35 years. Any partners in this journey would be greatly appreciated! I am a seeker who is integrating other things besides what the book outlines (the teachings of Abraham, Bruno Groening's Circle of Friends, etc.) I would LOVE to hear from any interested souls. Blessings! janet54love:new:
                        I will join with you. Ready to go tomorrow as well! This was sort of a half-day first day start. I have the meds - so I will be happy to let you know how that's going. Since noon, I haven't had a single craving, and I was working a margarita machine at a golf outing! I am 56 yrs old, a mom with 2 college kids and have been a problem drinker for 25 years. Would like to be able to enjoy a glass of wine by choice someday. And, I like your spiritual leanings !


                          First time invitation!

                          I'm another one that is going the route without the meds. I have found Kudzu very helpful and supplmenting with vitamins for good measure. I'm on Day 12, and so far so good. Logging on to this site after work has kept me out of the wine bottle. It's nice to see so many new names.


                            First time invitation!

                            Hi Janet, Maisie, Amcalex(uh...sp?) and everyone else!!
                            Glad we're all here as well! I'm off for (hopefully) a good sound night's sleep.The Kudzu hasn't kicked in yet, but I bought a different brand than the one that's coming in the mail from this site. I'm looking forward to not embarassing myself by being an ole' lady drunk! I'm 54 as well....Wow. Running a marguerita machine and no cravings...that's amazing!!!


                              First time invitation!

                              Good morning new and dear friends,
                              Even as we are all on our separate paths, I feel we are indeed blessed to be able to share it with one another. I have always felt there are many paths to the mountaintop, and that whatever we can do to help one another along the way is part of what our purpose is here on our lovely planet.....
                              That being said, I am feeling really strong, and knowing you are with me on this trek is part of my strength. I am on all of the supplements (except the GABA and amino complex), and especially like the ALL ONE powder which I toss in the blender in the a.m. with water, a little raw honey, L-glutamine, chunk of fresh ginger, and frozen fruit. WOW. What a tasty way to start a new day. (My husband even drinks it with me!) I am still awaiting my cd's and am a little disappointed at how long it takes for shipping through this site. I would also like to share that I buy all my supplements at The ALL ONE powder is around half the cost. If you take the time to compare ingredients to those on this site, you can save money. They also have your order to you in a couple days. It's not as quick as ordering new shoes from Zappo's that you get the next day BUT it doesn't take a week as it did with my kudzu order, and now my cd order......

                              I can surely understand not going through a health care practitioner. I am not being "supervised" by a medical person and I DO have the RX if I decide I need that later. I figure I have been supervising my drinking so I can supervise my lifestyle change just fine on my own. IF I take the RX, I may consult with my PhD nurse practitioner. Thank heavens we have the right to maintain whatever level of confidentiality we choose as we proceed. Once a medical person is involved, there is a certain level of confidentiality that you relinquish which I believe becomes a part of your medical record and insurance information. Personally, I choose not to share at this point. I am sure I would welcome the assistance of the medical community if I were in crisis. I am not. I am choosing a positive lifestyle change, and for me (as a former overachiever with three degrees) I just don't buy the "powerless" ethos of the twelve step path. I AM the creator of my own reality. Yes indeed, there is a higher power I am in contact with many times a day, but I AM NOT POWERLESS. With the help of all of you and this program, I am simply choosing NOT to give my power away to a chilled bottle of Kendall-Jackson Reserve Chardonnay. The pay off is how I feel and look....the glow of my skin, the joy in my heart, the love of my life.
                              We CAN do this together.
                              Blessings to all on this first day of September!

