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Needing support

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    Needing support

    :welcome: rnr

    Lots of support already... hope you're feeling a little better by now. Stick close by and jump into any thread that speaks to you.

    :l You've take a wonderful first step.. it'll get better from hereon out.. you'll see.
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      Needing support

      Welcome RNR!

      This place is a lifesaver. I could not have gotten to 22 AF days without it, and that sounded impossible when I found it. Come back every day, whenever you need to. Your life will be so much better.

      Bless you and much love to you!
      ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

      AUGUST 9, 2009


        Needing support

        Greetings RNR

        I have been around this place a few years now and can assure you that you will find lots of great friendship and support if you stick with us. I hope you have downloaded RJ's book by now and start reading it. Try the supplements, especially the kudzu and the L-glutamine.

        As a note of inspiration, I and many others around here have been sober for years here - only by being here and staying here. It can and does work.

        Crying is necessary and is a great cleanser. But it is time to put down your tears and start the next part of your life. It won't be so easy, but we will be there with you.

        Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


          Needing support

          Yep--what they said in spades!
          All the best and keep talking..we all love to listen and chat!


            Needing support



              Needing support

              rnr29s, You are not alone here.You have made a great start by posting on MWO.We have all been where you are. I am still struggling, but I wont give up on beating this beast.Stay close and keep posting there are some truly special people on this site.:welcome: i


                Needing support

                Realizing your drinking is out of control is scary and it is o.k. to is also o.k. to look for solutions and the MWO site and plan has helped many people. Today is a new day and the start of a new you. Reading the book was helpful to me because RJ was such a normal person with such an alcohol problem. Just like me and everyone on this site. I am still trying for AF but always come to this site for hope and inspiration. Their is a community here for support. Look forward to reading your progress.

