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Starting over

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    Starting over

    Hi, I have been lurking here on and off for months. I was a member 2 years ago and had quite a bit of success I had alot of alcohol free days under my belt and felt great. However, 2 years ago, I abandoned my way out and threw everything out the window. Since then, I have drank secretly to excess just about every day.

    2 years ago we started the process of moving to another state. I immediately bought a new house thinking I could sell our old house for at least the tax valuation and everything would be great. Well, if any of you got caught up in the housing nightmare, you probably know how the story goes. I couldn't sell my old house, even for substantially lower than the tax valuation and, I way overpaid for our new house. So, we have mortgages, maintenance, taxes, etc for 2 houses. In addition, I had to deal with leaving my friends and making new ones and settling my kids in a new location and worrying about their issues. I( by the way, one of my sons is autistic). I used all of the above as an excuse to drink.

    I gained weight, look much older, dissapointed my husband and kids. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.

    I consider today, day number one for me (even though I've tried this in the past). I look forward to coming here everyday and getting, and hopefully offering support and encouragement. :thanks:

    Starting over

    Hi work in progress and welcome, that's a good choice of name, we are all a work in progress after all.

    It's good you've come back and you know from experience that you can achieve AF days, so that's a great start.

    Sounds as though you've had a really challenging time at many levels whilst it's not an excuse to drink it is perfectly understandable you had an awful lot of pressure to deal with.

    "I gained weight, look much older, dissapointed my husband and kids. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired." That's a good motivation and you can lose the weight and look a whole lot younger.

    The 1st of September is a great day for day 1, so easy to keep track as the days mount up

    I guess you know your way around the site but if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.

    Good luck to you and :welcome: back.
    I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.


      Starting over

      :l wip

      I'm glad you decided to return to MWO.
      It sounds as if you have had a very rough time all around. I hope things will look up for you now. I know all about financially dismal situations - I think most of us do, by now.

      Please use the resources and members here to help you get back on the straight and narrow - PM me if you are struggling... I'll be more than happy to help in whichever way I can.

      Have a wonderful day one!
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        Starting over

        What a great moniker - work in progress! That is so fitting with our journey here.

        You have had a lot of stress in your life! My drinking really got out of control when we moved too. I had lived in Denver, CO for 13 years and we moved back to my hometown in South Dakota to raise our kids in a smaller community and near grandparents. I did not anticipate how hard it would be to move away from my very dear friends and really start over here with no friends, but family around. It was very depressing and lonely, and well...AL SEEMED to make it more bearable. But, for you, to have the financial stress of two homes....well, my heart goes out to you!

        Like you, I gained alot of weight and which made me even more depressed and I got into a horrible cycle. I stumbled upon MWO and it has been a lifesaver for me.

        I still am in my first month of being here, and while I have yet to make it more than 12 days AF, I have been sober for all but 2 of those days and I can't tell you how great it has made me feel to be mostly AF. I still want to make it 30 days, but at least I have learned that I can get through life without being drunk.

        PM me if you ever want to talk. Glad you are back here!


          Starting over

          Hi wip, I remember you. I'm doing my second round in rehab. It's going pretty well. I do slip here and there. When I don't drink, I feel good, look good, and can really think my problems out. I'm glad you can back! xxxxxx


            Starting over

            Welcome back! You have had some serious challenges in your life recently, so jump back in.
            Enlightened by MWO


              Starting over

              Welcome back WIP! I was probably here two years ago when you were and am starting over yet again. Thanks for the 'context' work in progress. I've been having to remind myself of that lately..I am making progress. It seems to be a little slower than it was a few years ago..kind of like it takes a bit longer to lose weight for me these days (I have those issues too..looking a little older and heavier)..but I know it's not impossible, and it is very encouraging to witness other's success on a daily basis.
              Welcome back!
              It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt


                Starting over

                Welcome back WIP. Sorry for all your problems, a drink will not improve them, stay sober and you will make progress.
                Best of luck.


                  Starting over

                  Thanks everyone

                  Thank you so much for the kind words from everyone. I'm so glad I jumped back in again. Although I feel like I'm not at a point to dispense advice yet, I will try to provide encouraging words and just "listen"



                    Starting over

                    Hi WIP I remember you from last time round, you were always really encouraging and inspiring. Good to have you back - and well done on day 1. I was wondering where you were.
                    one day at a time


                      Starting over

                      Hi WIP, has it really been 2yrs??
                      Welcome back.



                        Starting over

                        Hi work in progress - welcome back! Stick with us - it can get better. Look forward to seeing you on the boards.

                        I just want to say that if you get some odd posts or questions - we had another member here called 'A Work In Progress', also known as Wip. There could be some confusion.


                          Starting over

                          Welcome back Wip. It seems like yesterday!
                          Best wishes.........

                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            Starting over

                            Welcome back WIP nice to see you here.
                            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                              Starting over

                              A little confusion

                              I am not the same Work in Progress that you are thinking of. I used another name before. I wanted to start completely from scratch (new computer address, new home, new life) So, I picked Work in Progress. Now I very vaguely recall someone with that name... but it didn't occur to me until the responses recognizing the name. Oh well, great minds think alike.

                              Hopefully I can live up to my name. I hope it's not a problem to continue using it. I really feel like that's what I am.

                              Take care everyone. Day one went quite well for me. I had a pretty big craving at about 5pm, but didn't give in and the rest of the evening was fine. It was a great feeling waking up and realizing "I did not drink yesterday". Plan not to today. Take care everyone

