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September to Remember-Week 1

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    September to Remember-Week 1

    Hi Dill, lovely to see you but so sorry that things aren't getting any better for you. My thoughts are with you and hope you have some good news soon.
    Lav you are right, I am here and looking to stay around.
    Hope everyone's saturday has gone ok. Cold and windy here - whats new?
    Back later


      September to Remember-Week 1

      well I seem to have this thread all to myself. Hope everyone's had a good day. Nite nite and see you all tomorrow


        September to Remember-Week 1

        Welcome to the Sooty September to Remember thread! Solo performance going on here.
        WHERE ARE YOU ALL - come back all is forgiven!!!
        Have a good Sunday folks, I'm not really sulking. Hope you're all busy being happy


          September to Remember-Week 1

          Hey Sooty,

          You're not alone. Had to do all my Sunday paper crosswords. Whatever did we do before Google.

          Freezing cold in the NE and raining.

          Is there heating on the bus or do I have to bring a hot water bottle.

          Love Jackie xxx

          AF since 7/7/2009
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            September to Remember-Week 1

            hi Jackie, of course there is heating on the bus, this is a deluxe, top of the range vehicle this is. All creature comforts catered for! Glad you're coming with us.
            Cold here too and threatening to rain soon I think - oh well that'll make a change!!
            Have a good day
            Sooty x


              September to Remember-Week 1

              Good morning September friends,

              Sooty, JackieClaire, sorry to hear about your weather conditions - I won't talk about mine
              The bus will move ahead no matter what - right? I wonder if we can fit a nice woodstove in the bus. I have lots of firewood handy

              Pnut, Dill, how are you today? Thinking about both of you!
              Bets, Day 6 for you now? Fantastic!

              I have no special plans today, just going to let the day happen, see what develops

              Wishing everyone a great AF day, be kind to yourselves!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                September to Remember-Week 1

                1st of september was my day 1 so its my first month and only a few days in. Feeling awake and alive for first time in months. So I'm in.
                I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


                  September to Remember-Week 1

                  Hi, just jumping in and out again. Welcome Raven Joy!

                  I'm doing fine, a little resentful about being AF, but still determined!

                  Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                    September to Remember-Week 1

                    Hey Betty, don't be resentful about being AF. You are one of the lucky ones who has been given the opportunity to live without filling yourself full of poison!
                    What a blessing!
                    Got to go out now, see you all later


                      September to Remember-Week 1

                      Hi everyone - I kind of fell off the bus.
                      Drinking wine does not actually relieve sorrow.
                      Hi Sooty - "filling yourself with poison" - I like that, it is sooooo true. I am hurting all over.
                      It is a long weekend here, BF is out helping a friend move and I am kinda lonely, so have decided to go to the pool and work some of this poison out of my body. Then maybe a walk with my dog. I do hope it works.
                      Hi Bets and Lavande and Dill and Sunny everyone else out there - I do hope you are all having a lovely, relaxing sunday!
                      xoxo peanut


                        September to Remember-Week 1

                        Hi Peanut, sorry you're hurting - hope you feel better by the time you read this. Get back on the bus my friend, we've got a long way to go and need everyone on board.
                        Have you got a favourite song we can play - doesn't have to be the Beatles (or Elvis)
                        Hope to see you again tomorrow
                        love sooty


                          September to Remember-Week 1

                          Hi Sooty, Pnut, Lav, Sweaty, Jackie, Raven, Lilmea and everyone else! Wish I had something interesting to say, but I'm afraid "Hi" is all I can muster. I am having a quiet AF evening after a long day.

                          I hope you all have a great evening/day whatever the time zone may be!

                          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                            September to Remember-Week 1

                            As you said Peanut, "Drinking wine does not actually relieve sorrow." So true. For me, I drank to relieve sorrow, but ironically, the wine really ended up intensifying the sorrow and then creating yet another problem to deal with.


                              September to Remember-Week 1

                              okay... i'm on board too.


                                September to Remember-Week 1

                                Good evening September friends,

                                Just thought I'd do a quick head count!!

                                Sooty, I think we need to fill a few more seats in your bus. We'll have to go recruiting tomorrow, ha ha.

                      , Bets, Pnut, Dill, Maisie, 1967 - glad you all are here for the ride. If we help each other out a bit, it could be a pretty smooth ride
                                Bets, we're going to try real hard this month to remove all resentment - it kind of bit some of us in the butt last month...........
                                Practicing Gratitude every day is very helpful. Here's what helps me:

                                Wishing everyone a safe night.
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

