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What sort of fool am I

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    What sort of fool am I

    Theres no fool like an old fool.........................Here I am drunk again.........This morning my plan was to stop...DRINKING....STOP SMOKING......GO ON THE CAMBRIDGE DIET
    Its all to much..drink to much..smoke to to much.
    So here I am Drunk Smoking & eating.
    I gave up drinking 22 years ago, but somewhere between then & now I started again.
    Im 55 years old & time is running out for me.
    Please Help Me:upset:

    What sort of fool am I

    Hey Whoosh,,that sure does sound overwhelming! Can you try to do one thing at a time? Maybe stop drinking first, get that under control...then work on the smoking,,,,then the diet? You would need super human strength to do it all at once! Baby steps my friend....
    Every day is not 100%, however, it is 100% better than my best day of drinking..


      What sort of fool am I

      Thanks Tassimo
      I Know what I should do.
      But HEY! Im a drunk


        What sort of fool am I

        Hey - one thing at a time, ok? You can stop drinking now, or start fresh tomorrow. But don't overwhelm yourself with too many goals to achieve at once - I do that all the time at work and it only leads to failure (afterall, we are only human and can only accomplish so much in a day!)
        Have you got anything to help with AL cravings? Get all of it out of your house - that way, at least you would have to put out an effort to get some more????
        xoxo peanut


          What sort of fool am I

          :welcome:, Whoosh!

          I agree with tassimo and Pnut! You need to take it one thing at a time! You are definitely not alone, though. This is a difficult battle, but it CAN be won. Make a plan. Like Pnut says, have all alc out of the house. It's the only thing that works for me.

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            What sort of fool am I

            Hey Woosh, you are being very hard on yourself, take it easy take one step at a time. Try and stop AL first and see the weight falling off then later try the ciggys. You are not super human you know, just an ordinary human being and you never know you could find success!


              What sort of fool am I

              Getting all alcahol out of the house is not a problem.
              All day Im OK. Then as if some sort of demond overcomes me, just before I finish work, that little demond in my head starts. Just one drink! Start tomorrow etc etc etc
              HOW DO I STOP IT!


                What sort of fool am I

                You have the disorder from helll.

                I understand.

                You are more than this.

                " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


                  What sort of fool am I

                  Hi Whoosh,

                  I quit smoking a long time ago so I don’t have that dragon to slay. I am fat and eat too much (kind of working on it) and I did drink WAAAAY too much (three weeks AF at the moment).

                  How do you stop it? I don’t know… I’m not you. I can tell you how I am stopping it. I make choices every minute of every day. I choose between the booze and my children. I choose between the booze and my wife. I choose between the booze and my job. I choose between the booze and my friends. I choose between the booze and my clients. I choose between the booze and the people who count on me. I choose between the booze and my books. I choose between the booze and art. I choose between the booze and sports. I choose between the booze and music. I choose between the booze and death.



                    What sort of fool am I

                    I feel for you. Lets get a couple of handcuffs, lock us up for a few and see if we survive. Sorry to hear you are going though too.
                    Give a man a beer, he'll waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, he'll waste a lifetime.


                      What sort of fool am I

                      Woosh & Colbe..can't remember whose post I read this on, but the advise seems to help...
                      basically when that demon surfaces tell yourself, "right, have a diet coke (or other) first, then if you still need AL you can have one later", then after that, see if you can put it off again..."right, just go and have my shower and will see if I want one then"..then "right, a cup of tea/coffee/juice etc and after that I'll see if I want one then", keep just stalling that demon, play for time...then you might just find that you go to bed without one...or atleast the demon hasn't one hands down and you feel like you've put up a dang good fight...something to be proud of! It's a start..worked for me the other day when the demon jumped on my shoulder at witching hour!!(Knock-off time sux!)
                      Good luck, hope this helps some (and thanks to the person who originally posted the concept..sorry I forgot who urgh)


                        What sort of fool am I

                        Woosh, you said that at the end of your work day that urge comes at you real hard. I realized the same problem myself and realized that hunger from not eating since lunch was making the cravings WAY worse. It's a low blood sugar thing, which makes you crave alcohol even more. Eat an afternoon snack. Hell, a big snack if that's what it takes. It worked for me. After I get a full stomach the cravings are much weaker. It's part of the "HALT" thing, "H" is for Hunger.

                        Try it, it just might help.
                        "Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must, just never stop moving forward!"


                          What sort of fool am I

                          Trailrunner - It took me a Long time to realize that very often, my "cravings" were really for food! (So, I'm sloooowww!! :H)

                          I also realized I could get a buzz quicker on an empty stomach...! I think I realized that one first! (omg)

                          How could you figure out one without acknowledging the other? I guess the "buzz-lover" in us has a way of understanding/believing only things that Promote the buzz.

                          OH dear.

                          Speaking for myself, the key to not drinking is to not buy any! If I have it, I drink it. Pretty simple!!
                          Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                            What sort of fool am I

                            Hi, that reminds me of "HALT" (think it's an AA term) - be careful when you get Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired. I have been told that our cravings for AL are often when we are just hungry, or thirsty. When I was good, I found that if I was having a craving, which at the time I thought was for AL, if I had a snack I overcame the craving.
                            Now I just think stuff it - I want a drink! It's ruining everything!


                              What sort of fool am I

                              Thanks LJ,

                              I've been trying to remember for days what HALT stands for.

                              I think it's an A.A. term too.

                              Love Jackie xxx
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009

