For years I have come to this site and lurked around. I have read the book, taken the suppliments, walked the walk. But here I still am. And now I'm so tired of not being able to manage. Rarely do I have a night that I don't drink and full bottle of wine, or at least most of it. Why do I do this? Why can't I stop? I don't like the feel in the morning. I have no desire to do anything but crawl back into bed after taking the kids to school. I am trying to change my life around and have made huge strides and most areas, but this one. I don't know if I want to stop completely, or just drink moderately. Probably moderately. I don't even know if I am considered and alcoholic. Not sure if I want to know, really. Is this a place I can come to every day for encouragement? I don't want to go to AA, but I sure could use a buddy to talk to near about the 6:00 pm hour. How do others handle this?
