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Tentative Hello

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    Tentative Hello

    Hi, don't know where to start. I can only manage a day, two days at most. On a good day it is only about 3/4 a bottle of wine and sometimes on a not so good day a bottle and a half. If I am out of a night I can down a bottle of wine and 3-4 cocktails. There is rarely a day I haven't drank for about as long as I can remember. My husband is a constant drinker and NEVER goes a night without something. We are probably downing the same amount of units tho his poison is beer (and wine when beer is finished).

    I am tired and fed up of this lifestyle, not to mention I have discomfort around my liver area. Strangely enough I have had this for many years tho' but it never gets worse and I have few external signs of a high alcohol intake i.e my eyes and skin are a good, clear colour.

    I will need to find the tools section. Luckily I already know about L-Glutamine from a cell repair point of view so will need to learn about the other things.

    There is a bottle of wine in the fridge that is screaming my name....trying to ignore it. I could tip it down the sink but there is a part of me that doesn't want to totally stop. I enjoy a drink and it doesn't affect my work but I know the units I am having in a week are way over healthy guidelines and it is only a matter of time before my liver gives up the ghost.

    Soz for the long winded first message. :thanks:

    Tentative Hello

    Hi Rebecca and welcome! Have you read the book? That would be a great start towards understanding and making a plan. Here's the link to the toolbox thread.

    I completely understand about the part that doesn't want to totally stop. That is your worst enemy and it wants to bring you to your knees. Don't listen to it. Trust me, that bottle of wine won't scream you name from the drain and then you won't have to deal with it.

    There is all kinds of information for you here and plenty of support! Congratulations on your desire to get on with life!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      Tentative Hello

      Hi Rebecca and Welcome!

      You have made a great first step by coming here and posting. I encourage you to read as much as you can and post questionas they occur to you in your reading. And Greenie is on the right track, just pour the wine can't call out from the drain!

      Good luck to you.


        Tentative Hello


        Hi Rebecca,

        I was 'sick and tired of being sick and tired'

        Good safe place you've found, with wise kind people.

        Stick close,read a lot, SHOUT if you're struggling.

        Wishing you all the luck in the world.

        Love Jackie xxx

        PS Throw it away.

        AF since 7/7/2009
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Tentative Hello

          Welcome Rebecca,

          I was like you wine every night for 13 years, Could not imagine ending the day without it.
          Hubby too. One day I had just had my last headache. That was almost 3 month ago. I just quit. I found this site and started posting. I really do feel like I'm over it. Last week someone poured me a glass and I didn't even want it I feel like a new woman. I still can't believe it.
          After about a month hubby quit too. I didn't say anything to him about it. I just minded my own self and did what I had too. Now I don't have to fight with myself about drinking anymore. I can check it off my worry list.
          13 years day in and day out. Why? What did I get out of it?
          You can do this. you CAN quit.
          We are all with you!



            Tentative Hello

            Hi folks and thanks for the welcome.

            I gave in to the wine last night and am not long out of bed, today is a day off work and half of it is already gone.

            Really pee'd off at myself but had a long talk with husband this morning. He doesn't feel it is a problem for him (denial, I don't know) and he can "take it or leave it" unfortunaetly I cant and once a bottle is open it has to be finished. His answer is just buy a half bottlw instead i.e damage limitation.:sigh:

            I don't know that would work for me. I need to get the medication but have spoke to my doctor once before and was poo pooed by him (think he drinks himself) that I wasn't too bad!!

            Can you order the medication from an on-line pharmacy and if so who as i don't want to order from some quack organisation and be taking some starch pill.



              Tentative Hello

              Hi Rebecca and welcome. Sorry I cant answer your question on meds as I dont take them, you might post a question in the meds section. I do however take supps and they can be gotten from any health shop. I dont wish to speak out of turn in realation to your husband but as someone who drank daily for years, for me it was a serious problem.
              Well done on deciding to do something about your drinking, while you cant see many signs of what AL is doing to you, drinking at this level, it is a progressive illness and our health will deteriorate if left unchecked.

              Today is a new day, may I suggest that you dont finish the rest of that bottle. Instead read the threads and download the book. It may just change your life for the better. Stick close, there is tremendous support and non judgemental help and advice here from people who have been down the same path and totally understand.
              Keep safe

              I dont know if you found a toolbox thread, here is a link
              Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                Tentative Hello

                Hi Rebecca,

                Welcome, this is a great place!

                I have to tell you that having no wine in the house was essential for me! I actually did pour the last of it down the drain in a ceremonial way! I wanted to remember that moment as the start of a new beginning for myself. A while back someone on the threads mentioned that she broke all of her wine glasses in a ceremony to help her get her new life started

                I say do whatever it takes to reach your goal. I did not use any medications but I did rely heavily on the Hypno CDs. I think they played a very important part in helping me to change my thinking about drinking. When drinking thoughts would enter my head, I learned to distract myself, take deep breaths, just go do something different............. There are lots of good ideas in the Toolbox, you just need to see what works for you.

                Wishing you strength & good luck as you begin your journey!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Tentative Hello

                  Thanks, really needed these messages, hubby in denial but have to do for myslef and leave him be.

                  Thanks again:h

