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ODAT - Monday

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    ODAT - Monday

    Morning all

    Jeez I am pants at this AF thing. BUT NOT TODAY! Today I will be brilliant at being AF.

    Bessie xxx

    ODAT - Monday

    Hi Odaters

    Today is it! Kids back at school and now it's time to get my routine sorted out too. Lots of ironing and housework await, oh what an exciting life I live! :H:H:H Seriously though, I have arranged to go to a keep fit class tomorrow new body awaits!

    No more booze for me ODAT!
    If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


      ODAT - Monday

      Hi Ladies!! (and any gents to come later on)

      Yes I love September. Like you BlueSky glad to have my house back to myself although lots to do in it - as always.

      Excitedly waiting to hear if a friend's Sussex Spaniel is in pup as we have our name on one if she is!!! She's due at the end of Sept/early Oct but has had phantom pregnancies in the past so need to keep it calm.

      Starting running again tomorrow so must be AF today, hubbie away until Thursday evening so no pressure to share bottle of wine until then - no excuses.

      Luv to all


        ODAT - Monday


        Morning bessie, blue, mm and all to come!

        I am Queen of the Tundra!! I limbed some more trees yesterday. I also planted some pretty new fall flowers. I'm on the hurry up plan as the days will quickly become short on daylight hours. Well besides that, big work is really cathartic. Especially with the chainsaw. Today I'm going to make some soup and a casserole in the AM because the last few days I've been too tired to cook at the end of the day. That's not working for me.

        I hope I don't have to work today as it's a holiday. EO can't figure out what he wants of me since he lives at the hole. Sometimes he runs me off if I'm there and sometimes he complains that I'm not there enough. I nailed him on it yesterday and left his complaints in his lap. Arse.

        Have a great AF day!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          ODAT - Monday

          Morning Bessie, bluesky, mm and greenie,

          Spent yesterday at the Renaissance Fesitval and it was a blast. Though i am sore today from walking around for 4 hours in flip flops.

          I will remain alcohol free today! and i look forward to tomorrow's vacation day to extend my weekend even longer.
          AF/SF - November 23, 2014


            ODAT - Monday

            Hi guys,

            I have had a nice weekend with my daughter. We did literally everything together, swimming, mini-golfing, sports, park. It was nice.

            Now back to reality. I am committed to being AF - enough of this crap! So today will be a strong and happy AF day for me. Tomorrow school begins here again and we are back to the regular routine. Today is the last day of our long weekend, we are headed home from the cottage in about an hour and then we have a quiet relaxing afternoon until bed and back to school! I love September - love the return to normalcy.

            Hope everyone has a happy and healthy day, whatever your plans are!
            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

