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    New person

    Hello. I have no clue what to type. I do know that I am so tired of telling myself I am not going to drink anymore and then polishing off an 18-pack and then telling myself the same thing the next day. The world thinks all is well and would be shocked but keeping this up is just too much for me. I have everything I need except I can't get the meds - military. I used to be just a weekend drinker; not I'm just a drinker.
    :flower: Poochpal

    New person

    :welcome: Pooch.........This is where we all started.......Read and post and get the book and supps.....I don't do the topa either.
    Try to cut down and drink more water. It will clear the toxins out of your body.

    My son is a marine and he "believes" in water! They taught him well!

    You will find support and friendship here.

    "Be still and know that I am God"

    Psalm 46:10


      New person

      Kate and Nancy,

      Thank you so much for taking a moment. I can't take the roller coaster and feeling bad and all that goes with it. More water it is then. Do you listen to the CDs exactly as the insstructions tell you or do you find you don't need it as much?

      :flower: Poochpal


        New person

        I mostly listen to the clearing and hynotic cds. I really like the clearing part two. I do listen to the sleep one some.
        They are worth every cent.
        "Be still and know that I am God"

        Psalm 46:10


          New person

          Hello and welcome, poochpal. I, too, am dealing with military drs. that won't prescribe the topa, so I've decided to try the program with just the supps and the meds, see if that works. From what I've read here, it appears that there are several folks that are doing the program w/out the topa, and having sucess.
          Good luck to you!!


            New person

            I have read so much on here that tells me that it can be done with the supps and CDs that I feel confident enough I can still achieve abstinence.
            Thanks Gypsi.
            :flower: Poochpal


              New person

              :welcome: welcome to mwo. keep looking around there is lots and lots of help here!


                New person


                I just started trying to gte a hold on my drinking. I have drank heavy on and off for about 25 years. Its hard for me to understand why I do it. Every morning I wake and tell myself ...not're not drinking today mister...but after work for soem reason I do. I am trying to just quit during the week for now. I truly can't imagine being totally AF. I hope to do so, but for now its an unrealistic pipe dream. Just keep plugging along.



                  New person

                  Well I have actually made it two days. I really like the CDs. Finding the time to fit them all in is not easy but I'll figure something out. Thank you everyone.
                  :flower: Poochpal


                    New person

                    back on the wagon

                    For the love of all that is holy...I went to the doc today and FINALLY confessed my biggest secret to someone who could write it in a file. I actually think he got it...he prescribed an anti depressent and talked about a medicine for alcohol relief (started with C) and referred me to a therapist. So lame because I am a professional person. I totally cried in the office because I told him that I was finally coming clean. It was so hard. I told my best friend, too, to whom it was not a surprise. She just wanted me to face it myself and she has always been there. Ok, I am rambling, but what an emotional day. I just want to be in control of my life. Is that too much to ask? I do enjoy the all one vitamin in the morning with o.j. Trying to hang in there. LTB


                      New person


                      No, it is not too much to ask to be in control of your life. I read your story, and been there myself in a doctors office, with tears in my eyes.

                      Feeling hopeless, and then asking for help to live better is a thing that I did with my last ounce of strength at one time.

                      It is a place no human should ever have to be, but yet there it is, and many of us have been there.

                      I have now gone 9 months without a drink. I now feel that I am more than just in control. I have days now where I feel that I can actually know happiness again for more than just a day or two.

                      The others here helped me, and they will help you. They know where you are at, and all you have to do is let them care about you.

                      Know that it will get better for you now.

