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If your problem is alcohol the only thing that worked for me is hitting rock bottom.

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    If your problem is alcohol the only thing that worked for me is hitting rock bottom.

    Hello Aust-boy,

    This is my first post.

    I have been prescribed Campral and counselling. I am nearly at the end of day 6 AF and won't weaken tonight.

    I am 60 years old female from Tweed Heads and hit rock bottom on Sunday 6th September. It was Father's Day and my dad's 80th birthday, however lung cancer got him 6years ago and here I was willingly drinking myself to death. He wanted to live!
    So I have taken the first step towards living long enough to see grandchildren arrive into my family.

    I have been a heavy wine drinker (about 3 casks per week) for about 20 years and have promised again and again that I would stop, but failure every time.

    I am glad that I googled this site as reading other posts here has strengthened my resolve to go ODAT.

    One drink is too many and 20 is not enough


      If your problem is alcohol the only thing that worked for me is hitting rock bottom.


      Hi suzyQ,

      Nice safe place you've found here.

      Sounds as if you've got a good doctor.

      Stay close. Read the posts, post a lot. SHOUT if you're struggling. You'll get loads of support.

      Hope to get to know you well.

      Wishing you all the strength in the world.

      :goodjob: On 6 days AF (alcohol free)

      Love Jackie xxx
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        If your problem is alcohol the only thing that worked for me is hitting rock bottom.

        Hey SuziQ,

        Firstly WELCOME and please stick around. To be honest I am only new myself and I stumbled across this site and decided to stay after trolling hundreds of others. People here actually care - you have honestly found an online refuge in MWO so please stay!

        Alcoholism is such a cunning disease. It doesn't discriminate, and destroys you slowly but surely while enticing you to have more and more of it. The good news is you can beat it. Everyone has their different ways of going about doing that but it looks like you have your mind in the right place.

        If you can just picture what will happen the next day if you drink, the guilt the ... everything else you know about already. Then picture what would happen if you didn't drink the next day it becomes very easy (I have been through two weeks of rehab but you know that if you have read this thread in it's entirety) I would strongly recommend rehab if your mind is in the right place. Then it isn't it is a waste of time like it would have been for me 2 years ago.

        It has gone from love to hate for me with alcohol and I will never pick up another glass. I know that. I have no desire to drink and I have devalued the substance. It is worth less than nothing to me now. Even in my 28 AF days things have just been falling into place and I feel myself becoming so much more the person I was before I started abusing alcohol.

        If I happened across 50 cases of 1980 vintage wine I would gladly buy them if they were a good price - keep them for a few years and then sell them. That is the point I have reached now. I would treat them as a collectible for people who consider themselves wine connoisseurs whom I think are a bit of a joke to be perfectly honest.

        There is bound to be someone on here 24 hours a day as it is world wide. I too am from Australia, Brisbane about 300km from you. Also make use of services such as lifeline. They are free. You can ring up and talk to someone anonymous. They are trained to deal with anything and they don't judge they just try to help. I have called them a few times when I kept trying to quit and failed.

        Just think - You won't ever have to embarrass yourself again, you will wake up and not hate yourself, you will wake up and not feel guilty, you will wake up and know where you are ( that has happened to me a few times ).

        Get a pen and a piece of paper. Put a line down the middle of it and actually write down all the positives and negatives to drinking. You will be surprised. You are in the mindset now where you would be able to do that. Then burn that piece of paper and take it ODAT. That is all you can do but as I say - there IS light at the end of the horrendous tunnel. I have seen it. I am 28 days AF without craving and if you said I would arrive at this point two years ago - almost a month without drinking. I would have laughed seriously. 3 days was good for me. 3 days was an ACHIEVEMENT BIG TIME for me.

        Hang in there, I believe it is all mindset, be strong and make that decision for yourself!! It has to be for yourself or it just wont work. Not for your grand kids or your children. You could use that as motivation but make the decision for yourself. Know that you are worth something.

        I would wish you good luck but luck is for the ill prepared. I think you are well on your way to becoming alcohol free!!!

        6 days AF will quickly turn into 16 then 26 then 60.

        I look forward to seeing your AF days increase and I will look around for you on these forums to congratulate you as they do!!!
        "The pain of regret far exceeds the pain of discipline"

        Kind of AF since 14/8/09

        Fully AF since 16/4/11

        It's been one hell of a ride.


          If your problem is alcohol the only thing that worked for me is hitting rock bottom.

          Thanks JackieClaire and Aust-boy for encouragement and support. I got through last night still without a wine and feel positively proud of myself this morning. This is a feeling I like. So I begin day 7 confidently.
          One drink is too many and 20 is not enough


            If your problem is alcohol the only thing that worked for me is hitting rock bottom.

            So glad you came back,Suzy.

            Hang in there.

            7 days is a week. Before you can turn around it'll be 2 weeks. Then a month.

            Us girls will forever miss our daddies.:h

            Love Jackie xxx
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              If your problem is alcohol the only thing that worked for me is hitting rock bottom.

              G'day Suzie, and a big welcome!
              Great to hear you are on day 7. That is a huge achievement. Have you read the 'toolbox' thread? It's in the 'monthly abstinence' section. A very useful, informative, and inspiring read.
              Hang in there, keep busy, and your mind distracted. Plenty of water, and nutritious tucker. Keep going!

              Best wishes on your journey.

              And Rock on AB!

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                If your problem is alcohol the only thing that worked for me is hitting rock bottom.

                Welcome to our group, where no one judges, we are here for each other to listen and learn from
                I joined MWO about a year ago, I hit rock bottom. and just as previous posts said, you can only go after you hit the bottom
                I have had a few bumps in the road, but my success rate is higher than I ever thought. Stay close, we are all here for the same reason
                Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
                And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

                • Yesterday is History
                  Today is a Mystery
                  Tomorrow is a GIFT

