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ODAT - Tuesday

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    ODAT - Tuesday

    Hello there everyone to come,

    Today in the uk is going to be a nice hot sunny day im making the most of it!
    Looks like evryone is doing fine from y/day thread lets keep up the good work, im on day 7 lucky number for me, would love to say 777 would be excellent but im happy to say day7 even if it was day1, or just 1hour, we all got to start from somewhere so if there's anyone out there reading and your just starting out, come and join in the One Day At A Time THREAD! it just takes little baby steps at first.... Greenie i love doing beef casserole with dumplings especially when the dark cold nights comes in makes my stomach feels good....
    Right im off to another thread, so take care all and be goood to yourselfs.:h
    Formerly known as Teardrop:l
    sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
    my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !

    ODAT - Tuesday

    Hi catch and all to come

    Sunny here too - we have had the best summer in years. Gotta put on a full hunting kit tonight and go for a hunt ride followed by a bbq!! Tis nuts but should be fun. I won't be drinking at the bbq cos I will be driving so that's my AF day sorted!

    Love to all to come.



      ODAT - Tuesday

      Morning Bessie and Catch!

      I'm on day 32 AF and am officially down 7 pounds today! I havent felt this good in a long long time.

      I have today off to extend my long weekend and am getting my daughter off to her first day in high school. I hope it goes well for her.

      Wishing everyone a great sober Tuesday!
      AF/SF - November 23, 2014


        ODAT - Tuesday


        Morning catch, bessie mstall & all to come!

        I had a lovely dinner with normie friends. The hubby didn't drink and the wife had one. To "throw something together" she made stuffed chicken breasts, some other things and a home-made key lime pie with white chocolate shavings on top of the whipped cream. I'm glad I said "shut up" when she said it was going to be quick and simple. :H

        Seems to be a lot of talk about modding on the boards. I don't mean the mod threads, I don't read them. It's been very interesting to me.

        I sure had a good long weekend. This seems like a monday, now I'll be confused all week!

        Have a good one! Go for the O!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          ODAT - Tuesday

          Hiya All, Happy Tuesday!
          Catch- You must be down south cos up here in the highlands we have gale force winds and suprise , suprise rain....
          M-Stall, fantastic weight loss, I have only put it on : ( Chocolate may have something to do with that!
          I have the fortune of going out on a sailing ship for a week coming up , my challenge, not to think that what happens at sea stays at maybe one champagne wont hurt what trouble can I get into out here? Eeer fall over board maybe!!
          Have a beautiful hangover free week xxx
          I am Perfectly Imperfect!


            ODAT - Tuesday

            Hi guys,

            I am feeling good today after an AF evening last night. Although I didn't sleep well and of course it's dreary and dull today here. But I have a big yellow 0 in my tracker and I intend to have a nice big line of yellow 0's coming up.

            I hope everyone has a good day - finally back to routine!
            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


              ODAT - Tuesday

              Good morning everyone!

              Gosh, you gals are making me hungry! Mstall.. dunno how you do it... losing weight! I tend to PUT ON pounds, when not drinking.. prolly 'cause I'm constantly eating. And reading of all your yummy weekend adventures! Ohhhh.. and btw... CONGRATS on day 32! Positively wonderful!

              Had an AF weekend as well... on day 31 now and feeling good! No modding for me, Greenie... been there, failed at that.

              Ok, need to dash... have a grand day, everyone!
              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                ODAT - Tuesday

                Hey sunnybutt! I think your AF weekend is the bomb!! I know what you mean about the normies readily acknowledging a state of intoxication. Man, I would lie, lie lie!!!

                I meant talk of moderation not as in considering doing it but more so that there is no way, no such thing, tried again and bombed, etc. Successful moddidng to me would be like I drink cola. I don't crave it, don't notice it in stores, don't notice others drinking it, never have it in the house, etc. If someone offered me one, I may or may not have it and I may or may not finish it with one deffinately being all I would want. I do have preferences - I wouldn't drink it just because it was soda. Such is not nor ever will be the case with alcohol. I do marvel at the concept though.
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  ODAT - Tuesday

                  :new:Hello Everyone,
                  This is my first post. I am on day 2 today. I really don't like to count days - did that a year or so ago in AA and hated it. Lasted 50 days. So I will take it ODAT, but I am not counting!! I have not ordered CDs or Kudzu or anything else yet. I did read the book and was impressed. Almost sounds too good to be true. I have spent many years drinking too much. The past few weeks have been horrible. 2 bottles almost every night. Can anyone tell me what seems to work best with the program? I am debating asking my Dr for meds.


                    ODAT - Tuesday

                    Ancon!! :welcome: Why don't you try RJ's program whole heartedly before you decide on meds? You may not need meds. I'm not sure what you mean by what works best with the program. Pieces and parts? Do the whole nine yards if you can.
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      ODAT - Tuesday

                      Thanks Greeneyes. I have been reading the posts in all the different forums and it seems some people are using meds, like Topamax and others are only using the CDs and supplements. I wasn't sure what was the best combination. Probably all of it like you said!
                      I'll get going on it. No time to waste, as I am sick of life this way.


                        ODAT - Tuesday

                        Personally I would just use meds only if I had to. give the program without meds and tons of support here and see how you do. You seem to have good resolve and that's a big component.
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

