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ODAT - Wednesday

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    ODAT - Wednesday

    Morning all

    Starting, after just 2 consecutive days AF, to feel the benefits (again). So that's my message for anyone new reading this today. After a recent period of really rather heavy drinking and not seeming to be able to grasp the nettle, just 2 days of AF are showing me how much better it is not to drink. I've been able to get up earlier and get going, rather than sludging about and struggling with my morning chores.

    For me it is important a) not to have wine/gin in the house and b) have a plan for the evening in which Al doesn't feature for me - doesn't mean I have to avoid drinking situations, just means that I make sure I am the driver. I'm going to take a look now and see what is on at the movies and be the driver for a film night tonight.

    Funnily enough, there ARE actually two bottles of wine in the house but they are being taken back to the shop as they are quite expensive so they have that 'don't touch' status about them. However, the longer they stay here, the louder their siren call will become so they are going back today!

    Love to all, new and old.

    Bessie xx

    ODAT - Wednesday

    Well Done Bessie. I to can only tackle my al ODAT. I am now af 4 days.I always find W/E really hard AND Thursdays a trigger as it is a particularily challenging day of the week at work. Good Luck and ODAT for me:goodjob:


      ODAT - Wednesday

      Each day does matter. Today is day 12 AF for me and I am hopeful that I can make it through the upcoming weekend AF. This is the longest I have been AF for a long time. I was noticing how much better I feel physically. The pain in my right side is gone, no other aches or pains. Yesterday received a blow, thought of drinking, but was able to think it through again and remember my committment to stay AF ODAT and for this month. Really, alcohol would have taken away the stress for a short time, but when I sobered up, all my problems, plus the guilt and shame would have made it much worse. I just have to remember how wonderful it is to wake up in the morning after a night of not drinking.


        ODAT - Wednesday

        Hi everyone,
        Well done bessie, boozer and redhibscus,
        I got to say the morning is my best time of the day waking up feeling fresh inside me like a new 8 for me.
        Have a lovley day evryone.x
        Formerly known as Teardrop:l
        sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
        my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !


          ODAT - Wednesday

          Hello everyone. Bessie I too am just getting over a heavy bout of drinking and today will only be day 2 for me. Red, you are so right about having to remember how wonderful it is to wake up after not drinking. I already feel better after only one night and I know it only gets better. Boozer, I agree with you about taking it ODAT. I also know for me the secret has to be not to take that first drink. Everytime I rationalize taking the first drink there is no stopping until I am drunk. I hope you all have a good day and don't mind me jumping in here.


            ODAT - Wednesday

            Catch 22, sorry we were cross-posting. The mornings are the best. Congrats everyone on your days AF.


              ODAT - Wednesday

              Congrats everyone! Nice message Bessie, happy to hear how much better you feel today.

              Today is 33? AF for me, maybe 34.

              Up early to take the dog for a walk before it starts raining here. Then it's back to work, 4 days off felt like a nice long time and i hope the 3 days at work dont feel like 2 weeks. lol

              Here's to another big fat 0 in the drink tracker!

              Have a great sober Wednesday all!
              AF/SF - November 23, 2014


                ODAT - Wednesday

                Hi ODATs

                I'm on Day 4 today and it's the mornings that really feel different - you're right.

                Me and Tom Cat (ginger stray we took in during July) are seriously falling out though - he has started visiting neighbours again and (of course they don't feed him!) he comes home with us has his own body weight in cat food and b*****s off up the road for the rest of the day and night. Having spent almost ?200 on him when he was very ill two weeks ago it makes be REALLY MAD!!! Going to get him a collar with a disk that says "Do not let this cat into your house or pay owner ?200 and he's yours" what do you think?

                Excitement on the puppy front though, Mummy dog has been confirmed as pregnant and due end of next week(ish). Can't wait and definitely won't let her go any where near my dear neighbours, they can go get their own!

                Luv to all


                  ODAT - Wednesday


                  Yeah man, the AF wake-up is wonderful. Your day begins instantly instead of it having to wait for you to exit the fog. Makes for a longer more enjoyable more productive day and consequently..... life!

                  Happy happy to all!
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    ODAT - Wednesday

                    Good morning ODATers,

                    I also love the mornings. Sometimes so much, I wake up at 2:00 a.m. for them!! :H:H

                    I had one of those nights last night but then went back to sleep around 4:00 and caught another couple hours, so I can't complain.

                    I hope all have a wonderful ODAT day.

                    AF April 9, 2016


                      ODAT - Wednesday

                      Hi all!
                      I had 2 days of heavy drinking this past weekend. U.S. Holiday..(Labor Day). Before that I was more than an whole month AF. Damn!!
                      3 days since I last drank alcohol and 5 days AF for the month so far.
                      One Day At A Time and today I will not drink.
                      It sure is quite a struggle. I hate this disease.
                      Hugs to all and lets meet our AF goal today.
                      When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                      -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                        ODAT - Wednesday

                        Hi guys,

                        I am also waking up fresh and clean and sober today - didn't have a great sleep last night but I am happy to put a big fat 0 in my drink tracker.

                        I am having a crappy time at work lately. It's frustrating, I have decided on a career change I would like to make but to do so I would need to really study and write a couple of courses (which I have signed up for and will be taking correspondence). Of course the challenge is once you make that decision you want it to happen right away (I am not good at delayed gratification! LOL). So I am having a really difficult time coming into a job I hate every day knowing that if I could be at home studying my new plan could come to fruition that much sooner.

                        Ah well, gotta make a living somehow right? Good news is that to study and work full time I have to have a clear head otherwise nothing I learn will go into long term memory! Good reason to stay AF.

                        Hope everyone meets their goals today!

                        Love and hugs,
                        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                          ODAT - Wednesday

                          Lovely energy on this thread today. Alcohol causes such agitation and despair in the aftermath of the buzz. I would so rather have the natural state of my being in the morning, calm and curious.

                          I have been following your progress Mstall; you are splendid.

                          Love, Ladybird.
                          may we be well


                            ODAT - Wednesday

                            Good Morning ODATers!

                            Wow... everyone is upbeat and doing great!

                            I have to admit I'm NOT a morning person, really. But.. I'll take any sober morning over a foggy one, that's for sure. Mstall... you are doing splendid! We're pretty close, I think I'm on day 32 today as well! Wanna buddy up for the next 30?

                            Uni, I know exactly how you're feeling. I still worked for 3 years in my 'day job' while building my business. It wasn't much fun. But it was SO worth it when I ditched it and went to do my own thing full time! Go after what you want, this job is only for the interim.. to ENABLE you to go do what you really want to do!

                            MadMummy... I don't think the collar/tag is unreasonable at all! :H

                            Well, wishing everyone a happy AF day - let's rack 'em up!
                            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                            Winning since October 24th, 2013

