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hi i,m new here

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    hi i,m new here

    just found this site last week and it looks really good so i have finally plucked up the courage to post something. i better start by introducing myself my name is mary i am a 38year old single parent from scotland and i have been drinking heavily for about 10 years finally decided to try and quit about 4 months now i have got it down to just one day a week mostly weekends but want to cut that out as well as i know i am still drinking to much

    hi i,m new here

    :welcome: Mary............It sounds like you've made some progress already!
    Good for you....... Get the book and start the supps and the cds. It all works together..........
    Good to have you here!

    "Be still and know that I am God"

    Psalm 46:10


      hi i,m new here

      Hello Mary and welcome!!! You have come to the right place. Have you downloaded the book yet? I believe you can still download it for free (let me know if thats not true anymore guys!) - just go to the main page of this mywayout site - you will see a link to "Check out Roberta Jewell's New Blog" and if you click on that, I believe you can get the book - which explains this program.
      Please feel free to message me anytime - you can just click on my name and there will be the option to email me, send me a private message etc.- let me know if you dont know how to.
      Anyways, not trying to "overload you" - just wanted to say welcome. I think you will be amazed by how great the people are here and by all of the overwhelming support you will find here.
      Hugs and glad to have you here!!!
      Over 4 months AF :h


        hi i,m new here

        :welcome: greetings, mary!

        you've accomplished so much on your own. it speaks volumns about your commitment to moderate even further.

        i'm a newbie here myself (about two weeks, i think) but the support of the community is already making my goals seem more within reach. i hope that it will do the same for you.

        :flower: eustacia


          hi i,m new here

          Hi Mary,

          I'm pretty new to this site too, but just reading everyone elses posts tends to calm me down when I'm feeling a little isolated or strange. Great to read that you have managed to cut down a lot on what you have been drinking. It takes a lot of determination and guts to change habits that we have had for years.
          I have only been abstinent for 2 weeks now, but I do feel better for it. Good on you, I will look out for you and your news! :-) Amelia

          Sober since 30/06/10


            hi i,m new here

            thanks to all who replied to my first post it can be a bit daunting when you have never done anything like his before.really glad i found this site as it is good to hear from people who know exactly what you are going through.i have not had any medication or supps but i am trying to get my doc to give me campral , have any of you tried it ?


              hi i,m new here

              Hi Mary,
              No sorry, have no experience with Campral.....I'm doing the MWO supps, topa and exercise. It is kinda expensive I know but I am saving LOADS on booze and I am getting more work done than I have in a long time (Im self employed) so it's balancing out. My doc offered me Campral and I would have considered that next I reckon. Keep on checking on in here for inspiration and best of luck. Amelia

              Sober since 30/06/10

