I would love to joing your 999 club. I joined MWO sometime in July so I still consider myself a newbie. I struggle with the AL but I am doing better in the long run. I have to focus on the days that I have not drank rather than beat myself up for the days that I do. This has really made me feel like I am making some progress.
I am 57 and have been a heavy drinker for 30 years. I have also fallen down, ended up in the hospital with stitches in my head, I have also given myself a black eye (ran into the corner of a stupid wall, (they have a tendency to move when intoxicated)). Amazing how many unexplainable bruises you get. How many stupid drunk phone calls I have made. I sure hate it in the morning when I reach for my phone to see who I have called.
Anyway, I would love you join your group.