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09-09-09 Club

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    09-09-09 Club


    I would love to joing your 999 club. I joined MWO sometime in July so I still consider myself a newbie. I struggle with the AL but I am doing better in the long run. I have to focus on the days that I have not drank rather than beat myself up for the days that I do. This has really made me feel like I am making some progress.

    I am 57 and have been a heavy drinker for 30 years. I have also fallen down, ended up in the hospital with stitches in my head, I have also given myself a black eye (ran into the corner of a stupid wall, (they have a tendency to move when intoxicated)). Amazing how many unexplainable bruises you get. How many stupid drunk phone calls I have made. I sure hate it in the morning when I reach for my phone to see who I have called.

    Anyway, I would love you join your group.


      09-09-09 Club

      Good morning everyone!
      Stopped counting the hours but I'm on day 4.
      This club is getting larger by the hour. Love it!
      Anyone have any special AF plans this weekend?
      LTG AF January 13, 2011


        09-09-09 Club

        Good morning all!

        Yes, this is indeed great that the Club is getting Larger. Tis fun! :groupluv:

        I got to work earlier this morning after I worked out at the Gym I've been going too. I sure feel great and it sure beats how I usually feel on a Friday morning. I am usually good during the week but by Thursday evening I usually give in! It's only 1 day away from the weekend after! gee....pathetic eh? But if I keep going to the Friday morning class then it'll keep me motivated!

        My AF plans is just to stay busy. I have some chores to do and maybe visit some people I haven't seen in a while. Should be pretty easy since I'm not going to the cottage this weekend. That place just triggers me right off. You know.....a place to relax and of course HAVE to have a drink.

        I think I'll stop my the grocery store and get some non-alcohol beer or cooler.

        What's everyone else up to?



          09-09-09 Club

          Good morning ladies!

          Hope everyone had another AF night and is looking forward to an AF weekend! I stocked up on five bottles of kiwi strawberry sparkling water, so I'm ready for the weekend. That would have been wine not so long ago, some of it intended as back up, or saving trips to the store, but it usually ended up being drunk with the rest of it.

          Lynnie -
          Isn't it great making morning plans and actually following through? That was the part that got harder as the years went on. I was able to for many years, I was just always hungover and real bitchy. Hopefully I'm nicer now, HAHA!

          sparkleAZ - I am 54 and also drank heavily for over 30 years. When I see my numbers written down, it scares me, but also a reminds me of why I need to stick with this program.
          Focussing on the successful days is great. Keep doing that, no matter what! Too often we see failure when, if you look at the bigger picture, it's only a bump in the road, as long as we keep aiming for success, and taking those little steps that do add up.

          LookingToGrow - Congrats on 4 days! Those hours do add up!

          To MamaZ and the rest of the 999 Club - Have a wonderful sober weekend!
          Congrats to every one of you, for any and all hours, first days, second days, double digits (I like that term, sunshine!), we're all in the same boat, let's all keep afloat together!

          Much love to all!!
          ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

          AUGUST 9, 2009


            09-09-09 Club

            Hey Dance! Any activities for the weekend? What part of TX are you in? I am in Irving - near the mall...LOL!!
            LTG AF January 13, 2011


              09-09-09 Club

              Dancelot - So you have more than 30 days AF???


                09-09-09 Club

                LookingToGrow - I'm near the High Five! I know where your mall is! Actually, I'm going to check out a horse show at Las Colinas this weekend. One of my friend's horse is in it on Sunday. This is a small world! I'm in Dallas, to the non locals. I was going to make sure I rode this weekend, but it's looking really wet out there.

                Lynnie - Today will be number 34! The number shocks me still, since the idea of actually doing 30 days AF before attempting to moderate (my original goal, but only because I could not even envision being without AL, it's just been in my life forever, or 2/3s of it anyway). So I still come here every day, it always is a good reminder and good therapy. I doubt I would have done it as well without MWO. Just being aware of old habits, and finding ways of replacing them is a huge help to me. It's interesting how similar we all are, no matter what stage we're currently at. I find it a real learning process, sometimes different new issues come up at different points, and finding ways of dealing with them and getting others perspectives is really useful. That and learning not to beat ourselves up if we screw up, and knowing no one here is going to beat us up either, just help us to get back up and keep going.
                ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

                AUGUST 9, 2009


                  09-09-09 Club

                  Dance, well done on 34 days!!!
                  Hard to imagine a horse show in Las Colinas...LOL!! I hear it's to rain on and off all weekend. Another member from here is coming here next week to work for 13 weeks. Maybe the 3 of us could meet at Starbucks or something like that :h
                  LTG AF January 13, 2011


                    09-09-09 Club

                    Hi there Clubbers!

                    Looks like everybody is taking this 999Club really seriously. It makes me proud. And the Club is growing too!!!

                    Sparkle, welcome! you sound like me....bruises, phone calls, emails....oh, well, we are getting better, right?

                    To all: I resisted last night, did not go to the store after the PTO, so another BFYZ (big fat yellow zero)!
                    This is Day 3, I feel so positive. I went to gym again this AM, and funny thing is, 2 doors down from the gym is the new spirit store with big sign GRAND Opening. I had to laugh at the coincidence, but had no urge to go in. I am just afraid I am too happy that I would want to celebrate! Weekends are hardest for most of us.
                    I am shooting for my 1st AF weekend in 25 years (of course except for 3 pregnancies).

                    I will be checking in from my phone. We are probably go to the cottage for the weekend, so I do not think I will be posting.

                    I wish you all a fantastic AF weekend and talk to you as soon as I can.



                      09-09-09 Club

                      Mama, great job! Very happy for you :h Where is your cottage?
                      LTG AF January 13, 2011


                        09-09-09 Club

                        LTG, Pocono Mountains, about 90 mins from where we live.


                          09-09-09 Club

                          Hey, thats NOT FAIR!!!!! I want to go to Starbucks too...


                            09-09-09 Club

                            I expect to see some photos when you get back...LOL!!
                            We should sinc a Starbucks meet up at various locations across the country :h Get the web cams rolling
                            LTG AF January 13, 2011


                              09-09-09 Club

                              Hi MamaZum!

                              YAY!!!!! for you! I love those big yellow zeroes too! I love starting my day with one and cheering every one else on theirs. And 999 is great, too. I love it!

                              LTG - Yeah, the Equestrian center is on a flood plain. There's a huge covered arena though, assuming the roads aren't closed, which if we get 5 inches of rain...... well who knows?
                              If there's that much water, it might be a stay inside weekend, but I got my sparkly water as well as grapes if I want something to go with cheese (grapes, the other wine substitute!). So I'm ready for anything.
                              Keep me posted on Starbucks. A new kind of hang out, now that we're all showing how much fun we still are sober! :H Sounds like a possibility, keep in touch! - Dance
                              ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

                              AUGUST 9, 2009


                                09-09-09 Club

                                LookingToGrow;713406 wrote: I expect to see some photos when you get back...LOL!!
                                We should sinc a Starbucks meet up at various locations across the country :h Get the web cams rolling
                                That same thought just crossed my mind. Maybe Starbucks will give us a discount if we get enough folks involved!
                                ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

                                AUGUST 9, 2009

