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09-09-09 Club

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    09-09-09 Club

    Good morning 999 club! -

    I just filled in my DrinkTracker and everyone's doing so great! I love that thing as well (especially the Zeros!). Great on the one week, Lynnie!
    I will be up to 39 days at the end of today. Getting so far ahead of myself I have to write it out and count 'em, but that's a good thing. Originally I wanted to cut back on drinking only (since I literally could not imagine being without it). Even the 30 days sounded impossible, but I got this far. ABS is definitely better for me, since every time I try to moderate, I build my tolerance right back up. I know I can not have it at home, or I'll drink it all. If I went out, I could usually stick to 2 or 3, but at home I would just keep on going.

    That's funny about you dreaming the same dream, MamaZ! Shows we're all on the same page around here! Would be funny, except that was a scary, disturbing dream. I see other people write about these AL dreams occasionally. All the energy our minds put into AL is amazing. Even when we're sleeping.

    Anniemac, congrats on 5 days! Keep it up, you're well on your way. Every AL free day counted just makes it better and better.

    Finally, your DrinkTracker does look good! Every morning after I check mine off I look at all of them and cheer for everybody's zeros. I really do find it useful.

    Hi, LTG, I know you're probably out there somewhere!

    Hello to any and all 999s, and any new ones that show up! Have a happy sober Wednesday everyone!

    Much love! - Dance
    ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

    AUGUST 9, 2009


      09-09-09 Club

      MamaZ - I forgot this part! I have Mac, which I find easy, I'm guessing it's more a matter of what you're used to or learned on. My roommate had the same problem, but he'd used Windows for years, but wanted to use Mac cause he is getting into more art stuff, and it's used a lot in that field. I find it's stuff like the windows opening and closing in different places and the icons being different that throws me off.
      A friend of mine gave me this computer and she's a Mac freak, and always upgrades me when they toss out old Macs at work. Maybe find one of those Mac For Dummies books. I'm obviously not a computer person, and those can be helpful.
      ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

      AUGUST 9, 2009


        09-09-09 Club

        Good morning everyone!
        Not much to report here today. Looks like everyone is doing well :h
        Sea is flying to Dallas Friday morning. Anyone for a Starbucks at the Irving Mall around 11 am?
        LTG AF January 13, 2011


          09-09-09 Club

          LTG -

          I'd like to. But isn't there a Starbucks in Las Colinas?
          ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

          AUGUST 9, 2009


            09-09-09 Club

            Oh, I think near 635 and McArthur. That would probably be better for you, right? Then we can show Sea where the ducks are trapped in the lake...LOL!!
            LTG AF January 13, 2011


              09-09-09 Club

              :H:H:H NO!!! That was a joke! Irving Mall is fine! Is it in the mall or outside?
              ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

              AUGUST 9, 2009


                09-09-09 Club

                It's in the Barnes & Noble, which is at the corner of Beltline & 183 service road. Now, making note to self to change haircolor back to blonde...LOL!!
                LTG AF January 13, 2011


                  09-09-09 Club

                  Yeah, I don't think my grey roots are showing, but it might just be my bad eyesight! :H
                  ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

                  AUGUST 9, 2009


                    09-09-09 Club

                    I feel the same, I was conviced earlier I could do one day , then 2 hour's later and it's, why not have just a little drink tonight, the bottles open, finish it start tomorrow and so it goes on, I really want to change for my husband and children but I don't think I have gone down far enough to convince myself, does that make sense to anyone,I don't seem to drink that much compared to some, but I still feel it's toomuch,
                    Good luck to you all, it's really hard isn't it?


                      09-09-09 Club

                      I think I just posted on the wrong thread, sorry, I havent touched a drop yet, not very computer literate


                        09-09-09 Club

                        Hi I just posted a really long reply to this but it seems to have gone somewhere else, it's my first day here and i was full of good intentions earlier, now it's witching hour and the same old exscuses, the bottles open, drink it and start tomorrow, I run out of bread as well just to go and buy a bottle of wine, it is an inner battle, it's rediculous isn't it?I am a sensible , grown up woman why can't I just stop, good luck I will keep on coming here,


                          09-09-09 Club

                          Hi Tawny!
                          Yes, it's hard but worth the effort you invest in it. Some folks find it helpful to choose a quit date and plan around that. Stick around here for support and ask for help with your plan. There is a thread gathering members that are committing to 30 days in October. I'll see if I can find it for you, okay?
                          LTG AF January 13, 2011


                            09-09-09 Club

                            Hi, tawnywitch, welcome!

                            When you feel you are drinking too much too much, well.... For many years I convinced myself otherwise, or was just plain in denial. Most of us hold down a pretty normal existence, function at at a high level, so we rationalize on many levels sometimes.

                            I've done the "don't want to waste that open bottle". We can be extremely creative in the excuses we come up with and the energy we expend on AL.

                            Break it down in as small steps as needed. At the start of this thread someone talks about counting hours, now they are up to days, one up to a week.

                            It IS hard, but you will not believe the euphoria you'll feel when you get a few AF days under your belt.
                            Then, keep on taking small steps every day, never give up the fight. If you stumble, get back up. We all support you and know how hard this is.

                            Best of luck to you, tw, hope to hear from you again.

                            Much love!!!
                            ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

                            AUGUST 9, 2009


                              09-09-09 Club

                              tawnywitch, just for today -

                              Skip the "bread" run. If you really need bread, pickup anything non AL to drink, bottles of it! Buy good chocolate, scented candles, nice bath stuff, something nice, just for you.

                              Stay busy with anything. Clean the house all night, get exercise or more exercise if you do it already, do anything but pour that first glass. Get rid of AL in the house. JUST FOR TODAY. That's all. One step at a time.

                              Hang in there girl. You can do it.
                              ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

                              AUGUST 9, 2009


                                09-09-09 Club


                                Welcome Tawny! Some great advice here for you! Please stay with us and share your feelings. It's an amazing place! I know how you feel, but things CAN improve....if YOU want them to!

