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ODAT - Thursday

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    ODAT - Thursday

    Good morning everyone

    Seems to have been months since I've been able to start the ODAT thread - where is everyone?!

    Beautiful morning here, may finally be a summer:H

    Very stressed and tired last night (dh away so doing everything for everybody). Went to the wine rack in the utility room but managed to resist and had camomile tea and to bed at 10pm, maybe wisdom does come with age????

    Onwards and upwards, loads to do again today and hopefully hubbie home tonight.

    Luv to all

    ODAT - Thursday

    Hi Odaters

    MM good to see you here. Beautiful autumn weather we're having isn't it! So unfair that it's come just as school's back.
    Well done on resisting last night. I'm afraid I couldn't. Even having no wine in the house didn't stop me, I popped into supermarket on way to collect daughter from Brownies on the pretext that we needed some essentials! (yeah right we all know what I consider to be an essential!)

    So now I am worried that I just can't get to grips with not drinking. I know I can do 30 days as I have earlier in the year but now I seem to do 2-4 days and then drink.
    If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


      ODAT - Thursday

      Morning MM and Bluesky!

      MM - good for you on resisting, i'm pretty sure i wouldnt have resisted with wine in the house. so well done!

      bluesky - you did it before, you can do it again. You just havent found your time yet, i wish you strength!

      off again with the doggy for a 2 mile walk before work. I've been so busy, this week is just flying by.

      Have a great sober day all!!
      AF/SF - November 23, 2014


        ODAT - Thursday


        Good choice mm!!

        blue, is something triggering you? You can come to grips. Like mstall said you've done it before. Remember ODAT, tell yourself maybe tomorrow, but not today. Just get through today. Right?

        mstall, you're rockin' on the exercise scene!

        I've got a lot to do today too. I pick up a rental car tonight and little doggie and I are taking a road trip in the AM to my sister's for a long weekend. Soooo looking forward to that.

        Be strong! all you have to think about is today!!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          ODAT - Thursday

          Hi everyone, hope all achieve their goals. Blue, you can do this, I have so anybody can. Good luck.


            ODAT - Thursday

            I'm UP Greenie! :P

            Good Morning ODATers!

            MM - good for you - not sure I would be as strong as you are!
            Blue - You need to find your groove again - the same thing happened to me. I wish you strength and determination.
            Mstall... TWO Miles??? I'd be no good for work after that! :H
            Greenie... have fun on your long weekend!
            Hello Paula! Everything going well, yes?

            Ok, I'm hoping to get out of the slumps today - been feeling very listless. Could just be THAT time of the month approaching (of course, I'm heading back to my property on the weekend - and we wouldn't want to face that without cramps and whatnot) Grummmble.

            Off I go - feed the horse, putter a bit more in the garden and then... work. *sigh
            Have a great AF day, everyone!
            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013


              ODAT - Thursday

              Hi everyone! Glad to see so many here this wonderful morning.
              madmummy: you resisted! awesome!
              bluesky: you can do it! recently i did over 30 days and then caved in. it was a lot easier to get back on track.
              mstall: a 2 mile walk before work! you are doing so great! good for you.
              green: have a good time at your sister's this weekend.
              paula: good to hear from you!

              Today is so busy for me. Washing, ironing and packing for our trip to Ireland on Sunday! I've never been and am getting so excited. Also must make more dill pickles before Saturday...the cucumbers just keep on coming!!
              Back to AF and this is day 8 for this month. Sleeping great and waking refreshed and not all foggy is such a good thing.
              Be strong everyone!:happy:
              When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
              -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                ODAT - Thursday

                Hi guys,

                We are all sick here with a crappy nasty cold so feeling yucky. Good news is that I know it will keep me AF tonight as all I want is a cup of hot tea, a hot bath and a bed.

                Interesting developments happening at work here - I'll keep you all posted as I know more.....

                Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                  ODAT - Thursday


                  Coming to the end of day four, still feeling a bit icky and tired. Hope I can get through the w/e. As I have done four days now I am kidding myself that I could have a little reward but cannot let that happen.



                    ODAT - Thursday

                    Hi Rebecca I dont usually post in here but I just popped in to say, keep up the good work, you are doing great. I think many of us struggle a little harder at the weekends, keep close to the boards if you find it tough.
                    The whole 'reward idea' has to be turned on its head. The real reward you are giving yourself is by not drinking and breaking the cycle of AL. I hope this makes sense.
                    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                      ODAT - Thursday

                      Thanks KTAB, :l the hardest bit is that dh will probably have something but there is a bit of me that will be so bloody minded that I won't just as I know he will be bloody minded to have one. That is what usually happens and then I give in.

                      But, not this time. I will be on over the weekend. I remember Monday morning and how ill I felt. I really don't ever want to feel that way again, certainly not because of AL.


