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Happy ODAT - Friday Sept 11

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    Happy ODAT - Friday Sept 11

    Happy Friday all. I'm a bit early this time as I'm in Kyoto Japan today NOT DRINKING. Having a great time seeing the tourist sites and walking my feet off. Hot and stick weather have allowed me to try many local favorites like Pokari Sweat, CalPis, Iiced Coffee (Spelled Aisu CooFee). I'm sipping a fresh and natural green tea as I get ready for bed. I think I took a hundred pictures, navigated, made decisions and conversed with the natives on how best to do trains or when two cups of watrer is needed. A little tough to do in a second language bu it's flowing pretty well for me and I don't feel anxiety. I learned Japanese as a college student 30 years ago, and so dredging that knowledge is definitely something only language buff would get into.

    I love the energy, we're up at 7am and out the door. Traveling and chatting in a foreign language, buses, trains, subway and walking. We've covered a dozen miles a day on foot,kthen bus, train or subway to geet around these big citiedfull of thousands of sites. We mostly managed to eat thins we've never seen before that are new and amusuing.

    Good trip. First trip in a long time where I"m not focused on how/where to get my next drink, and having the drag me down to a slow start the following day.

    Hope everyone gets one step farther to their goal

    Happy ODAT - Friday Sept 11

    hi bossman hope you enjoy the rest of your holiday.well done on not does makev a huge difference.

    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


      Happy ODAT - Friday Sept 11

      Good to hear from you boss!
      Sounds like you're enjoying a VERY BUSY holiday! And, we WILL get to see some of the hundreds of pictures, right?

      Take care, and continue to have a great time!
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        Happy ODAT - Friday Sept 11

        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          Happy ODAT - Friday Sept 11

          Good day ODATers,

          Boss.Man, your post really gave a lift to me for today. I hope you continue to enjoy your vacation and you better post some pics for us!! btw, I had a friend who went to Japan and told me they actually "stuff" you into the subway, is this true?

          BlueSky, I am thinking of you, today. I know the struggle well. Just saying you can do it is obvious, I know. I hope you get to where you want being sober more than you want the drink. It is an internal mental struggle and it can get fierce. Very frustrating having to fight our own mind's messages in order to do what is best. It does get better with time.

          Glad to see all here.

          Let's do it ODAT!!

          AF April 9, 2016


            Happy ODAT - Friday Sept 11

            Boss: Thanks for sharing you wonderful Japan vacation highlights with us. Traveling sober is just so much easier. I'm leaving for a week in Ireland in a few days and looking forward to it. Have fun!
            When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
            -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


              Happy ODAT - Friday Sept 11

              All these world travellers!! I can't keep up! I live a very local life and rarely go far from home - but I don't mind that at all. Sounds like you are having a great time Bossman

              Checking in - another AF day today. Need a dry early night as got an early start for hunting tomorrow. There will be a zero in my drink tracker today.

              Love to all.

              bessie xx


                Happy ODAT - Friday Sept 11

                Morning ODATs

                Thanks Bossman Japan sounds a little too scary for me - but you're obviously having a great time!

                Very stressy dh returned from business trip last night - he was tired, ratty and miserable. Kids all wanted to talik to him and tell him all their news and he just didn't want to hear which is very difficult and I'm sort of stuck in the middle trying to keep everyone happy.

                Except you can't keep everyone happy can you? This is one of my biggest problems I feel responsible for everyone elses state of mind, I know I have to break away from this as it is a big trigger for over drinking the AL.

                Getting the self-help books out later and going to work me out a plan I think.

                Luv to all and Bessie, I'm very jealous of you tomorrow morning - enjoy the ride!



                  Happy ODAT - Friday Sept 11

                  Morning all!

                  Bossman and my new beginning - i am seriously jealous of both of you. enjoy your holidays!

                  I have my 30 mile MS walk this weekend. Was suppose to do 50 but had to work today. SO needless to say i will not be drinking. lol Getting up at 5am tomorrow so i can register and start walking.

                  See you all Sunday night, from my couch.

                  Have a great sober weekend!
                  AF/SF - November 23, 2014


                    Happy ODAT - Friday Sept 11

                    Hi and checking in on Friday morning.
                    Mstall: awesome on 30 miles! way to go! :goodjob:
                    Ireland has always been a place I've wanted to visit so it's exciting!
                    Another night AF free last night and I'm feeling great except that my legs ache when I go to bed! Now, I have no idea what is causing that to happen! UGH!!...keeps me awake so I take 2 tylenol and then can go to sleep but I hate taking pills so I need to find another way to stop the pain. Anyone out there have anchey legs at night?
                    To everyone here and all that visit today, lets be strong and meet our daily goals. Happy Friday!
                    When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                    -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                      Happy ODAT - Friday Sept 11

                      Hi guys,

                      AF last night for me but this stupid cold is keeping me awake at night and I feel like total crap. Unfortunatly not going to work is not an option right now as I had 4 weeks off a month ago due to the EB virus so I'm here. Thank god it will be a fairly easy and uneventful day for me.

                      So the big news development is that I am up for a promotion - which is funny cause as you all know I have been thinking of starting out on my own in about a year to do workshops etc. So this actually has come at a good time as if I am given this promotion I can actually do something different for a while as I am getting myself organized on my own. May be the change that I need to get myself organized.
                      Good news all around.

                      Keep your fingers crossed!

                      See you all soon.

                      Love and hugs,
                      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

