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I could really use some help, not doing well!

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    I could really use some help, not doing well!

    Hi everyone,

    I am having a really tough time today after having days and days of binge drinking. I had been doing so well, 3 months AF, and then went on vacation; the rest is history. I pretty much drank my way through the summer and am completely hating myself for it.

    Today I feel I just have to stop, I have so many things coming up that require me to be sober, including an overnight trip with my daughter and her entire grade. I can't see myself on a school bus with a hangover...

    I am so nervous about withdrawal. I've been through it many times, and after a few days feel, well, that wasn't completely horrendous. But each time it gets worse, and today I am feeling horrible, throwing up, sweating, the works. I am still functioning, but it's hard. There are only so many times I can claim the flu!! The day just seems so long.

    Any suggestions for getting through tonight? I have one bottle of wine which I may sip, just to prevent the worst. I feel desperate and full of so much self loathing it's not funny. Please write if you can.

    Crazy for Wine

    I could really use some help, not doing well!

    Hey there! Do you want to get in chat?
    LTG AF January 13, 2011


      I could really use some help, not doing well!

      I have no advice about getting past the withdrawls beyond what you probably already know, keeping hydrated, water with lemon, etc. I saw your post and wanted to lend my moral support. Your 3 months AF shows you can do it. You are doing great in making the decision to stop, and I'll be thinking of you today.


        I could really use some help, not doing well!

        Thanks so much to you both. I can never get into chat, I must need some sort of updated Java? I wish I could. I"ll keep posting though and truly appreciate the support! Yes, Maisie, I surely know what to do re: withdrawals but sometimes knowing doesn't help, I don't know why. Alcoholism really defies logic, doesn't it? Thank you for thinking of me, it helps to feel less alone. I really don't have anyone in my life I want to talk to you about this, including my husband, I just feel so ashamed.

        Three months really did feel good. To go through my day and not even think about wine. My mistake was thinking I could have a couple of glasses on Saturday nights. That worked for about 3 weeks, and then you know the rest of the story.


          I could really use some help, not doing well!

          CW, do you have any supps to take? If you're in the US and need to talk, I can call you. Or I can sit here and like "snail" chat with you, okay?
          LTG AF January 13, 2011


            I could really use some help, not doing well!

            HI Crazy
            All I can do is empathize. Did 36 days in feb/march then went on hols. All hell broke loose, d
            rinkin more than i ever had previously, fell hurt my head ended up unconscious in a and e anyway came home never sobered back up till 13 days ago, did 13 days AF felt pretty good but family bbq yesterday and had wine and vodka, woke up this morning ready to start again but the vodka called and the bottle hat to be finished thats what im doing now, bit disgusted with myself, but to go back to your point, the withdrawal is horrible, sweating, headaches mainly not sleeping dont know why i have brought that on myself again, it just seems endless and i feel so weak i suppose if we keep trying its better than not trying at all?
            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


              I could really use some help, not doing well!


              I am in NY; maybe we could speak later tonight, I think my husband is taking our kids out to a movie. You are so kind to offer. I have followed your posts for quite awhile and I think at one point I even knew your name! Mine is Ann. I have had so many AF "episodes" but all kind of short and interspersed with heavier and heavier wine consumption. Honestly, what is wrong with me, when it makes me feel so hopeless!

              I'll PM you my number and if you are around in a few hours, maybe we could speak. I don't want to impose but I think I might need it!



                I could really use some help, not doing well!

                Molly, great job on 36 days! Never stop trying :h
                LTG AF January 13, 2011


                  I could really use some help, not doing well!

                  Ann, I am Kimberly. I will also PM my number and will speak when my husbo is like glued to his computer game or something...LOL!! Hang in there hun!
                  LTG AF January 13, 2011


                    I could really use some help, not doing well!

                    Thanks, Kimberly! And Molly, that is just fantastic. I remember very well hitting that first month mark, and then hitting 52 days, which was the day I scheduled a doctor's appointment to have all my bloodwork done. Well, try not to let this slip extend to months like I did, it never gets any easier to get free. If you don't overdo it tonight, you'll feel pretty good on Monday. I, on the other hand, may well feel like crap! Dang.



                      I could really use some help, not doing well!

                      Ann, my poison is also wine. I lived for 23 years in the wine country of CA. Geezzzzzzzzz. Let's try to stick together, ladies :h
                      LTG AF January 13, 2011


                        I could really use some help, not doing well!

                        I was born and raised in California wine country. Molly, it is always better to try!

                        Someone I work with took 6 years to pass all the sections of the CPA (Certified Public Accountant) exam (which is what I am working on as well). She said on the CPA exam support message boards, they say the only way you can fail is to stop taking the exams. I think the same thing is true here; there is no failure as long as we pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and keep trying.


                          I could really use some help, not doing well!

                          Maisie, where did you live? I lived in Petaluma until 1996. Never stop trying for sure! I myself am trying to get passed 39 days. Getting too old for this crap - turning 50 this year...LOL!!
                          LTG AF January 13, 2011


                            I could really use some help, not doing well!

                            I was born and raised in Napa and am still there. You're right, at our age our body can't take the abuse and snap back anymore.


                              I could really use some help, not doing well!

                              Hi Crazy for wine,

                              How did you do 3 months AF previously? Use meds or just complete cold turkey?
                              Good luck, will check back to see how you are doing.

                              Love Jafa :goodjob:
                              MWO is a blessing, thank you.

