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I could really use some help, not doing well!

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    I could really use some help, not doing well!

    Hi Jafa,

    I used Campral for just a little while, I had some left over from another time (I've done this at least three times). I did find it to be helpful. I took some supps, mostly vitamins and milk thistle, and I tapered down over the span of about a week. I was extremely determined and had begun to feel so badly that I felt I had no choice but to go AF. I actually did not want wine, because I knew I'd just keep on drinking and lose everything. It takes a long time for me to get to that point, but I must say, I'm close to it now!

    How are you doing? Thanks for your note and concern.

    All the best to you on the other side of the world (I'm in NY)



      I could really use some help, not doing well!

      CW, hope you're feeling better today. Keep drinking that lemon water.
      Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
      awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


        I could really use some help, not doing well!

        Thanks, Ruby! I actually feel terrible, have been up since about 4 with the sweats and really bad anxiety. I need to get back to sleep but just can't. I will never do this to myself again! But yes, I am drinking my water, took two Calms Fortes, and will just try to ride this out.

        Hope you are doing well!



          I could really use some help, not doing well!

          Good morning CFW. I am on day 15 after a summer of wine also. I have been able to have months of being AF and love it, then for some dumb reason will start again. So, I know you can do this as you have done it before. Just keep remembering that each day will get better. It seems that some of us take several times to get this straight.


            I could really use some help, not doing well!

            Good morning everyone!
            LTG AF January 13, 2011


              I could really use some help, not doing well!

              Hi CFW - what's happenin' now? I'm in Oklahoma, so I'm an hour later than you. Sounds like a rough night and you have my full compassion about that. Do you think you can stop today; do you have the support around you to do that? I'm CFW, too, and am coming off a relapse after 3 years. It's a whole new world to get sober again, in my experience. Blessings to you and I will be checking in here all day. If you need to talk, I'm available.
              "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


                I could really use some help, not doing well!

                Hello, RedThread,

                I'm thinking of starting a Withdrawal thread so we can help each other cope with it, and also, if we ever, ever think about picking up a drink, we can go to this thread and remember the pain!

                It was an awful night and worse morning. Shaky, sweaty and nauseous. That's what I hate the most, the struggling not to throw up! At the momemt I feel a bit better-I walked around our local park, which is about 3.5 miles around. I cannot believe how much I sweat, though I will say, it's pretty humid here. Then, I ate a poached egg on whole grain toast, and that has settled.

                I just bought some Advil PM, I wonder it that's ok to take? does anyone know? The sleeping issue is what drives me to drink more than anything else.

                How are you doing? How are you feeling?

                Thanks for responding.



                  I could really use some help, not doing well!

                  Hi CW. I wasn't on MWO much in the past week and am catching up a bit around the forum today. I saw your thread and just wanted to lend some additional support. You raise an excellent point I think. It is SO IMORTANT to my sobriety that I VIVIDLY remember all the pain that I inflicted upon myself and others with my drinking. I call these "movies in my mind" the Vodkapades. I have to "play the tapes" any time my head tries to fill with romantacized versions of drinking that simply don't apply to me.

                  There is a thread in the Monthly Abs section called "What I Hate, Loath, and Just Can't Stand about drinking" that might be an interesting read / posting opp on this subject.

                  At any rate....I believe in you. This road to sobriety is a bumpy one that's for sure. But if I can do it, so can you. Do whatever it takes to make your sobriety #1 and it will happen.

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    I could really use some help, not doing well!

                    Hi CFW - I feel for you. I really do. It is hard this thing. I am in PA and was raised in So Cal (5th generation). Wine is my poison as well. Wine around me all the time my whole life. DId not have a problem until these past two years after my third was born. This place is great, but have been staying away because I feel like such a complete a**hole. Did great for a while but have been having at least a glass or three almost all through the summer. For no reason either. I have a great life and a great family. Have the last of the wine opened on top of the fridge and am doing all I can not to have any. Disgusted with myself and am very sad. I, like you, have a busy life, kids, work, etc and don't have the damned time to be hungover, but can I do it? I just don't know! I hope all of us can be sources of support because God knows I need it badly. Good luck to us all. Sending prayers of hope to all of us.


                      I could really use some help, not doing well!

                      Hi cfw,

                      I know how you feel re:withdrawals.I knew mine was going to be bad so i kept on 'sipping' to keep it at bay.It didn't work and when i did stop i had a seizure,was in bed for 2days,aside from getting up to be sick and change my sweatsoaked pjs.
                      Why don't you visit your gp and ask for something to help?Mine prescribed me librium and at first i was embarrassed to admit i was an alco i had got to the stage were i needed medical help.A seizure is real scary shit.
                      The lib really helped and i'm now over the worst of withdrawals.Tomorrow is day 4 for me and im proud that i got here without being hospitalised.
                      Each withdrawal just seems to get worse and worse...
                      When you have one bad withdrawal things never ever get better...
                      Keep on the boards,the support i got here was vital in reminding me that others had got through it,when i felt i was going to die!

                      Good Luck cfc,
                      Hugs & prayers

                      "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
                      Bring it on!


                        I could really use some help, not doing well!

                        Thanks, DG, CAPA and Annie,

                        Yes, it's much harder this time than last. Last time I was able to "titrate" down over the course of a few days and although cutting my consumption in half the first two days left me feeling pretty bad, cold turkey might have been worse. It's pretty sad when drinking a bottle of wine at night is cutting my consumption in half!

                        I have read through the What I Hate and Loathe about drinking thread, it's fabulous. I need to make my own list and read it often! I do know that once I have cut back a LOT, or stopped, positive things start happening. It's like once I can sleep at night, and I sleep like the dead with intense, constant dreams at that stage, the allure of alcohol lessens a bit. It's just getting to that point where the corner is turned and life takes on a positive spin. Why we ever give that up is beyond me!

                        Anyway, let's stick together, and thank you all so very much for writing. I know there are several people in their first days of sobriety. We can learn from each other and from posters like Doggy Girl who have had success!



                          I could really use some help, not doing well!

                          Try hard to NOT focus on tomorrow, nor the next day- Try to focus on Next week- sober and happy, If you did it before -you - like all of us, you will do it again. Stay close, we are all here for each other!
                          Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
                          And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

                          • Yesterday is History
                            Today is a Mystery
                            Tomorrow is a GIFT


                            I could really use some help, not doing well!

                            don't be too hard on yourself, I had to get rid of all the AL in my house that is only way i have been able to do this. If it was here it would be too great a temptation and once i start drinking i would drink until i was buzzed or drunk..No moderation even tho i tried many times
                            If I can do this i know you can too!


                              I could really use some help, not doing well!

                              I am so sorry to hear that you are in a bad place right now.
                              I'm here for you.
                              Just wanted to add my support. And also congrats on 3 months AF -- that's just fantastic!!
                              Be strong. I know you can do this.
                              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                                I could really use some help, not doing well!


                                Thanks very much. It's just embarrassing to have been doing so well and then to have such a major relapse! It just shows that one has to reaffirm one's determination not to drink, every single day, no matter how confident one may be feeling. A week away with my family made me lose my resolve. I could have done better; I just didn't. You have to put sobriety first, before any other stressor or problem!

                                I hope everyone has a better day than yesterday.


