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I could really use some help, not doing well!

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    I could really use some help, not doing well!

    Good morning everyone!
    Ann, sorry I did not call you yesterday. I was not in good form myself. First, it was football, then we found 2 leaks in our roof.
    Anyhow, what is your plan for today? I'll help if I can. I am thinking of you often :h
    LTG AF January 13, 2011


      I could really use some help, not doing well!

      Hi Kimberly,

      Today I am going to keep myself busy with work. I am going out for a run late morning. I am going to try not to obsess and panic about my work, which at the moment, has too many moving parts and is very frustrating. I am going to eat well.

      My plan is to keep titrating down and Wednesday will be Day 1, fully AF.

      How does that sound? Sadly, my hands are shaking as I type, and my night last night was gruesome. I took half an Advil PM, which allowed me to sleep fitfully; kept waking up incredibly drenched. May happen again tonight, and then I think it will get better.

      Lordy, lordy, the messes we create! And I'm sorry your day yesterday was not good. Leaks are no fun!



        I could really use some help, not doing well!

        Been there

        I was terrified to quit, of the withdrawal symptoms.
        somehow went 78 days, so I know I can do again.
        A liquid substitue for all the wine will help too, not caffiene.
        AA helped me in the beginning for me, though I could not
        commit totally to their Cult or my wife really would of divorced me.
        Vitamin E. Talk to someone who will not judge, AA again.
        Though it is hit or miss with AA, as everyone is human.
        You can decide to reduce, or not even have one drink.
        Reward yourself. There is nothing that wine is going
        to improve unless you are having a single glass with
        pasta dinner. Some how the days do get better.
        The hours even get better too. I've been AF 12 hours
        and will not drink today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        All the best.


          I could really use some help, not doing well!

          Ann, your plan sounds good. I use melatonin as a sleep aide. It's non-addictive. So, Wednesday it is :h

          Moo, great job on 78 days! :wings:
          LTG AF January 13, 2011


            I could really use some help, not doing well!

            Just wanted to lend my support CFW.
            Be kind to yourself, this too will pass. The sweats, etc. will be gone in a few days, give yourself time. Go to bed early, read, have a bath, just chill, and before you know it, it will be over it and out the other side. Think of it as a rollercoaster ride, shut your eyes and hang on for dear life.

            Good luck to you



              I could really use some help, not doing well!

              Hi Crazy for Wine !

              Hope you are feeling good today. I had two glasses last night just so I would not drown in my own nightsweats, so I know what you are going through. It's best to taper off before you go totally AF.

              Good luck to you today on your goals :thumbysup:
              Miss October :blinkylove:


                I could really use some help, not doing well!

                Ann, how are you doing today?
                LTG AF January 13, 2011


                  I could really use some help, not doing well!

                  Hi ann,just checking in to see how you are.
                  hope you're feeling better
                  "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
                  Bring it on!


                    I could really use some help, not doing well!

                    Thanks everyone for your help and concern! I am back among the living! Today I felt almost normal although the sweats last night were just incredible! I've never experienced feeling the sweat popping out of my skin, over and over. But I did sleep some, and got up today for a run, and had a long, productive, focused day. Much less anxious and depressed. My brain actually worked.

                    I plan on tomorrow being AF. I must find something non alcoholic to drink; last time I was into diet tonic big-time, but after awhile, it started to bother my stomach! Maybe seltzer.

                    Thanks to you all for getting me through the worst of it. It really helped to get your support and to hear that most people go through this. It's interesting how alcohol is the great leveler; we come from all over the world, but the way we use alcohol, and the difficulty we have stopping, is almost identical. Your story is my story. Knowing that helped.

                    Hugs to everyone.



                      I could really use some help, not doing well!

                      try lime and water

                      :new:I always felt that lime and water gave me the sensation of having a margarita. I love that taste.

                      I get drunk on wine so that doesn't matter I guess.

                      BE STRONG...PERSEVERANCE


                        I could really use some help, not doing well!

                        Hi everyone,
                        new here and doing Alcoholics Anonymous. Been AF for nearly 2 months. The problem with relapsing is that first drink!! Don't take it.


                          I could really use some help, not doing well!

                          I am sitting here reading all your stories and crying, I don't get withdrawel symptom's , I just love wine and then I can't stop so I know it isn't far off when I am truly addicted, having found this site I hope now that will never happen, you are all so strong I hope I can be too, good luck to you all


                            I could really use some help, not doing well!

                            Hi Everyone,

                            Just checking in and thanks again to all of you who supported me as I suffered through the withdrawals. I made it, had a few AF days, had some wine last night, and am now back on track with a busy Monday! I wish I hadn't had anything last night but I didn't cope well with a stressful day; that's really what I need to work on, getting through long stretches of unstructured time, and getting through stressful periods.

                            I wish you all a wonderful week; keep up the good work. I'm sure going to try!



                              I could really use some help, not doing well!

                              HI there.

                              I hope things have gone well for you.

                              I too am a wine 'lover' and i do not remember the last night that I did not have at least two bottles.

                              I have two young kids, a business and a partner all of whom need to be nurtured by me.

                              I want to stop drinking and feel I need some support - can you tell me what to expect, or even how to stop for more than a day?

                              All the best...


                                I could really use some help, not doing well!

                                Hi Does it Hurt,

                                I am no expert, I will tell you that! But here's what I have done. Because I was drinking around the clock-I mean, I was in a bad spot, just barely able to take care of things-I cut back to one bottle. One would think this would feel ok-but it really did not feel good. Eliminating the night time drinking (to get back to sleep) really affected me, for about 3 days. Very very nauseous and shaky....Then I started to feel better. I wish I had had some Librium, or Ativan, or something to reduce the anxiety and shakiness. But I didn't, and I pressed forward because I really felt I had no choice!

                                I am now down to just a couple of glasses per evening, with NONE in the night or morning, and that helps immensely. My goal is to go 30 days, starting Nov. 1. My sleep has improved, just recently in fact, and I now have an appetite instead of feeling ill.

                                Remind me never to do this again.

                                You may not have the same withdrawal, though, it depends on the individual and how long/hard you have been drinking. I do believe in tapering, but many people have had success going cold turkey. Do come back here for support, it's invaluable, and people have lots of wonderful suggestions and ideas. I'm happy to help if I can! This is a very challenging disease, but you can greatly improve your life if you tackle it!


