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    Hi everyone!
    I'd like to join this thread also. Back to day 1 - again.
    DeeBee, it did seem easier last year didn't it?
    Sea is arriving tomorrow so we are hoping to hold each other up for the next 13 weeks that she is here.
    I have been having trouble sticking to my supps so today I am making myself a schedule and using the kitchen timer as a reminder. I think it will help.
    Wishing y'all the best today and everyday :h
    LTG AF January 13, 2011


      7 DAY THREAD

      Strength to you and Sea LTG.
      I am battling to remember to take my Bac every 2 hours so I too need to get my A into G -- I like the kitchen timer idea:-)
      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


        7 DAY THREAD

        Thanks, DeeBee!
        I am glad Sea is arriving in the AM and not at happy hour on a Friday. We will start out by meeting with another member at Starbuck's, then get her a rental car. Sunday will be hard with football but we are planning on making chili instead of drinking at noon.
        I didn't realize you had to take bac so often. That would be rough. Good luck with the timer :h
        LTG AF January 13, 2011


          7 DAY THREAD

          I'll hope on bord here, too

          I'm on day 40 but in a real funk these last few days... I can see this going down hill if I'm not careful. So, 7 more days FOR SURE.

          My God, Deebs... there's NO WAY I'd be able to keep that schedule! :egad:
          LTG, have fun with Seabers... Chili sounds wonderful! Are you meeting up with Bluz?
          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

          Winning since October 24th, 2013


            7 DAY THREAD

            Sun, great job on 40 days! :wings: Do you think the house is causing the funk? Or maybe the thought of winter coming?
            On Friday we will meet up with Dancelot. Not sure when we will meet Bluz.
            LTG AF January 13, 2011


              7 DAY THREAD

              Day 40 GG!! That's fanTAStic!!
              You gotto get yourself out of that funk girlfriend -- how can we help?
              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                7 DAY THREAD

                Funk = all of the above, I think
                The whole house thing, worries about my mom still lingering, broke as can be, days get shorter, never have enough hours in the day to get done what needs getting done... ya know... normal stuff

                Yeah, I know, I have to pick myself up. I'm quite irritable, to boot. Not much fun for my loved ones, I think.

                Or, maybe it's just PMS :H
                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                Winning since October 24th, 2013


                  7 DAY THREAD

                  I also get in's tough to snap out of sometimes.....just getting out of bed sometimes is an ordeal, and having a hangover definately doesn't help.

                  Congratulations on 40 days Sunshine~ that is fanTABulous!!! I hope I can make it that far.

                  DeeBee--What are you up to with your Bac? I find if I take 3 or more at a time, I am BAGGED!!!! Oh sooo tired! So I do it when I am at home for a while, or at bedtime. I love how the Bac works though....I will live with the fatigue and the crazy ass dreams!!!

                  LTG! How amazing to see you!! Thank you for once in a while checking in on me! So very thoughtful! You have a wonderful visit with Sea!
                  AF July 6 2014


                    7 DAY THREAD

                    Christy, so happy to see you keep trying :h How long on the bac for you? How is your family? Did you get that promotion?
                    LTG AF January 13, 2011


                      7 DAY THREAD

                      Well, another AF evening under my belt. I made it through a Thursday evening, which is good. Today is Day 6 for me. Yay me! The Bac truly helps though the dreams.....had one last night that DH left me for a much younger and thinner girl I work with.....urgggg. I would rather have murderous dreams than those!

                      This weekend should be ok....I will be strong. I have a friend's anniversary party that I will try very hard to remain AF for. I also have the UFC fights on Saturday night, that I always drink watching.....

                      My DD comes home from France this weekend.....I have missed her. My youngest DD, was teary last night, missing her oldest sister.

                      Working today again.....seems to be a way of life.....reminds me, I'd better check my lottery ticket!

                      LTG--always trying!!! I have been on the back for about a month now. I really feel like it is helping! I feel like I have a chance. The family is good. My mom took my oldest to Paris for her birthday, bugger! They will be home on Sunday. My step-dad is doing well. He is in respite care while she is gone....he requires too much in terms of getting his meds, insulin, etc. to be left on his own.
                      AF July 6 2014


                        7 DAY THREAD

                        Yay you Christy!! 6 days AF and each and every one of them a reason to celebrate.
                        I have taken a good 10 weeks to get to 60mg's with my Bac and was wondering last night if maybe I need to just change the times I take it.
                        I was starting from 8am and taking 10mg's every 2 hours ending at 6pm but maybe I'll only start at 10am and finish at 8pm. The only thing is I'm usually past my craving by 8pm and ready for bed so don't know if it's almost a waste to take it so late (?) What do you think?

                        Well, I've managed to string together 4 days AF with the support of all you lovely people here -- I am proud of myself for my accomplishment this week and I intend to do a repeat performance next week.

                        Have a fantastic weekend 7 Day-ers:-)
                        "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                          7 DAY THREAD

                          Y'all are doing fantastic! Day 2 here. Leaving soon to pick up Sea at DFW and then meet Dancealot at Starbucks. Dance thinks there is a chance we could get kicked out...LOL!!
                          Christy, I am so jealous of your daughter:h What a specail time for her with her Grandma :wings: The only trip we had taken with Hanna was to go fishing and stay in a cabin...LOL!! But hey, she caught her first fish
                          Have a blessed day everyone!
                          LTG AF January 13, 2011


                            7 DAY THREAD

                            where do you all get this Bac from, is it on prescription only, I don't think I am ready to admit to the doc that I have a problem,


                              7 DAY THREAD

                              Hi Tawnywitch,
                              There are a couple of interesting and informative threads in the meds section which I suggest you read to get info on Baclofen.
                              Shout if you need help finding them.
                              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                                7 DAY THREAD

                                Quick SHOUTOUT to DeeBee & Sunshine -- for a Wonderful chat earlier!

                                I went to pool just now as suggested by DeeBee (weird that I would need to be Reminded of fabulous pool!). Water was Absolutely perfect. I gingerly exercized knee/ankle. I am going to continue doing that a few times/week to see if it helps.

                                If nothing else, it sure does lift my mood!

                                Anyway, those 2 wonderful ladies really helped me get refocused. I was That close to just throwing in the towel, but now... I'm on board for Day 3.

                                Just shows, once again, how great the people and support are on this site.

                                Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

