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    How is everyone doing?
    Well, my day is over. I am winding down with a cup of decaf and just catching my breath after renovating the lounge windows. I have kept myself very busy today with work and doing a couple of chores around the house.
    I have bought an appletizer as a treat for myself which i'll only have when DH comes come a bit later and pours his cane and soda -- maybe that way I won't feel like I'm missing out.

    Be strong!!
    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


      7 DAY THREAD

      Afternoon everyone!

      DeeBee--Good job last night! Stay strong!

      I started a new job today, just part time to add to my other part time job....uurggg....I wish I didn't have to work at all, but we gotta do what we gotta do! Well, after my orientation, I was on my way to get some much needed groceries, and well, I pass by the beer store, then the LCBO, and felt like, 'Oh come on, you can have just a couple.' And I wanted to stop and buy some but I committed myself to 7 days, and I am sticking to it! Thanks guys!!!

      I heard from my daughter in Paris yesterday. I don't think she's holding it against me of my terrible behaviour....she says she keeps seeing things that remind her of me, and she misses me and loves me. I wish I could have been better when she left.....hind sight, eh?

      Well, I am going to have a little snooze I think and then make a nice pasta dinner with homemade sauce, and caesar salad, and garlic bread! Yummers!!!!! Thank god I don't like red wine, !!!!!!

      I will check in in a bit and see how everyone is doing. Big Brother Finale tonight!!!!!
      AF July 6 2014


        7 DAY THREAD

        Oh ya, Day 3 for me!!!!
        AF July 6 2014


          7 DAY THREAD

          Hi all,

          I'd like to jump in for 7 days. I've had alot of ups and downs. I turned 44 this Sunday and I decided enough is enough. I modded last night and am going for the rest of the week AF. Then another 7 after that.

          Sending support from the far north
          :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


            7 DAY THREAD

            I'm still here - day 3 today. I had a rough moment last night with my lazy ass BF too. That's another story. Let's just say I really wanted to crack that bottle but didn't. Feel better for it today too.
            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


              7 DAY THREAD

              Excellent job Uni!!!!! See, we can do this!!!!

              Long time no see Akgirl!!!! Not because of you not being here, but me!!! Glad to have you join us on the 'fantastic voyage', lol!!! Though some days will be quite HAIRY!!!!
              AF July 6 2014


                7 DAY THREAD

                I am in!


                  7 DAY THREAD

                  Congrats Uni and Christy on Day 3!

                  I too, feel a hundreds times better for it today. But I did have a crazy dream last night about killing someone who I couldn't see, but it was a "badie", with a tennis ball attached to a string. But my aim was always off and I couldn't quite knock him on the head. I woke up drenched in sweat and very disturbed LOL!! Who knew tennis balls could be so dangerous.

                  A belated Happy Birthday AK -- you kept that quiet from us.

                  How are you doing today Sav? It's quite a crowd you have hanging out with your now :-)

                  Hi 1967! Jump right in.

                  I'll catch up with everyone later once I've got some work done.
                  "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                    7 DAY THREAD

                    Morning everyone!!!

                    I am starting Day 4 now....feeling pretty good about it. I have been taking Bac as well, so I really feel it has helped. I haven't not had a drink for this long in about a year where I went 3 months. I stupidly started drinking at Christmas.

                    I don't know yet if I am going for complete AF or moderation.....time will tell. Do I really need the drink? It's just that EVERYONE does it......

                    Happy belated AK!! Hope you had a good one!!

                    Welcome 1967! The more the merrier!

                    How's it going Sav??

                    DeeBee, I have been having some very crazy dreams since being on Bac....I will take them though!

                    Happy day to everyone!!! I am working again this afternoon and tonight! I wish I was wealthy!!!!
                    AF July 6 2014


                      7 DAY THREAD

                      Evening gals!!
                      Day 3 nearly over -- yeeehah!! And it's hump day which is normally a trigger on it's own.
                      Christy, I don't normally dream but since taking Bac I've been dreaming quite a lot -- nothing interesting enough to report but last nights' nightmare was a real doozy!
                      I have also been absolutely and utterly exhausted this afternoon. I could barely keep my eyes open when I went to fetch the daughter from the bus stop so it's definitely an early night for me tonight.
                      How is everyone else doing?

                      Uni, I'm holding thumbs and foot fingers that your interview went well today.
                      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                        7 DAY THREAD

                        Morning all!!!!

                        Day 5 starting here! It really helps that there isn't any beer in the house! We have other AL but none I would drink. The Bac is certainly holding my cravings and desires at crazy dreams last night

                        Thursday are normally the days I have cracked in the past. I am confident I will be fine.

                        I am starting my second day at my new second job! Time to start getting serious about paying off some bills!!!! Tired of living pay to pay, barely. Wish me luck!!!

                        Hope everyone has a great day! It's starting as a beautiful coolish day here in Southern Ontario, Canada!
                        AF July 6 2014


                          7 DAY THREAD

                          Hi 7-dayers.

                          I'm on Day 1 Again. Fell off yesterday and not even sure why... Which proves once again, a reason isn't needed!!

                          How is it that I went a month very recently with relative ease -- and now I'm having a hard time making it thru Three blasted days??

                          I guess that's why I started this 7-day thread. Hooo boy!
                          Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                            7 DAY THREAD

                            That's ok Savon!! Just as long as you never give up! Once you give up.....that's when the trouble begins......

                            We can do it!!!!
                            AF July 6 2014


                              7 DAY THREAD

                              I'd like to join a bit late but if I can do one night af it will be a big thing for me, good luck, stay strong.


                                7 DAY THREAD

                                Helping you up by the bra-strap Sav:-)
                                I don't know why it's always harder the second time around -- this time last year I breezed through 2 months AF and this year I find myself here celebrating stringing more than two days together. Makes me mad that I've gone backwards!!

                                Hang with us TawnyWitch, we're here for support.

                                Good luck with the new job Christy.
                                "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"

