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ODAT - Tuesday

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    ODAT - Tuesday

    Good morning ODATers

    Taking the lead from Greenie and her tales of changing seasons and needing to sidestep potholes etc..... here we go with Tuesday.

    • The toilet is blocked - again! - to be mended by ME.
      The fridge is still broken but will be repaired, I hope, this afternoon (not by ME)
      The cat has staggered/hopped home on three legs (been fighting again) needs to be seen by Vet this afternoon (appointment and transport by ME).
      The dishwasher "didn't clean very well last night" according to husband - yes it'll be ME to the rescue again.

    And people say to me "Why don't you get yourself a job you must be bored at home....."

    Have a good one ODATers and keep busy (like me).

    Luv Bx

    ODAT - Tuesday

    Hi MM and Odaters to come

    Yes, I too have well meaning friends and family who think I can't find enough to do! :H:H:H

    Well I took my own challenge and didn't drink last night. Won't drink tonight as have meeting to go to. I remember going to the same meeting last year, no alcoholic drinks were offered (only tea/coffee) and being desparate when I got home at 10pm and starting to drink then. I have come a long way since there and can say with confidence that I will not be cracking open a bottle at 10pm tonight no matter how boring the meeting is.

    Wishing you all a good AF day, who's up for the challenge of NOT drinking today?
    If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


      ODAT - Tuesday


      MM, get a chain saw! It fixes moods! :H:H:H

      Blue, a boring meeting....ugh. My challenge would have been not to crack the bottle BEFORE the meeting.

      Well, EO is sick and looks like I'm nurse since he lives at the hole and I do have to go to work. :H :upset:

      Alrighty!! Lets just put on big girl pants and knock it out!!
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        ODAT - Tuesday

        Good morning ODATers!

        Today i think i'll be able to take the doggy for the 2 miles this morning. Just a little sore still from the weekend.

        I also have a boring meeting tonight that better not go over 1 hour. I will have an excuse in hand to leave because they tend to go on and on and on....

        Have a great AF day all! I'm getting close to 40 days AF and i'm not going to ruin it today.
        AF/SF - November 23, 2014


          ODAT - Tuesday

          mstall, I meant to tell you it would be helpful to soak in epsom salts to draw out the lactic acid. I still can't get over 30 miles....incredible!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            ODAT - Tuesday

            Good morning everyone!

            I ran last night and it wasn't too bad! Actually went pretty far. Helped that the humidity level was lower than it's usual 100%! So I feel great. Have yet to see any weight loss though. Bummer.

            Have a cocktail party tonight and am considering trying to moderate or not. I'll probably abstain. It's not a cocktail party worth having a drink for. I'll be going alone and not staying late, just making an appearance, so I can make dinner off of it and have a Perrier. But I'll keep my options open for moderating.

            Hope everyone is well and getting the beginning of fall weather. I can't wait! I love this time of year!



              ODAT - Tuesday

              Good morning everybody else taking life one day at a time. I am savoring my extended harvest with tomatoes, fat bell peppers, chile, paprika, and eggplant. Today I am going to catch up on house chores and make a batch of pesto for the freezer from the happily exploding basil. No work until Thursday so I am in my element and back on track. Love, Ladybird.
              may we be well


                ODAT - Tuesday

                Ladybird, could you pass along your pesto recipe please? I have lots of basil and have never made pesto.
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  ODAT - Tuesday

                  I don’t really have a recipe per se, just a method. If you blanche your basil first for a few seconds in boiling water (followed by an ice bath) it will stay bright green in the freezer. I coarsely chop pine nuts, walnuts, fresh garlic, and the basil (squeezed dry with paper towels) in a food processor. Then I add freshly grated parmesan (sometimes a bit of romano) and olive oil and mix it up in a bowl. The proportions and consistency are to your taste and the key is to use the very best ingredients you can manage. Some people freeze it without the cheese and add it later but I don’t have a problem with this. I divide it in little containers and make sure the pesto is covered with a thin layer of olive oil. It keeps beautifully all winter. Enjoy. LB.
                  may we be well


                    ODAT - Tuesday

                    Ohhhh! Thank you! Do you toast your pine nuts?
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      ODAT - Tuesday

                      I do toast them. It is much easier to do this sober as they quickly catch on fire. Love, Ladybird.
                      may we be well


                        ODAT - Tuesday

                        Good morning ODATers
                        I was successful yesterday so signing on for another day. I am happy to have a fun soccer game instead of a boring meeting as a diversion from the temptation to drink. Like Blue, in the past I might have drank afterwards but happily that will have absolutely no appeal tonight.
                        LadyBird, thanks for the pesto tips - I've been meaning to search the web for the 'perfect recipe'. My basil has gone to flower(the bees love it) and I never seem to get around to processing it. But maybe tomorrow on my day off I'll give pesto a whirl. Avoiding flaming the pine nuts will be incentive to not drink!
                        Drinking has been my hobby for several years now. It's time to get a new hobby


                          ODAT - Tuesday

                          Good for you, Luv. I envy your harvest of corn (yum).
                          may we be well


                            ODAT - Tuesday

                            Hi guys,

                            Late check in today as i have been busy dealing with stupid people at work - ah how I love it. I am hoping that I get this promotion and I can hopefully have a change of pace for a while. Interview is tomorrow - wish me luck! That will definitly keep me away from AL tonight as I need to bright eyed and bushy tailed tomorrow morning.

                            I am proud of myself as I got through a rough moment last night. Was having an argument with BF about how he manages his business (I was doing his financials and found out he hadn't done invoicing since end of June). I soooooooo badly wanted to go crack a bottle of wine but instead I fought through it and had a cup of tea. Another 0 in the tracker for me - yeah!

                            Have a good one guys.
                            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                              ODAT - Tuesday

                              ladybirdheart;715604 wrote: I do toast them. It is much easier to do this sober as they quickly catch on fire. Love, Ladybird.
                              Much less expensive too! Those little suckers cost an arm & a leg!

                              Uni, doing good girlie!!!
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

