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September to Remember - Week 3

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    September to Remember - Week 3

    Good morning!! (well, good afternoon now!)
    Just got back yesterday from my trip to Wpg - it was a busy time, sad, happy, and the service for my dad was beautiful - a big celebration - what a wonderful man he was!! But every trip is such an adventure for us. The van broke down in Regina - I was just cursing, as I had been thinking that we really should have flown! Ah well - that waterpump just had to fail some day I suppose. Got the van back yesterday and home late afternoon, feeling so tired.

    I agree about the naps and the need to slow down though. I napped for 2.5 hours as soon as we got in the door last night, then have slept about 11 hours through the night. Needless to say, I took another day off work and will get some errands done, and well heck!! have another nap if I need too!!!

    All your posts sound so good - and inspiring - and I know I have to get myself back together, mentally and physically, so I will stick close to all my MWO friends. I may have to lay down and rest with the CD playing a little later - I like the way you put it LBH, about putting your house in order. I love that feeling.
    Dill - thanks for that quote. It's all about the attitude!!! Hope do you are feeling well - take those naps whenever you can - I am becoming a believer!
    Lil - what a long road trip you are on, but they are amazing when you are travelling through such vast territory! I am always amazed by the huge vistas while travelling around the northern prairies here. Drive safely!
    Sooty - get out into that sunshine - autumn is such a gorgeous time of year, and we have to take as much advantage of it as we can. It has been incredibly beautiful weather up here - unseasonably warm and I am loving it! (so is my garden!)
    Lav - oh wise one. As you can see, I think you attitude is just about right. Enough of this running about at high speed all the time, eh?
    Pam - good you are sounding so positive. I'm still waiting for my "internal shift" to occur, but I know it will someday. I need to focus.

    Off on my bike for a little bit. I'm happy i've taken the time to reconnect with you all. I want to stay here for a bit for added strength!!
    xoxoxo peanut


      September to Remember - Week 3

      Pnut, I'm glad you are back. Sorry you had van trouble on the trip! It sounds like your memorial for you Dad was a good celebration of a great man and a life well-lived!

      LBH, are you retiring? Semi-retiring? I have a good 3 years to go before I can retire.

      Sooty, we are having the most beautiful autumn weather here today, too. I wanted very badly to lie down and take a nap in the autumn sunshine after lunch, but I was at work. They tend to frown on such things!:H

      Lav, did you have a good visit with your grandson? Mine dropped in with his folks last night to take a bath. Their hot water isn't working yet in their new house. It was fun snuglling with him after his bath.

      Pam, lil, hope you each had a nice day!

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        September to Remember - Week 3

        Hello everyone, its lovely to read all the smashing messages and pick up on the positive vibes here today.
        I've had a very good day today and hope you all have too.
        Going to do a bit of meditation now with a new cd I've received today thru the post so talk to you all tomorrow.
        love sooty


          September to Remember - Week 3

          Evening all. I'm climbing into bed as we speak so just a quick flyby. It's been a nice sunny autumn day here too. My teeth are gleaming again, makes communication so much more bearable! The probate stuff is about 80% done, though I've been trawling through antique dealers with a weird Asian artifact they seem unable to value. I'm meeting with the guy who's drawing up the papers tomorrow.

          I love the quote about attitude. Absolutely true. Speak more tomorrow. Enjoy your evenings yet to come across the pond!


            September to Remember - Week 3

            Good evening. I had a ?winter is coming to the nest attack? and came home with a thick faux sable throw, wool socks, tights, a sweater, winter pajamas, fifty tulip bulbs, a beautiful fall wreath for the door, and a big box of oranges so I don?t get scurvy while marooned. Good grief.

            I am so glad you are back, Ms. P-nut, your daddy made one fine girl.

            Dill, I retired seven years ago and have since been self employed part time twice at the specialty I did as a major part of my career job. The first time was an eighteen month stint for the ?intellectual exercise? of it and more recently I opened back up big time for a few months, this time for the money (moo). I will have made my financial goal at the end of this month and I can go back to simply dabbling in the difficult. I really like being retired, perhaps I was born for it!

            Hi dear Lav and goodnight dear Sooty. Night Pam and may you smile in your dreams. I shall have an early one here. Love, Ladybird.
            may we be well


              September to Remember - Week 3

              Everyone is sounding well - great to read!
              Pnut... go for those naps.. they can be life savers at times! I'm glad both you and dillie have made it through this past weekend and are back here with us. :l

              Hello to everyone else - be well, all of you!
              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                September to Remember - Week 3

                Evening friends,

                Dropping by to say good night to all! Had a wonderful, long, tiring day with my grandson, what more could I ask for?

                Pnut, glad you are OK & back with us!
                Dill, LBH, Pam - how about we all retire right now and get serious about those refreshing naps
                Sooty, we need to keep you behind the wheel taking us in the right direction
                Sunni, stay well, I know you have a lot going on right now with your property.........

                Have to go to bed, see you all in the AM.
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  September to Remember - Week 3

                  Evening Sept Gang,

                  Lav, Dill- It sounds as if you two are really enjoying your Grandma time.

                  LBH-Mountain time and Big Sky's is right! I've been in and out of so many time zones. Talk about confusing!

                  Pnut-I've missed what's going on with you but I'm glad to see you here.

                  Hi to Sooty, Pam and Sunnie-I hope you are all having a good evening.

                  I'm pretty tired tonight so making this a short one. Night, night all
                  AF since 7/26/2009

                  "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                  "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                    September to Remember - Week 3

                    Good morning, STR friends!

                    Two good ones from Daily Recovery Readings:

                    Today is a gift that is why they call it the present.


                    "I can do nothing to change the past except stop repeating it in the present."
                    --Courage to Change

                    There's not a whole lot I would like to change in my past, but I would like to change the parts I missed or ruined by drinking! I can change that for today.

                    Sunni, I haven't seen you in a while. It's always a lift to my spirits! Lil, the time zone thing is always so confusing! Just ignore it! It will go away!:H The only time that matters is "now", anyway!

                    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                      September to Remember - Week 3

                      Have a great day everybody. It is an early one for me (nooooooo?..) but I am going to remember everything thanks to you. Love, Ladybird.
                      may we be well


                        September to Remember - Week 3

                        Good morning September friends,

                        Feels a bit like Fall today! Guess that means I should start some heavy house cleaning...............we'll see

                        Lil, glad you checked in,don't wear yourself out!

                        Dill, your quotes remind me of the importance of forgiving ourselves for our past performances - ones that we will never repeat. This Christmas Day I will stay on my feet and not end up falling on my butt like I did last year

                        LBH, I'm sure you will have a terrific day to remember today!

                        Have a gret AF day everyone.
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          September to Remember - Week 3

                          Oh no Lav, not heavy house cleaning - leave that till the spring, you won't see the dust in the gloom anyway!
                          Hi LBH not seen you for a while and Lil so glad you're here too
                          Dill I love your quotes - thanks for them
                          Pnut, Pam, Sunni hope you are all well and happy.
                          I'm in a rush tonight so hope i didn't miss anyone - certainly didn't intend to.
                          Take care everyone be kind to yourself


                            September to Remember - Week 3

                            Hi Sooty, Lav, Lbh, Beautiful day here! I can't believe how perfect the weather! Not much to talk about here. Just in from work and fixing supper. A walk after dinner will be in order.

                            Grateful to be enjoying it sober.

                            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                              September to Remember - Week 3

                              Dimdidumdum, it's been a beautiful day here too! I spent the afternoon discussing the probate stuff, it finally looks like it will all come together in time for the deadline. Had a cup of coffee afterwards with the elderly man who is drawing up the paperwork and it turns out he's an astrology buff, of all things. He agrees with Greenie who's been warning about Mercury being in retrograde - apparently planets in retrograde throw things out of whack. Well, I sure can't wait for that to end!!! Hope everyone is enjoying the gift that is today.


                                September to Remember - Week 3

                                Hi folks, glad that there is always beautiful weather somewhere around the world. Stayed awake last night mulling over this and that regarding work and as it turned out my assignment ended up getting canceled. Just another lesson in wasting Dill?s gift of the present by living in the imagined future. I get paid half of what I would have made if I had done the work which feels like far too much but I?ll take the money for now. I am home in the rain making the first green chile stew of the season, and just finished grilling the ingredients in the soggy backyard (blubber). This evening looks like it is shaping up to be a big steaming bowl, a film, and a huge warm orange tabby on my lap. Love, Ladybird.
                                may we be well

