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September to Remember - Week 3

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    September to Remember - Week 3

    Evening all lovely to see you. Lav you are inspirational - what are you going to do to celebrate your 6 months special date?
    Pnut I don't know about Baclofen - I hate taking tablets so would rather not and like you Dill I think that despite my lapses I will beat my beast too.
    JC lovely to see you again, missed you lately
    Lil hope the travelling isn't too exhausting
    Welcome Do25 great to have you along with us
    LBH I am so envious of your garden produce - our wet summer caused lots of our veg to fail, only managed a few onions, courgettes and beans - got lots of weeds and slugs tho!
    Have a good weekend all my buddies
    see you tomorrow


      September to Remember - Week 3

      Hey Dill laughing is good, so glad you're getting yours back.
      and remember "seven days without laughter makes one weak"


        September to Remember - Week 3

        Hey gang - another roaster out there. It's 33C right now - this is just so bizarre. Just spent the afternoon at the auto wrecker with BF and his son - oh what fun - but got all the right parts for some repairs to my van.

        I know what you mean Lav about taking some of these meds. I did the Topa last June and it helped, but when I got my dosage up, I started having terrible side effects so I got off it (completely took away my menstral cycle - too much info??). Changed my personality too. I have Dr. A..... 's book waiting at the library for me as soon as the current lender returns it, so I shall read a bit about it and see. I am not having alot of luck beating my beast, but I guess I have to keep trying. Never Give Up!!!!!

        Alright - have to run out again, so keep smiling and have some good belly laughs too! I was watching old John Cleese/ Monty Python sketches last night, and that always seems to work for me!!
        xoxoxo peanut


          September to Remember - Week 3

          Sooty, that is a great quote! I'd never heard that before.

          Pnut, keep us posted about what you decide. I'm pulling for you and one thing I're going to make it!

          It was an absolutely gorgeous day today and perfect for a walk in the woods. Now the air is so fresh and the windows are open letting all the night sounds drift in. I love this time of year!

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            September to Remember - Week 3

            Hey kids!

            How's everyone tonight?
            Dill, leaving the windows open for the cool night air is one thing but I heard some freakishly unusual animal sounds the other night.........I have no idea what it was!!!!
            My 6 month anni date is 9/26 - I certainly won't be popping open a bottle of wine to celebrate. I think I'll just bake myself a cake and have my own little private party since no one around here really talks about the changes I've made this year - they have simply stopped bitching at me. OOPS, I didn't mean to sound bitchy but I think you may know what I mean My kids are happier & kinder to me when they are here, that's good! Mr Lav has been walking on egg shells because I have really tuned up the Lavan-ittude on him............funny how you notice all those nasty, annoying habits & traits in others when you're sober all the time..........

            Sooty, we really had an overly wet summer here too. It delayed the garden a bit but didn't ruin anything. The weeds grew like a jungle

            Pnut, I didn't mean to be negative about the meds earlier today, hope I didn't offend you. I have a huge amount of Lavan-ittude where medicines are concerned. I saw way too many patients over the years suffer terrible side effects from medicines . I sometimes went home from work wondering if I truly was helping people or just making things worse for them. You do what you think is right for you! One thing I do know for sure is that the Hypno CDs won't hurt you. I was very pleased with them myself. Think about giving them a try. When all else fails, Monty Python always makes me smile too

            OK, going to bed, I've worn myself out today.
            Have a good night one & all.
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              September to Remember - Week 3

              Morning all. Lav you made me think when you said about being sober and noticing others' annoying habits. Perhaps that's why I'm being so intolerant of Mr Sooty!
              Mind you he is a miserable man and only has 2 speeds - dead slow and stop - know what I mean? And I've got a bit more zip since not suffering from hangovers .... so I guess collision is inevitable!!!
              No I am being v wicked Sooty this morning and will stop myself immediately, no one deserves the wrath of Sooty - and heaven only knows what Lavattitude is like when its turned up to full volume! Got to pity the men really.
              Am going to have a productive day I hope, weather looking good so shall get daughter sorted out for return to university and then hopefully go for a walk.
              Be good everyone, see you later


                September to Remember - Week 3

                Morning All,

                I honestly keep forgetting which thread I've posted on.

                I think I was supposed to be sending you a chicken curry/chocolate recipe.

                I really must write things down.

                Hope it's just being a woman of a certain age (if you get my drift) don't want to say the M word yet. But I have started staring into the fridge wondering 1st how I got there and 2nd what am I looking for.

                Jackie xxx
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  September to Remember - Week 3

                  Jackie, yes, you did promise a curry/chocolate recipe here. Something about a mounds bar? Anyhow, we certainly don't hold it against you that you got confused...this is a completely natural thing for anyone.....age/gender not withstanding! We're always happy to see you here, recipe or not!

                  Sooty, you're causing a smile to crack here! I'd outright laugh, but then I'd have to explain it to Mr. Dill and I'm not sure he would see the humor..... I have been through the whole 'irritation with significant other' since starting this struggle. I believe I have finally come out the other side and am more least I like to think I am. Mr. Dill may have something else to say if I bothered to ask him!:H

                  Lav, I know what you mean about strange night sounds. Sometimes I hear this awful screeching sound and sometimes even a sound like a woman screaming. I am sure it is a wild animal, but I don't know what. It is creepy though!

                  Well, let's push on, STR friends!

                  Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                  If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                    September to Remember - Week 3

                    Good morning September friends,

                    Sooty, I'm sure neither one of us are particularly agressive - but I know I am defensive, big time!!! I don't like being picked on, being told what to do (as if I don't already know). I am mainly interested in fairness & justice and will jump to defend myself or another in need. That's just the way I am & feel no need to apologize for it

                    JC, be patient with yourself..........we all forget stuff all the time. As long as you are safe and the others around you are safe, there's nothing to worry about! I think it's just the 'nature of the beast' - forgetting

                    Dill, we have an owl nesting on the side of the garage. We placed a special nesting box there and 'someone' has moved in. I suppose some of the night noise could be due to 'Buster' (my husband named him). I know that we have raccoons on the prowl around of them helped himself to a rooster across the road a few months ago, eeewww that was gross! I always go out, just before dark & chase my hens into their coop for their own safety overnight.

                    Better get busy vacuuming up some dog hair around here. My grandson will be here later & I hate seeing him crawling around in all that

                    Have a great AF Sunday everyone!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      September to Remember - Week 3

                      Hi Lav, no I'm not agressive and like you I believe in fairness and justice and i get very angry when I see those things not happening. I also find that as I'm getting older I am less patient with some situations - rude shopworkers, arrogant receptionists etc. and cold calls to my telephone really get my goat!
                      Jackie I forget things all the time - I've lost count of the times I have to retrace my steps to try and remember what I was doing ..... its not because we're getting older or we are women its because we are very busy people who often try and do several things at once!
                      Dill I'm glad you had a little smile - remember the 7 day rule! Don't want you getting all weak and feeble now do we?
                      26 Sept is my favourite aunt's birthday Lav so double celebration that day - she'll be 85 and she drinks like a fish and smokes like a chimney - not a good advert for this site at all but good luck to her!
                      Better go and do stuff now, take care folks, back later


                        September to Remember - Week 3

                        Evening friends,

                        Sooty, wow your aunt is turning 85, good for her! No one in my family has ever lasted that long......... I hope she has a very happy birthday
                        I really have been trying to rein in my short-tempered personality & attitude by practicing gratitude. Some days are just a lost cause for me. I know it's a lot worse when I'm sleep deprived.
                        Well, I had a nice visit with my DIL & grandson, he's a happy little boy despite his current teething situation
                        Hope everyone has a good night, will see you in the AM.
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          September to Remember - Week 3

                          yes Lav and she still tends her very large garden! She certainly must have been blessed with good genes - hope I get just a few!
                          Busy day today, so hope everyone has a good one, will try and pop in around teatime but if not then this evening.
                          Take care each


                            September to Remember - Week 3

                            Morning Sooty and all those to come,

                            I get my daily work out running up and down stairs about 900 times (slight exaggeration)

                            to get the thingy that I first went up for.

                            My Granny is 95,very frail,mad as a box of frogs. But we love her dearly.

                            Sorry bad news about the curry.

                            1st step is to fry chicken in oil and BRANDY! methinks NOT!

                            Will try to jiggle it around to be AF. Any ideas?

                            Love Jackie xxx

                            AF 7/7/2009
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              September to Remember - Week 3

                              "I shall pass through this world
                              but once. If, therefore, there be
                              any kindness I can show, or any
                              good thing I can do, let me do it
                              now; let me not defer it or
                              neglect it, for I shall not pass
                              this way again."
                              -- Etienne de Grellet

                              Good morning, friends. I have to be at work early, so I must be brief. Yesterday I must admit, I lapsed. Sunday's always have been my hardest day. I am OK today. No hang over, thankfully, as I did use some restraint. Anyway, I'm having to start over. Again. Ugh.

                              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                                September to Remember - Week 3

                                Thanks for the quote, kind Dill, you are going to be just fine, you are not “starting over”, the process is just like that. Hello Soots, J.C., Lav, Lil, P-nut, and Sunni. Off to work in a little town a hour south; should be a good thing. Trust your heart today if you need to (or your head if it is more reliable). Love, Ladybird.
                                may we be well

