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hi and help

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    hi and help

    I have just found this site, up early feeling awful as usual due to the amount I drank last night, even after telling myself I wouldn;t drink last night, i dont think i am an alcoholic, i can go without but i enjoy the feeling of relaxation and how easily i sleep after half a bottle of wine, i have a wonderful husband of 32 years, 6 amazing children, no money worries and i live in an amazing house in the country, why am i self destructing, i hate what i have become but i seem to love the drink more,sorry this is long and waffling, but i have no one to tell this to, my husband knows but i am embarrased to admit i have a problem.

    hi and help


    Hi tawnywitch,

    Good safe place you've found here.

    Keep reading the posts. Keep posting. SHOUT if you're struggling. Soon you'll find the names becoming familiar.

    Loads of advice form good wise people.This place has been a godsend for me.

    Stay close.

    Wishing you all the luck in the world.

    Love Jackie xxx
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      hi and help

      Hi and welcome TawnyWitch,
      I recommend downloading the book "My Way Out" which will help you get a plan together.
      Wishing you all the best on your journey.
      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


        hi and help

        Big :welcome: Tawnywitch.
        You've come to a good place.



          hi and help

          Hello Tawnywitch,
          You've found a great place for support and information. Wishing you well.


            hi and help

            Hi Tawneywitch


            Well, 1/2 a bottle of wine (I'm assuming a 750ml regular bottle) a night isn't a huge amount but if you are drinking it every night the units add up by the end of the week.

            I would suggest you try to go 30 days AF (alcohol free). It is a challenge but it will give you time to get into a new routine and reflect on why you are drinking daily. Now, 30 days seems like a long time so the first challenge is only 4 days. Do you think you could do that? If so go for it and after 4 days re-evaluate and try for the full 30. If not then I challenge you to just today. So One Day at a Time. (ODAT).

            Drink lots of water with fresh lemon in it and try to keep busy, especially when the cravings strike. I have found the suppliments Kudzu and L-Glutimate useful. I notice you are in UK and these are both available in Holland and Barratt health Food shop. Lots of good info on this site so keep reading.

            Hope you feeling happier soon. You are definitely not alone, there are so many women here struggling with wine drinking (myself included).
            If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


              hi and help

              thank's for that one day sounds good,ordered the Kudzo already, I will let you know how I get on tomorrow, nice to feel not quite so alone,


                hi and help

                Hi and welcome Tawny, if alcohol is causing you problems this is a good place to start trying to come to terms with them. It took me a long time to accept that I am an alcoholic, I tried to convince myself that I just had a slight drink problem, after every drinking episode I would feel guilty and so full of remorse that it was painful. Now I have accepted that I can't drink alcohol, my life is so much better. I am like a different person now. I don't wake up on a morning dreadin what I may have said/ done the night before. I wish you well.


                  hi and help

                  Hi Tawny,

                  Welcome, glad you found us!
                  You have gotten lots of good advice already, everyone wants to help.
                  Please feel free to join us on the 'Newbies Nest' thread, lots of folks there, also in the UK just beginning as well.

                  Wishing you the best!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    hi and help

                    Welcome, tawnywitch! :welcome:

                    I agree with all the previous posts and ditto Blue Sky's advice. You are not alone here, you find so many other women coming from the same place as you. Keep reading and posting, you will find so much valuable information and support.

                    Best of luck on you journey, you will not regret it.

                    Much love!!! :h
                    ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

                    AUGUST 9, 2009


                      hi and help

                      witching hour

                      it's nearly that time of night. boys in bed, i want my wine, can i stop at 1 glass tonight, i really want to go completely af tonight but will probably try to just have 1 glass, feeling relly depressed about it, isn't that crazy, its so simply, iwant to stop why cant i? HELP


                        hi and help

                        Tawny, want to get into chat for a few to distract you from your thoughts?
                        LTG AF January 13, 2011


                          hi and help

                          Hang in there Hun,
                          I just started the Kudzu this week and have actually found that it seems to help - and my usual is 1 of those BIG ass bottles of wine a day (1.5 L or whatever they are) but it's Thursday and I haven't even finished the one in the fridge from Monday... yay!
                          Not a massive achievement in the great scheme of things but huge for me.

                          So perhaps the Kudzu will help you too and believe me I know how you feel. You are not alone.

