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ODAT-Wednesday 16th September

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    ODAT-Wednesday 16th September

    Good morning Odaters

    Just starting the thread. Please to be able to say that I have taken my own advice regarding One Day at a Time and am finally on day 3. Not much but better than where I have been for some time now. Also I have found that generally when I do drink I am drinking far less. Heading in the right direction!

    Best wishes to all the regulars and welcome to any new folk who want to join in.
    Uni- How did the interview go? Let us know.
    If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.

    ODAT-Wednesday 16th September

    Hi ODATers

    Update on yesterday, I unblocked the loo, unblocked the dishwasher, the fridge man couldn't repair it as he had the wrong part (aagh!), the cat needed another ?40 injection of antibiotics for his bitten leg and I was exhausted by the end of all that.

    Didn't even think about drinking, just about sleeping. DH went back up to Liverpool at 6am this morning so already feel that it must be lunchtime although only 10.30am - it's going to be a long day.

    Yay Bluesky knew you could do it.

    Uni got everything crossed for you - let us know.



      ODAT-Wednesday 16th September

      Good morning,

      Mad Mummy, can you please come to my house? I have an extensive list of repairs needed!

      Good day yesterday. Got a couple of new potential clients, so that's good. Even if they don't work out I have some new business contacts.

      I was going to skip a cocktail party last night but discovered it was a small affair, so I had to go. Typical. Everyone in black satin and I show up in jeans (nice, though) having come straight from an 8th grade volleyball game. I had one glass of red wine (I'm moderating) and headed home after an hour. It's good to always have an excuse to leave early & kids at home are the perfect excuse. Being a single mom helps even more. Ha!

      Have a great day everyone.


        ODAT-Wednesday 16th September

        Morning ODATers!

        blue sky - good for you on your 3 days!!

        MM - WOW! you are the woman! lol i can relate to being too tired to even think of drinking.

        fig - i am impressed with your moderation! thats something i just cant do.

        uni - i also have my fingers crossed and hope you impressed the hell out of them at the interview.

        today should finally be a normal work day for me and i plan on just relaxing after work and watching the biggest loser that my daughter recorded for me last night.

        have a great sober day all!
        AF/SF - November 23, 2014


          ODAT-Wednesday 16th September

          Hi guys, 7:30 am here so haven't had my interview yet but I will log on as soon as I'm done to provide you with an update.

          Just had to make you all laugh - so, you know the epstein Barr virus that had knocked me on my ass in July and the lovely cold that I just got over - well I guess the combo decided to attach a lovely growth to my face in the form of a cold sore. (it's friggin lovely - my lip is swollen, it's huge and it hurts and all my glands in my neck are swollen).

          So yeah, I'm bringing a friend to the interview - I hope they don't mind! LOL - of all the days..........

          Keep you posted, check in later.
          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


            ODAT-Wednesday 16th September


            I'm annoyed with myself that I just sort of accomplished nothing yesterday. I wish if I was going to do nothing, I could plan it and enjoy it rather than aimless avoidance. Grrr.

            Well, going to knock out some stuff right off the bat here and carry on.

            Enjoy your day, doing whatever you do.
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              ODAT-Wednesday 16th September

              Hi ODATers'. Well done on 3 days Blue. Good luck everybody.


                ODAT-Wednesday 16th September

                Good morning all! I hope everyone can move a step closer to their goals today.


                  ODAT-Wednesday 16th September

                  Hi, I think I have just joined the rest of you ODAT er's, I will let you know tomorrow if I manage it, full of good intention's at this time of day and then 10 o clock comes and , there;s a glass in my hand, how did that get there!
                  keep finger's crossed for me,


                    ODAT-Wednesday 16th September

                    Welcome tawnywitch! No problem with the glass in hand, just make it a seltzer and lime!

                    Bossman, are you back from vacation?
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      ODAT-Wednesday 16th September

                      Good morning to all taking life in small steps. It makes the sweet more precious and the horrible can be endured. I am looking for sweet today, tomorrow will be harder as I have a tricky work assignment. But that is tomorrow; today I shall be alcohol free, domestic, polite, and gently mannered. Love, Ladybird.
                      may we be well


                        ODAT-Wednesday 16th September

                        Hi everyone....I used to hang out with the ODAT'er some time ago...fell by the wayside, but am now working on some AF time. I am apart of the 7 day AF club, however I thought ODAT was also perfect for me as well. I hope you don't mind if I jump in.

                        Sounds like everyone is doing well. I know it can be a struggle though. I am on Day 4....the longest in a year!

                        I will check in off and on....I am working this afternoon to 9:30pm, and will check in then. I hope everyone has a great day!!

                        AF July 6 2014


                          ODAT-Wednesday 16th September

                          universal;716067 wrote: Hi guys, 7:30 am here so haven't had my interview yet but I will log on as soon as I'm done to provide you with an update.

                          Just had to make you all laugh - so, you know the epstein Barr virus that had knocked me on my ass in July and the lovely cold that I just got over - well I guess the combo decided to attach a lovely growth to my face in the form of a cold sore. (it's friggin lovely - my lip is swollen, it's huge and it hurts and all my glands in my neck are swollen).

                          So yeah, I'm bringing a friend to the interview - I hope they don't mind! LOL - of all the days..........

                          Keep you posted, check in later.
                          Good luck on the interview Uni! I also get coldsores.....they are hidious!!!!! I get them when I am stressed out....I went to the dr's and I was given a script for Valtrex (yes a herpes med) and I take 4 pills when it comes on, tingles, and itches, then 4 pills 12 hrs later and it doesn't even come to a head. It works amazing!!!
                          AF July 6 2014


                            ODAT-Wednesday 16th September

                            Oh, I should get that prescription! It's not just the cold sore, it's everything that comes with it that kills me - the virus is nasty - all the swollen glands, sore throat - I think it is just the whole 9 yards due to the Epstein Barr virus and this cold - just all coming to a head.

                            Okay! So, I had my interview, I think I did well! I have had a couple of people come up to me and say that it is just a formality, that the promotion is mine. I am not convinced of that but it was nice to hear!

                            I should find out by early next week.

                            I'll keep you posted!
                            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

