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New, no clue where to start

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    New, no clue where to start

    Hi my name is Jackson,

    This is the first time that I have ever found a site where I could solicit the advice of others online. I have read all the diagnosis and tests as to whether or not I have a problem, and most of them say that I do, but I have never been given any advice from those sites other than - seek professional help. I don't know if I want to seek professional help just yet, as it costs money and my wife an I just aren't in a position to pay the costs. However, I hope that at this site I might be able to get the support that I need. My wife doesn't really understand what I am going through. She is very supportive of me, but I think that is almost part of the problem. I have lost the ability to control my drinking. It is a very scary feeling. I don't know whether or not I will be able to stop once I start, and futhermore, once I start I don't know exactly what I might end up doing during that particular drinking binge. I have been fortunate not to lose my job (yet) and not get into trouble with the law (yet). I know that it is a matter of time until I will really feel the reprecussions of my actions. My wife is supporting my no drinking during the week, but I really don't feel that this will solve my problem. Any advice/support would be greatly appreciated.


    New, no clue where to start

    Hi Jackson

    Hello and welcome

    You have come to the right place and you are certainly not alone...the first bit of advice i would give is just read as much as you everybodys posts and read everybodys "my story".

    The people on here are so lovely and supportive..they have carried me through some rough times, whether you want to jus cut down or stop completely there are people on here doing both. Even if you have a slip up or do something stupid everyone is still here for really is a wonderfull site.

    Keep posting and reading as much as you can, and are not alone

    Lou-Lou x
    "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


      New, no clue where to start

      Thanks Lou Lou

      I really appreciate your friendly and quick respond to my post. I will take your advice and read as much as I can and post as much as I can. It is sure difficult sometimes to not feel alone and I appreciate your pointing out that I am not alone. Sometimes I feel like I am the only person on the planet going through the difficulties of my problems. Thanks for your support.



        New, no clue where to start

        Hi Jackson, Yes this is a great place to come visit and it sure does make me feel a little more 'ok' with myself knowing that its not only me that is trying to deal with this difficult problem. I also got to the point where I couldn't control my drinking (thought about it morning, noon and night) and ended up doing a week here and there of morning till night non-stop bottles of wine. I am on the program now and only 15 days alcohol free, but man, I went to some really dark places in those 'lost' weeks and I am in a much better place now. There were times during those lost weeks that I couldn't imagine getting myself out, but I have managed to do the most AF days I have had in 15 years. I put it down to the book, the supps, exercise, topamax and very importantly this site.
        I understand what you mean by you haven't lost your job or been in trouble 'yet', its scary knowing just how fine a line we are walking sometimes. Do keep on visiting the site, get the book and supps if you can and take all the support from your wife (she sounds special) that you can. Best wishes. Amelia x

        Sober since 30/06/10


          New, no clue where to start


          I am in a very simliar situation. I have been visiting this site for about two weeks. I have not been the best role model, but I have drank a lot less lately. I have gone three days in a row w/o anything. I am in a sales position, so I am always around clients and entertaining...its hard not to have a drink or two. I just want to get to the point that its only a drink or two....not 18 !! I just bought a few of the supps this morning at a local health food store. Milk thistle, L-Glutamine, and a B Complex. I'm not much of a pill popper, but I am willing to give it my best try. I will let you know how these supps work for me. I finally told my wife that I have a problem and want to cut way way back. Not sure that was the best thing. I have read some good things on the site about the CD's. I am probably going to purchase these the first of the Month. It sure can't hurt. Welcome and good luck...I mostly just wanted to're not alone !



            New, no clue where to start


            I felt exactly the same.. i thought that nobody else was going through what i am...i thought "ok there are alcoholics but i wouldnt class myself as that" cause i function..i live my life and work an do normal things but come an evening then i have to drink...i personaly think its just a habit that i cant break. Then i found this site an i realised that there are different degrees of can have a drink problem or abuse alcohol without being an alcoholic.
            I just hope we can help you...if you wanna ask me anything go right ahead..ill do my best to help and support you.

            Love and best wishes

            Lou-Lou x x
            "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


              New, no clue where to start

              hi jackson, just wanted to welcome you to the site i am very new myself ,much like you do not think i can afford the books and meds just yet but it is good to know that if you are feeling low or tempted to drink you can always log on and chat to someone , it also helps to break the habit that we all get ourselves into when drinking.good luck and all my best ishes


                New, no clue where to start


                Hi Jackson

                Just a quick post too welcome you too the site, I am an alcoholic, and am still drinking but in a managable way,I work and have a partne(of 23 years) who is very supportive,and a 15 year old son. Scince finding this site I have been able to deal with my issues far better good luck:welcome:



                  New, no clue where to start

                  Hiya Jackson,
                  This place has been a God-send to me. Everybody here knows what your going through. Your gonna learn lots....We will help you...and you will help us.....Dealing with alcahol addiction is so much easier when you are not trying to do it alone.....I look forward to speaking to you in the future......Take care & good luck ......Macks
                  I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                  One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                    New, no clue where to start

                    Hey Jackson,
                    I just got out of 20 days of inpatient treatment for drugs and alcohol, and found this site today. I am where you are, and I am scared, anxious, lonely, and shakey.
                    The best thing that has happened to me was getting my paycheck and not owing any of it to my neighborhood bar or the drug man. Think of the $$$ you are not literally pissing away. One more check and I will be able to buy what I need. I am hanging on to that.
                    Hang Tough Buddy,


                      New, no clue where to start

                      Hi there Parker:welcome:

                      You hang there too! Can understand the scared, anxious, lonely and shakey thing, but It really can get better. Hang around with us for a while ...



                        New, no clue where to start

                        Thanks...I needed that!

                        I appreciate the welcome and I will hang in there...or I hope like hell I do...I have made it so far today.
                        Man I must be an egotistical SOB (if you knew what I did for a living for 21 years, you'd agree), but just reading something from someone who has some sobriety made me tingle. Thanks.


                          New, no clue where to start

                          Hey Parker - Just a thought -

                          Have you down-loaded the book yet? It's free. Just reading that might kill a few of the bad hours and give you some hope.


                            New, no clue where to start

                            Hey Jackson,

                            I'm really new here even though I've been lurking for months now. I will tell you that if you do nothing else, get on this site and tell people what you are thinking and chances are someone will have the same thoughts and experiences as you. I read so many things that I swear I wrote. We are all in this together.

                            Stay positive.
                            :flower: Poochpal


                              New, no clue where to start

                              l-glutamine and Kudzu

                              Hi all, welcome as well and for the new people, once you have checked with your doctor, even by phone, I can't emphasize how much just taking the l-glutamine and cutting sugar and caffeine out of your diet will help with controlling/stopping drinking.

                              Their is such a wealth of research that supports the interaction of all of these on your brain, body and blood sugar levels.

                              The l-glut is not that expensive and I always get it in bulk and take it under the tongue. It also helps to heal your gut area, if you have been having problems there.

                              The book is a free download for a limited time on Roberta's blog link at the top of the page.:welcome:

