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Odat Thursday

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    Odat Thursday

    K - so technically in Canada I'm a half hour early (it's 11:30pm here) but I know in Bessie's world it's past midnight so........

    Wow so huge changes today - did my interview, think I did well and then..........

    at 5pm another national account rep QUIT!

    So, basically, I'm pretty much in for sure as there are now 3 positions open AND I pretty much have some say as to what I want,

    Not a bad position for me to be in.............

    Now if I can just control the Al so if I get the position I can handle it..........

    All the thiings we deal with.......
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

    Odat Thursday

    Day 7 !!!

    Good Morning All,
    I can't believe i've made it a whole week without al!!! All my gratitude goes to mwo and all my supportive friends on here..:l

    So elated this morning.

    Have to go to a funeral today,(a friends' mother passed away) and those of us irish will know that after a funeral most hit the pub.

    Will be strong and make an excuse not to go (please god)

    Anyway,to anyone reading this post are are just embarking on their af journey please feel free to read my posts from just a week ago.What a difference a mere 7days makes.

    Happy & Sober Thursday for all...

    "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
    Bring it on!


      Odat Thursday

      Thanks Universal for starting a thread on my time! I always come on before the thread is open, or after it is shut.

      Hope everyone has a great Thursday. We have the Eid holiday coming up here. With luck, Friday-Tuesday off. Otherwise, Friday and Saturday off, work Sunday and get Mon-Wed. off. Finally Ramadan is coming to an end. Everyone who observes it walks around like a bad tempered zombie with bad breath! By the end of the month they are all exhausted.

      Good luck to all in all endeavors today.
      I can't drink and pretend to be sane. I can't drink and pretend to be moral. I can't drink and continue to live.


        Odat Thursday

        Hi Odaters

        Congrats Anniemac on your first week. You should be proud of yourself. The funeral is going to be a temptation so make a plan before you go. Have a reason to leave and stick to it. Don't be tempted to have even one drink. If necessary tell people you are on antibiotics. Stay strong, you are doing so well.

        Uni - WOW! Sounds like you are in a really strong position. You really have a motivation there to stay sober. keep us posted.

        SarahH, nice to see you again!

        I drank last night but tonight I won't as mother-in law coming for dinner and she seldom drinks.

        Hello to all to come. Where is Bessie?
        If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


          Odat Thursday

          I am having problem's posting on these thread's, not sure what I am doing wrong, this is my second day at this site, and despite all my good intention's yesterday, I did drink last night, the usual 3/4 bottle white wine, then to compensate for headache this morning, prescription painkiller's, dooes anyone else fall in to that trap? will try really hard tonight not to succumb, it's inspiring reading how you are all managing, well done, hope I manage to get this on the right thread.


            Odat Thursday

            wayhay done it


              Odat Thursday

              Morning All,

              I don't normally post here, but I HAVE to remember that I'm still taking it ODAT.

              Tawny, my first move was to get all alcohol out of the house. After a month or so I'm was little bit more comfortable having it around, but I don't go near it.

              Without the good people here I wouldn't be sitting here AF and happy (albeit with a pile of ironing behind me),

              I'm still counting.

              All the luck in the world.

              Love Jackie xxx

              AF since 7/7/2009
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Odat Thursday

                Good morning ODATs

                Goodness we're early birds today!!

                Uni - it sounds as if it's meant to be doesn't it? You go girl!

                Annie congratulations and be strong after the funeral - we know you can do it.

                Have had some bad news confirmed this morning, the boys that we foster (10 and 12 years old) have a Mum who has had all sorts of problems, she's gone into hospital today for an operation and I just phoned to find which ward she's on and it's a female cancer ward. Have phoned the Social Worker and just confronted her with it (because we get told very little but have to deal with all the fall out in our homes....). She says she thinks that she may not make it! When did they plan to tell us I wonder??? Very hard situation approaching I feel.

                Keep strong everyone love to all and those to come.



                  Odat Thursday

                  :lMM That's dreadful! What an awful situation for you to be in. Thinking of you.
                  If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


                    Odat Thursday

                    Thanks Bluey - that means a lot to me!



                      Odat Thursday

                      Madmummy, what a horrible situation to have to deal with, good luck the boy's will really need you , on a brighter note, is that your gorgeous horse in the pic? I am really feeling more hopeful that tonight I will be af, here's hoping, enjoy the lovely weather all those in the uk.


                        Odat Thursday

                        That's an awful situation for you, the boy's will need so much support,on a lighter note is that your lovely horse in the pic? Stay strong Mad Mummy


                          Odat Thursday


                          Wow, busy for 7 AM here! Glad to see everyone!

                          Uni, maybe a little late but lysine helps cold sores. A dab of tea tree oil topically too. Can't wait to see what your deserving self winds up with. Change that "if" to "will", GF.

                          Annie, I am over the moon for you! Don't get talked into the pub. Why don't you commit to meeting a friend somewhere for coffee or something so you don't get caught in pressure.

                          Tawnywitch, AL out of the house is a good suggestion. Have you read the toolbox thread? A plan is important for you to have for witching hours and triggers. Are kudzu and l-glute in your plan?

                          Hi jackie!!

                          Sara, I always look to see who came in later on the prior day's thread. I can't think of where you are exactly. But hula girl posts late on the AF daily thread as she's in Hawai.

                          Bluey, hang in there!

                          MM. Wow.... That's pretty shabby treatment. What kind of bereavement support can you expect for the boys? I'll keep you and your family close to my heart and in my prayers. I kind of smile here because it doesnt' seem like coincidence that your loving self is the one the universe picked to help guide these little boys.

                          So off into the day! Doesn't look like the rain we need.

                          Be strong and focus on good stuff!
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            Odat Thursday

                            Goodness we are all over the place this morning, a very good lesson in taking things one day at a time. Off and running early myself. Let’s all find the strength to meet our goals and make life easier and sweet. Please always post Sarah no matter what time, I shall watch for you. Onward. Love, Ladybird.
                            may we be well


                              Odat Thursday

                              Thank you everyone!!

                              It's quite wonderful on here that I can talk to you all about things like this anonomously whereas I can't in person to anyone because of client confidentiality. It really makes a difference to share doesn't it?

                              Again thank you.


