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Thursday's can be tough!

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    Thursday's can be tough!

    I'm not sure what it is about Thursday's, but it seems to be my day of wanting to drink!

    I am on Day 5 and I'm not sure if it's a craving or just my demons playing tricks on me thinking I'm really ok, and I don't need to not drink, and that I can manage 5 days, so I don't have an issue.

    I haven't had anything to drink since Saturday evening when I said goodbye to my oldest daughter going on vacation to France with my mother. She whispered in my ear, 'I don't want to remember you being drunk on my vacation.' It devistated me, and has since been my eye opener. She has emailed me since she's been gone and mentioned nothing of it, yet, today I replied, and told her I haven't had anything to drink since she left. Not sure if I wanted her to feel better or some acceptance......

    I suppose I just need to get my feelings out there....pray that I don't hop in the car and get some beer. I have AL in the house, but as long as I never start with the beer (don't have any), I won't start in on the other stuff.

    My husband is proud of kids have been mentioning as of late how much I have been drinking which is less, but they seem to be mentioning it more....I want them not to remember their childhood of their mother being a drunk.....

    My goal is to be able to moderate.....I am taking Nal and Bac.....the Bac is definately working. I haven't had 5 days AF since last year cold turkey and white nuckles!

    Thank you for listening to me and being a sounding board.....

    AF July 6 2014

    Thursday's can be tough!

    Hey are rockin it Girl...funny enuff..I found Thurs tough too......

    We are proud of you too.....don't pick up the first drink and them you won't ever regret the last!!

    Well done hon!! Good to have you back posting!
    "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

    AF 10th May 2010
    NF 12th May 2010


      Thursday's can be tough!

      Great job, Christy!!! I truly think the first 5 days are the most difficult and you've made it! And, good on you for posting when the going gets tough.. that's so important!

      It's wonderful that your husband is proud of you - you should be, too!!!!
      :l keep going - why don't you join us on the 7 day thread???? And, please, PM anytime you need to, k?
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        Thursday's can be tough!

        You're doing great Christy...Thursdays can be hard, but it can be done.
        Maybe the kids are mentioning it more now because they can see you drinking less...kinda like when you were drinking more it was like the elephant in the room that no one wants to mention. Now they see you improving they feel they can open up a bit about it...just a thought.
        Anyway, you're rocking it...well done!



          Thursday's can be tough!


          Hang in there, you're doing great
          Maybe it's time to make special plans for Thursdays to keep your demon quiet! Schedule some activity where alcohol can't be involved, anything to keep yourself distracted.

          Keep up the good work
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Thursday's can be tough!

            Keep going, Everyday will get a bit better. tomorrow --Thursday will be in the history book- Stay Sober Please for your own sake. We all going through THursdays - but sometimes it's Mondays for me, and maybe Tuesday- The beast never lets his guard down, so keep yours up to fight him every day!
            Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
            And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

            • Yesterday is History
              Today is a Mystery
              Tomorrow is a GIFT


              Thursday's can be tough!

              What is it about Thursdays? Our local radio station calls it "phuza Thursday" Phuza means to drink in Zulu. Needless to say the pubs are packed, the roads busy and just taking the daughter to a school function last night was a challenge because I could just "feel" the buzz in town.

              The Bac definetly helped me to stay away from AL last night.

              How you doing today Christy?
              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                Thursday's can be tough!

                Thank you to everyone who posted!!! I appreciate the comments. I made it through the evening! Today is another day, Day 6 in fact!

                I have a couple functions this Satuday evening, but I think I will be fine. I will remain focused.
                AF July 6 2014


                  Thursday's can be tough!

                  Good for you Christy!! That should give you lot of confidence!


