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ODAT - Friday

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    ODAT - Friday

    Hi ODATers

    First well done to Tawny Witch first night AF:goodjob::goodjob:

    Possibly relatively quiet day today... Yesterday darling son lost/had stolen his entire PE kit and teenage mutant daughter has been told that she has to have new school trousers by her deputy headteacher as hers are too tight! I'm mad because they're only 3 weeks old but also made me smile because they are size 10 and she wanted to buy a size 6!!! So if he thinks these are tight...... Need to phone school to find out about PE kit though as I can't afford to go and buy school polo shirt, shorts and more trainers every 3 weeks no way.

    Looking forward to a fun weekend with no hangovers.


    PS. Latest is that boy's Mum is "doing well" after her operation yesterday - loads of thanks to everyone for their support.

    ODAT - Friday

    Hi Odaters

    Pleased to be able to report an af evening. Dinner for MIL went well and she has even agreed to childmind for us on our wedding anniversary so we can have a night away.

    MM - I'm sure the PE kit will turn up. It's very fustrating thoough. The amount of times I've been told that something is definitely not there and then I've gone in and found it immediately! My son managed to come home without his brand new school shoes or trousers last year!!!! They had gardening club and he had changed into spare old trousers and wellies.......

    Hoping for the best possible outcome for your foster boys' mum.

    Bessie, where are you?
    :goodjob: Tawney witch. Repeat tonight!
    If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


      ODAT - Friday

      thank's to you both, it's so nice to hear you all have children like mine, my son came home minus his underpant's after rugby last week, they were found on the pitch a couple of day's later, the mind boggles!! Glad the op went well, people have a much better chance these day's, hope the boy's are coping well, feel fairly positive about tonight, this is all beginig to feel a bit weird, talking about my drink problem and my children, noone at home know's and it's strange having a normal conversation and throwing in comment's about alcohol too, I will be back later, we have problem's with the drain's today, so the plumber's wandering around.


        ODAT - Friday

        Morning MM, Bluesky and Tawny!

        Tawny! he lost his underpants! hahahahaha. sorry that just cracked me up!

        I am so thankful it's finally Friday! Should have a get things done day at work and then a put things in order weekend at home. I'm looking forward to it.

        being AF is becoming a way of life it seems, i am not fighting AL's voice anymore and most of the time dont even think about drinking. Thats a big step in the right direction after 42 days.

        On the other hand, the quitting smoking thing is still driving me nuts but i know it will get easier with time.

        Hope you all have a great sober weekend!
        AF/SF - November 23, 2014


          ODAT - Friday

          Hi guys,

          Glad to hear everyone feeling so positive this morning! I had an AF night last night so I get to go put a 0 in my tracker.

          I am looking forward to an AF weekend as well - have lots of fun activities planned with the little one and a bit of studying to do - some housework etc. All the stuff that is so much easier to do without a hangover!

          Have a great AF Friday everyone!
          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


            ODAT - Friday

            Good morning ODAT'ers!

            Well, another AF evening under my belt. I made it through a Thursday evening, which is good. Today is Day 6 for me. Yay me! The Bac truly helps though the dreams.....had one last night that DH left me for a much younger and thinner girl I work with.....urgggg. I would rather have murderous dreams than those!

            This weekend should be ok....I will be strong. I have a friend's anniversary party that I will try very hard to remain AF for. I also have the UFC fights on Saturday night, that I always drink watching.....

            My DD comes home from France this weekend.....I have missed her. My youngest DD, was teary last night, missing her oldest sister.

            Working today again.....seems to be a way of life.....reminds me, I'd better check my lottery ticket!
            AF July 6 2014


              ODAT - Friday

              christyacc;717484 wrote: The Bac truly helps though the dreams.....had one last night that DH left me for a much younger and thinner girl I work with.....urgggg. I would rather have murderous dreams than those!
              Any pics?


                ODAT - Friday

                You all sound strong today; I love it! It looks like a smooth day here. I love not drinking, it opens up so many possibilities. Love, Ladybird.
                may we be well


                  ODAT - Friday


                  Art show tonight with GF (and maybe her new BF that she won't call BF yet, but he is )

                  All is about the same here. Wish I could shake this restlessness I have. Or at least figure out what it's trying to tell me. Well, scratch that. We all know what it is. Duh.

                  Have a great one!
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    ODAT - Friday

                    Hello ODATers
                    Off to go backpacking this weekend with brother and my kids in the last of the decent weather. One civil weak drink with my brother tonight then none while hiking. Have a great weekend all!!!!!
                    Drinking has been my hobby for several years now. It's time to get a new hobby


                      ODAT - Friday

                      I am realy feeling the pull of the bottle, keep telling myself I will just have 1, which would be ok , I don't really want to stop totally, just drink normally, will I manage 1 or will it be the half bottle again or preferably nothing, anyone out there?


                        ODAT - Friday

                        Tawny. You're fooling yourself. It's the AL beast whispering sweet nothings in your ear. DO NOT LISTEN!! If you could have just one you wouldn't be here. Go back and read your first post hon. Please read the toolbox and distract yourself. You really need some AF time You know that in your heart!! Come ON!! Do it!! You can!!!
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          ODAT - Friday


                          We all get those feelings of, I can just have one, but we never end at one. As Greeny said, if we did, we wouldn't be here.

                          Do whatever you can to distract yourself. Even take a nap! You can't drink when sleeping! lol.....seriously....You can overcome this!!!!
                          AF July 6 2014


                            ODAT - Friday

                            sorry guy's I let myself down last night but at least now i know i cant just have 1, will thrw the rest away and not restock, hope for better news tomorrow

