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What do you do to help relax?

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    What do you do to help relax?

    Just curious as to what everyone does when they cut the bottle out and find them selves at the end of the day with nothing to do.

    Every body has a way they each relax.

    What is yours?

    Today will be the first day with out alcohol in a very long time since I am starting back at work Saturday morning and I have to be up at 5:30am. It sounds easy now but i have a feeling its harder then I think. If i find a way to get in that very tired relaxed mood I think i can do it without thinking about wine or beer. I have a 6 pack in the fridge. I'm going to give to my neighbor since I cannot have booze in my place and not drink it.

    I was thinking spending some time at the gym then some time out side on my bike if its nice out. I think getting some real good exercise to help tire me out will be beneficial. Then in the evening hitting up a warm bath and just relax followed with a movie on the couch and hope for the best.

    Any movie suggestions?

    I'm going to do a search on products that can help reduce the cravings. I think one that was mention was glutamin.

    Well, here i go !
    Have a good day and weekend everyone !

    - Chris,

    What do you do to help relax?

    I usually try to stay out of the house until about 2 hours before bedtime. We have alcohol in the house for my husband and company. It's in the dining room and I make it a point not to go in there at all. I have recently started to take a supplement with l-theanine (suntheanine is another name for it). It seems to relax me somewhat, especially if you drink some green tea with it (green tea has l-theanine in it). It is sold at Whole Foods, but also has several varieties of it. Also, I have various relaxation/meditation tunes on my i-pod that I can listen to.

    Sometimes though, I need just the opposite of relaxing. I need to do something very engrossing to keep my mind off drinking and on what I am doing. (housework, yardwork, watching funny dvd's.... anything that occupies my mind) Sometimes it seems like nothing helps and I wind up giving in. I know exactly how you feel... I have that same feeling between 5:30 and 10pm, every day.


      What do you do to help relax?

      I would always eat at the first sign of hunger, maybe a special meal. This would help reduce the cravings. During the first few weeks I would then have a warm bath, get ready for bed and watch tv. It was definately a routine which helped me!



        What do you do to help relax?

        Exercise - biking if nice, like you say... and nice bath before bed while playing soothing music (classical?)... all sound like good ways to relax.

        I also agree with the food suggestion. I've discovered my craves are Often about just being hungry! (DUH)

        I think watching reruns of your favorite old sitcoms can be mind-relaxing. Seinfeld, King of Queens -- anything Inane!!

        Obviously, you can't do that for Too long (unless you want your brain to turn to blubber).

        What kind of movies do you like?
        Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


          What do you do to help relax?

          it is just routine isn't it? i used to have to go to bed really early cos my youngest son wouldn't sleep without me and it was easy to take a glass of wine up with me , helped me to unwind, he was a very full on baby, the habit stuck he still sleep's in my room, and the glass has now become a pint glass, so I only have 1 glass a night, just it's a pint!! this is going to be my 2nd AF night, I hope, the glass will have milk in it and a couple of sweet biscuit's as a treat, let you know tomorrow how it goes, goodnight evryone . stay strong, love to you all.


            What do you do to help relax?

            Hey , Thanks for all the responses.

            work in progress

            I agree with you when you say you stay out of the house and come back in 2 hours before bed. That might be one of my tactics. I'll see how tonight goes. If i get a craving I'll hit the road for a bit or a bite to eat.


            I must eat ! That's the plan... I'm back on my diet starting tomorrow when i return to work. I find i drink when i get hungry and then I don't eat. I think its time i flipped it around to eating instead of drinking when I get hungry. So basically ! Eat eat eat ! I like that idea


            Exercise has been a part of my life for 13 years now. I noticed i started to fall out of practice when i started drinking all the time. Weight went up , lost muscle and became just a regular Joe with a little belly. It's not a good feeling.. I'm heading out to the gym now to de fatten

            As for movies, i like them all really. A good comedy is probably my favorite. Problem is, I have been off work with my arm injury for a long time now and have seen so many movies. I think I have just about seen them all. I'm thinking "Step Brothers" with Will Farrel. That movie was hilarious.


              What do you do to help relax?

              I think I posted this before..but just a reminder....


              1. Read a book
              2. Take a walk
              3. Play a musical instrument
              4. Knit
              5. Clean your closets
              6. Research your genealogy
              7. Cook a gourmet dinner
              8. Write an article for your local newspaper
              9. Go take some pictures
              10. Clean the mildew in your bathroom
              11. Start writing that book you've been planning
              12. Plan a garden
              13. Plant a garden
              14. Play with a pet
              15. Read to a child
              16. Visit someone in an old folks' home
              17. Watch a news special on TV
              18. Set up a family budget
              19. Make a web site
              20. Take up archery
              21. Exercise
              22. Go to an online recovery meeting
              23. Surf the internet
              24. Call your mom
              25. Learn a foreign language
              26. Write a poem
              27. Play golf
              28. Take a bubble bath
              29. Draw
              30. Teach a parakeet to whistle
              31. Take a nap
              32. Listen to music
              33. Paint
              34. Clean your desk
              35. Start a stamp collection
              36. Go window shopping
              37. Browse in a book store
              38. Go to an art gallery
              39. Go for a drive
              40. Paint a room
              41. Watch the clouds go by
              42. Play darts
              43. Do target shooting
              44. Do home repairs
              45. Clean your garage
              46. Sort your photographs
              47. Make a scrapbook
              48. Climb a tree
              49. Plant a tree
              50. Make marmalade
              51. Make a list of things to do
              52. Write a letter to the editor
              53. Volunteer somewhere
              54. Take a hike
              55. Take a college class
              56. Try yoga
              57. Meditate
              58. Get a massage
              59. Make fruit smoothies
              60. Bake cookies
              61. Do a crossword puzzle
              62. Go to the gym
              63. Plant a color bowl
              64. Sharpen your pruning tools
              65. Change your engine oil
              66. Sew
              67. Groom your dog
              68. Go see a play
              69. Write a sonnet
              70. Sort your recipes
              71. Play solitaire
              72. Go bird watching
              73. Write a letter to a friend
              74. Read a poetry book
              75. Repot your houseplants
              76. Go to a movie
              77. Mow your lawn
              78. Put up (or take down) your Christmas lights
              79. Make pickles
              80. Go jogging
              81. Watch sitcoms
              82. Plan menus for a diet
              83. Do a jigsaw puzzle
              84. Play chess
              85. Write a country-western song
              86. Watch a video
              87. Go for a bike ride
              88. Plant an herb garden
              89. Start an online journal
              90. Dye your hair
              91. Go to a restaurant
              92. Lift weights
              93. Bake some bread
              94. Learn a martial art
              95. Polish the furniture
              96. Make a flower arrangement
              97. Read the newspaper
              98. Start some seeds
              99. Sort your magazines
              100. Do some laundry.
              111. Take a nature walk
              112. Play with your kids
              113. Volunteer at a homeless shelter
              114. Volunteer at a school
              115. Pick up garbage in a park
              116. Tickle your kids
              117. Play basketball
              118. Volunteer at an animal shelter
              119. Read to a child or pet
              120. Sign up for obedience training with your dog
              121. Take a walk and pick up litter you see on the way
              122. Spend time at the library
              123. Sort all your digital photos and make an album to print for holiday gifts to family.
              124. Help your kid organize his closet.
              125. Figure out the melody and chords to your current favorite tune on the piano.
              126. Practice your holiday cookie recipes
              127. Make crackers from scratch (that one didn't go so well).
              128. Make tortillas from scratch (better).
              129. Reread a book you haven't read for years.
              130. Tango
              131. Learn about someone else’s religion.
              132. Reread one of your college textbooks.
              133. Key out a wildflower.
              134. Do your nails.
              135. Do word puzzles.
              136. Play a board game.
              137. Burn CD’s of some of your favorite music for a friend.
              138. Plant a bonsai.
              139. Play Mad Libs.
              140. Speak only in heroic couplets for an hour.
              141. Read poetry online.
              142. Ride a stationary bicycle.
              143. Set up a domino topple.
              144. Play backgammon.
              145. Build a house of cards
              146. Make an entry in Wikipedia.
              147. Read a world almanac.
              148. Publish a family newsletter.
              149. Throw cards at a hat.
              150. Go to bed.
              "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

              AF 10th May 2010
              NF 12th May 2010


                What do you do to help relax?

                one2many;717607 wrote: I think I posted this before..but just a reminder....

                150 THINGS TO DO INSTEAD OF DRINKING...

                1. Read a book
                2. Take a walk
                3. Play a musical instrument
                4. Knit
                5. Clean your closets
                6. Research your genealogy
                7. Cook a gourmet dinner
                8. Write an article for your local newspaper
                9. Go take some pictures
                10. Clean the mildew in your bathroom
                11. Start writing that book you've been planning
                12. Plan a garden
                13. Plant a garden
                14. Play with a pet
                15. Read to a child
                16. Visit someone in an old folks' home
                17. Watch a news special on TV
                18. Set up a family budget
                19. Make a web site
                20. Take up archery
                21. Exercise
                22. Go to an online recovery meeting
                23. Surf the internet
                24. Call your mom
                25. Learn a foreign language
                26. Write a poem
                27. Play golf
                28. Take a bubble bath
                29. Draw
                30. Teach a parakeet to whistle
                31. Take a nap
                32. Listen to music
                33. Paint
                34. Clean your desk
                35. Start a stamp collection
                36. Go window shopping
                37. Browse in a book store
                38. Go to an art gallery
                39. Go for a drive
                40. Paint a room
                41. Watch the clouds go by
                42. Play darts
                43. Do target shooting
                44. Do home repairs
                45. Clean your garage
                46. Sort your photographs
                47. Make a scrapbook
                48. Climb a tree
                49. Plant a tree
                50. Make marmalade
                51. Make a list of things to do
                52. Write a letter to the editor
                53. Volunteer somewhere
                54. Take a hike
                55. Take a college class
                56. Try yoga
                57. Meditate
                58. Get a massage
                59. Make fruit smoothies
                60. Bake cookies
                61. Do a crossword puzzle
                62. Go to the gym
                63. Plant a color bowl
                64. Sharpen your pruning tools
                65. Change your engine oil
                66. Sew
                67. Groom your dog
                68. Go see a play
                69. Write a sonnet
                70. Sort your recipes
                71. Play solitaire
                72. Go bird watching
                73. Write a letter to a friend
                74. Read a poetry book
                75. Repot your houseplants
                76. Go to a movie
                77. Mow your lawn
                78. Put up (or take down) your Christmas lights
                79. Make pickles
                80. Go jogging
                81. Watch sitcoms
                82. Plan menus for a diet
                83. Do a jigsaw puzzle
                84. Play chess
                85. Write a country-western song
                86. Watch a video
                87. Go for a bike ride
                88. Plant an herb garden
                89. Start an online journal
                90. Dye your hair
                91. Go to a restaurant
                92. Lift weights
                93. Bake some bread
                94. Learn a martial art
                95. Polish the furniture
                96. Make a flower arrangement
                97. Read the newspaper
                98. Start some seeds
                99. Sort your magazines
                100. Do some laundry.
                111. Take a nature walk
                112. Play with your kids
                113. Volunteer at a homeless shelter
                114. Volunteer at a school
                115. Pick up garbage in a park
                116. Tickle your kids
                117. Play basketball
                118. Volunteer at an animal shelter
                119. Read to a child or pet
                120. Sign up for obedience training with your dog
                121. Take a walk and pick up litter you see on the way
                122. Spend time at the library
                123. Sort all your digital photos and make an album to print for holiday gifts to family.
                124. Help your kid organize his closet.
                125. Figure out the melody and chords to your current favorite tune on the piano.
                126. Practice your holiday cookie recipes
                127. Make crackers from scratch (that one didn't go so well).
                128. Make tortillas from scratch (better).
                129. Reread a book you haven't read for years.
                130. Tango
                131. Learn about someone else?s religion.
                132. Reread one of your college textbooks.
                133. Key out a wildflower.
                134. Do your nails.
                135. Do word puzzles.
                136. Play a board game.
                137. Burn CD?s of some of your favorite music for a friend.
                138. Plant a bonsai.
                139. Play Mad Libs.
                140. Speak only in heroic couplets for an hour.
                141. Read poetry online.
                142. Ride a stationary bicycle.
                143. Set up a domino topple.
                144. Play backgammon.
                145. Build a house of cards
                146. Make an entry in Wikipedia.
                147. Read a world almanac.
                148. Publish a family newsletter.
                149. Throw cards at a hat.
                150. Go to bed.
                HA ! This is perfect !!


                  What do you do to help relax?

                  thesizzler;717584 wrote: Just curious as to what everyone does when they cut the bottle out and find them selves at the end of the day with nothing to do.

                  Every body has a way they each relax.

                  What is yours?

                  Today will be the first day with out alcohol in a very long time since I am starting back at work Saturday morning and I have to be up at 5:30am. It sounds easy now but i have a feeling its harder then I think. If i find a way to get in that very tired relaxed mood I think i can do it without thinking about wine or beer. I have a 6 pack in the fridge. I'm going to give to my neighbor since I cannot have booze in my place and not drink it.

                  I was thinking spending some time at the gym then some time out side on my bike if its nice out. I think getting some real good exercise to help tire me out will be beneficial. Then in the evening hitting up a warm bath and just relax followed with a movie on the couch and hope for the best.

                  Any movie suggestions?

                  I'm going to do a search on products that can help reduce the cravings. I think one that was mention was glutamin.

                  Well, here i go !
                  Have a good day and weekend everyone !

                  - Chris,
                  Hi Chris!!!!

                  I personally enjoy a good book.....that in a nice hot bath.
                  AF July 6 2014


                    What do you do to help relax?

                    christyacc;717869 wrote: Hi Chris!!!!

                    I personally enjoy a good book.....that in a nice hot bath.
                    Me too....
                    I too thought that I would be struggling to find things to do, but there is so much that occupies my time these days. I was substituting real life for alcohol and now that it's gone I enjoy doing whatever takes my fancy.
                    Currently I'm beginning a course of study that I put off for many years and I'm learning how to make walking sticks. I'm having a go at writing too. It may come to naught but it's good fun. I don't watch any broadcast television, instead I'll watch maybe three movies a week on DVD. My little house and garden are spick and span and I'm enjoying watching my little grandchildren grow up. I'm taking a week off work soon and heading into the mountains to get lost for a few days.
                    All this may seem a touch dull to many, but it's progress and I am in a position that allows me to do absolutely anything that I want.
                    It's brilliant


                      What do you do to help relax?

                      Hi Sizz! Great to meet you here.

                      To so not answer your question, my honest answer is I don't relax. I have trouble with the whole relaxing thing too. I stay very busy until I'm exhausted and fall asleep just fine. Like others have said, eating is key. Usually it's a light snack after work then straight to the gym or out for a run. Then eat substantial and hit some golf balls or housework or something. Read a little. Hop on MWO. Sleep. Repeat.

                      I also try to work in a week's rest from the gym every six weeks or so just to keep from burning out.

                      You'll feel better back in a groove with work outs. Being away from the gym a bit lately, I've realized how important exercise is to feeling good and maintaining energy.

                      I love summer too so I spend almost all my weekend time outside morning 'til night - usually playing golf, beach, etc... Like Popeye said, it is fantastic when you realize that you have choices and can do anything you want, once you're not a slave to al anymore.

                      Regarding supplements, the MWO book on the homepage has a great outline of supps for cravings. Most people recommend Kudzu and L-glutamine, but RJ recommends a whole slew of stuff. All of which I used when I went AF initially.

                      Good luck and take care.
                      Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                        What do you do to help relax?

                        This may seem a bit off the wall , but sometimes when stuff just is too big, you can get a towel and go into a closet and crouch down with said towel stuffed in your mouth and do a really good long hearfelt primal scream. I'm really serious. If it's a good one you might need to gargle with warm salt water after.
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          What do you do to help relax?


                          Try the Hypno CDs.
                          They are very relaxing, no kidding
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            What do you do to help relax?

                            Ahem... sorry. I had a trying day. There are lots of on-line things for relaxation. Guided meditations and the like. Music to soothe the soul.. Dr. Andrew Wiel has some helaing music that may be on his website. The hypno CDs Lavande refers to are deffinately relaxing.
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              What do you do to help relax?

                              LMAO Greeny!

                              I like a hot bath with a cup of tea and a nice book - just tranquil - love it!
                              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

