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What do you do to help relax?

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    What do you do to help relax?

    G'day Sizzler,
    For me, it's a BJ, a nice warm wrap around cuddle in bed, a hot bath. Then, repeat steps 1 and 2 ad infinitum.

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      What do you do to help relax?

      Guitarista;718139 wrote: G'day Sizzler,
      For me, it's a BJ, a nice warm wrap around cuddle in bed, a hot bath. Then, repeat steps 1 and 2 ad infinitum.


        What do you do to help relax?

        I've changed my entire evening routine. I now make a bigger point of "going to bed" i.e. changing to comfy clothes, getting cleaned up, brushing teeth. Last winter I took a long shower, but haven't in the warm weather, will probably start again soon. Read for 30 mins. Also, I go to bed about an hour earlier now than I used to.

        All of this to "suck up" the time that used to be my drinking time. I know it doesn't sound exciting, but its what I got working for me.


          What do you do to help relax?

;718201 wrote: I've changed my entire evening routine. I now make a bigger point of "going to bed" i.e. changing to comfy clothes, getting cleaned up, brushing teeth. Last winter I took a long shower, but haven't in the warm weather, will probably start again soon. Read for 30 mins. Also, I go to bed about an hour earlier now than I used to.

          All of this to "suck up" the time that used to be my drinking time. I know it doesn't sound exciting, but its what I got working for me.
          Exactly what i plan on doing. I did that last night and woke up feeling very good.
          I did toss and turn a bit but i think it was from my pours cleaning them self out from 3 months of drinking. Worked last night, time to try tonight !
          Woot !


            What do you do to help relax?

            Guitarista;718139 wrote: G'day Sizzler,
            For me, it's a BJ, a nice warm wrap around cuddle in bed, a hot bath. Then, repeat steps 1 and 2 ad infinitum.
            HA !
            Perfect idea


              What do you do to help relax?

              Lavande;717955 wrote: Chris,

              Try the Hypno CDs.
              They are very relaxing, no kidding
              I ll look into that. I heard good things about them cds.

