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ODAT - Saturday

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    ODAT - Saturday

    Morning all.

    Bit of a slow start for me this morning but a couple of pints of tea should kick start the system!

    Been away for a few days (from here) as just a whole load of stuff to do. Sometimes I get a bit fed up with the juggling that my life entails but then I have to remind myself that I would HATE one 9-5, 5 days a week job and that I am far better off having a whole load of self-employed stuff to be doing and lots of different things to do.

    Being really busy means I take my eye of the AF goal - but that works both ways. Sometimes too busy/tired to drink; other times too busy/tired to think sensibly about not drinking.

    Going on holiday for a week soon. I know it will be pretty difficult not to drink (staying with heavy drinkers) but I can use it as a time to relax, recharge and re-focus so I should manage to mod and come back with a fresh attititude (and more time to spend on here - I need the inspiration from all you good folk).

    Love to you all.

    Bessie xx

    ODAT - Saturday

    Hope the holiday goes well Bessie and that the modding is also successful! Recharging your batteries sounds like a good thing!
    Luck and good thoughts flying your way


      ODAT - Saturday

      Hi odaters

      Good to hear from you Bessie, I'd noticed you weren't around.Holidays are a real trigger for me too. How about setting yourself a 'sensible' allowance for the holiday and stick to it. Also when the booze is flowing try and remember what is planned for the next morning.....most things just aren't as much fun with a raging hangover! It's so hard when everyone else is drinking! Another tactic is being the designated driver if you go to a pub/restaurant. Anyway, have a lovely time with your friends.

      Hi chicken and odaters to come.
      If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


        ODAT - Saturday

        Good Morning Everyone!

        Tawny - don't beat yourself up, just pick up and start again. If I had a bottle of wine in the house it was empty. It never stayed around more than 24 hours! So, I don't buy it anymore. Hard to walk by the wine aisle, but I switched grocery stores so the theme from "Jaws" doesn't start playing in my head as I head toward the wine aisle anymore. Also, I have been moderating only for 2 weeks and have my own worries about being around heavy drinkers. My neighbors like to have cocktails so it's easy to go to their house and then walk home (or weave). In the past I knew I wasn't driving so I allowed myself to just keep drinking. I've made excuses lately as to why I can't make it. Same with weekends away. I am avoiding them until I feel stronger. I can't avoid them altogether so I am having to make a plan for when it comes. I will take my suppliments, listen to the hypnotherapy tapes, and then play a game of "how many drinks is everyone else having?". While I sip my perrier I will watch how many times they refill their glasses. Then I will remind myself how much better I am going to feel in the morning than they will. If I become tempted I'll go off for a walk, or offer to do dishes or run a load of laundry, play with the kids, run an errand, or at last resort, say I have a splitting headache and take a quick nap (where I will listen to another cd). I'll even lie if I need to and say I'm on antibiotics, have a really early morning the next day, whatever works, but I am making a plan. I think that's the most important thing. Just don't go anywhere unprepared. You wouldn't go out in the ocean without a life jacket, ergo...

        Okay, that said, it's Saturday. Yay! I'm watching stupid tv!

        Have a great day!


          ODAT - Saturday

          Morning Bessie, Chicken, Blue Sky and Fig and all to come!

          A holiday sounds marvelous Bessie and I think thinking through the whole night to the next morning to keep your modding in line is an excellent suggestion!!

          Fig - your Jaws theme analogy is right on and made me laugh this morning.

          This weekend will be mostly hanging around the house getting stuff done which is fine with me. I am still having some soreness in my left foot and both knees from that 30 mile walk last weekend. ugh. Since I cant really and maybe shouldnt walk anymore for a few days, i'm going to bike ride to get my exercise in. I cant bear to do nothing all weekend.

          Here's to another sober weekend! Hope you all reach your goals.
          AF/SF - November 23, 2014


            ODAT - Saturday

            It's going to take a good cup of coffee for me! Just getting my life back together after getting back from vacation. Lots of good stuff, but work was a pain this last week so I'm glad that's over. No booze again for me. I'm working on visualizing my thanksgiving and christmas with full sober days. Looks good to me.

