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Does this sound familiar to anyone?

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    Does this sound familiar to anyone?

    Has anyone had constant mouth sores or irritation from drinking? It's like I chew on my cheeks and tongue all night and wake up with chemical burns inside my mouth! This is one of the main reasons I want to quit! I'm embarrassed to go to my dentist!

    Does this sound familiar to anyone?

    Hi Franzia yes that happens to me, I get cracks in the corners of my mouth that worssen if I keep drinking.When I quit they go away, I am not sure what causes it but its definatley something that happens to me at least


      Does this sound familiar to anyone?

      franzia'sgone;718494 wrote: Has anyone had constant mouth sores or irritation from drinking? It's like I chew on my cheeks and tongue all night and wake up with chemical burns inside my mouth! This is one of the main reasons I want to quit! I'm embarrassed to go to my dentist!
      What do you drink the most?


        Does this sound familiar to anyone?

        wine and lots of it I am sad to say. balck box chardonnay 13.5% or any box wine. So easy to get rid of the boxes vs the bottles. Sad I know thats why I am on day one again.


          Does this sound familiar to anyone?

          cheer up Boston Bean, day one is a good place to start, I managed day one yesterday, will I make it day 2?? good luck, go and drink lot's of water,


            Does this sound familiar to anyone?

            Franzia of course!

            We (yes my husband too) have kept the Franzia boxed wine in business for years I'm sure. It started out for a neighborhood barbecue cuz it was easy right? Always fresh in the fridge- never ending spout of wine. Now 20 years later we found ourselves going through a box between the two of us in 2 days. So we decided to go to bottles- buy a case at Total Wine and we are only allowed one bottle between the two of us per night. What a joke!! Ha! The next morning three bottles are sitting on the kitchen counter....
            I do have good news though, I babysat my grandson last night and didn't drink a drop. I am not drinking tonight either- work tomorrow and I need sleep after last night with a 18 month old! :new:


              Does this sound familiar to anyone?

              Now that I think about it, I did bite the inside of my cheeks a lot and I don't any more.
              That's another advantage of the AF life.


                Does this sound familiar to anyone?

                Just off the top of my head.... anxiety paired with vitamin deficiency
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  Does this sound familiar to anyone?

                  On my last visit to the dentist he mentioned that the inside of my mouth was chewed up and sore, I thought at the time I was just stressed, never thought of it being down to my drinking.


                    Does this sound familiar to anyone?

                    my dentist was downright rude!

                    Elsa;719075 wrote: On my last visit to the dentist he mentioned that the inside of my mouth was chewed up and sore, I thought at the time I was just stressed, never thought of it being down to my drinking.
                    I was seeing him for the first time- he was pleasant and polite until he started doing an "oral tissue exam" and then immediately changed his demeanor. I will never return to him- however it opened my eyes to my problem so I guess I should be thankful.


                      Does this sound familiar to anyone?

                      Chardonnay Chardonnay Chardonnay

                      thesizzler;718594 wrote: What do you drink the most?
                      anything white! Pinot Grigio is my downfall but don't buy it often because I know how I gulp it. We gave up the Franzia boxes of Chardonnay- thought it would be better control with bottles......didn't work.


                        Does this sound familiar to anyone?

                        Alcohol dehydrates our skin cells. Mucous membrane inside the mouth would be affected as well-thus could lead to mouth sores...also could be due to not getting enough vitamins, or lack of protein. Not sure how much you drink but a chronic alcoholic is definitely vitamin defiencient.

                        How to help:
                        Use a non-abrasive toothpaste that contains fluoride. Be careful not to use whitening toothpastes that may contain hydrogen peroxide, which can irritate sore mouths.

                        Gently rinse your mouth before and after meals and at bedtime with one of the following solutions (Stir or shake the solution well, then swish it around and gently gargle, then spit it out.):

                        1 teaspoon baking soda
                        2 cups water

                        1 teaspoon salt
                        1 teaspoon baking soda
                        1 quart water

                        To promote healing, ask your doctor about using Maalox or Milk of Magnesia. You can use these products to help sores by allowing them to settle and separate, pouring the liquid off the top of the solution, and then swabbing the pasty part onto the sore area with a cotton swab. Rinse your mouth with water after 15-20 minutes.

                        I've had luck with the spice alum for canker sores. They don't know the cause of canker sores but if I eat too many acidic things (oranges off of our trees) I find I'm more prone.

                        Good luck. Hope your mouth feels better soon!

                        "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                        ~Jack Welsh~:h

                        God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                          Does this sound familiar to anyone?

                          Do you drink coffee? WHen I was younger that happened all the time, but when I cut out the (and not the AL) it stoped. I thought it was a form of herpies which could also be the problem if it is recurring. I know, I hate that word too. But I have not had an outbreak in 20 years.
                          Give a man a beer, he'll waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, he'll waste a lifetime.

