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ODAT - Monday 21st September

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    ODAT - Monday 21st September

    Hi Odaters

    Wishing you all an Alcohol Free Monday. Best wishes to those who are struggling.

    Tawney you doing?

    Will check in again later
    If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.

    ODAT - Monday 21st September

    morning Blue, I am feeling really good actually, I had a delivery coming tomorrow and I had a small bottle of wine on it, I have just taken it off the order, so I hope I don't backtrack and add it back on later, lovely sunny day here, my 9 year old is off with very sore throat so I think we are going to overdose on Dr, Who today, Oh joy!!Hope your'e good, speak again later.


      ODAT - Monday 21st September

      Morning all

      Getting ready to go away on holiday - so much to do. I hate the getting ready bit - need a holiday at the end of it.

      Decided to make an appointment to see my doc when I get back for some help with quitting drinking. I'm not really hacking it on my own. Quite a relief to have made the appointment and also that it is not with own doctor who I know well socially!

      See you all in a week.

      Bessie xx


        ODAT - Monday 21st September


        Morning bluey & tawny & bessie & all to come!

        Mondays! New beginnings!

        There's a birthday party for I think 3 people, and I better figure it out so I show up prepared. I've got my covered dish made but I'm scrounging in the present department. and I need one more card. I hate to shop, especially under pressure.

        Bessie, have a good vacation... Who does all that stuff when you're gone?

        Have a good AF day!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          ODAT - Monday 21st September

          Good morning everyone!

          Back on the treadmill of Monday morning.

          I disappointed myself last night and had two glasses of wine at dinner. It was to be an abstaining night, but we went to a restaurant where, in the past I have always had 3 or 4 glasses, and boom, the old habit kicked in. At least I stopped at two. But, I realized that I'm still not strong enough to resist temptation completely. I'd gone out the night before on a date and had two glasses of wine, but that was planned as part of my moderation program. Last night there was not excuse. Just wanted it. I hope to get to the point where I make a rational decision and stick with it. Not be led by this powerful urge! Anyway, I know two glasses is not a big deal, and certainly when I look back at my drinking habits over the years I would have been feeling positively great over only two glasses, but I look at things differently these days. Oh well. I know my weaknesses (dining out and family get-togethers) and obviously need more time to prepare and possibly avoid for a bit longer. On the good side, I didn't then go out to the grocery store after dinner and buy a full bottle to polish off! And, I'm still being really good at home (my biggest danger zone). But I'm trying to pinpoint the trigger that made me order that first glass. It's very interesting to try to take the day apart bit by bit to try to find the crack. It was a good day: church, watched two hours of a tennis tournament, school event with my daughter. Hmm, I think that was it. Stressful, crowded high school open house event reminding me that she has to apply for high school this year (her grades are not exactly stellar). Then home and no food in the house for dinner. Ahhhhh. That's it. Should have just ordered pizza like I'd originally thought.

          Okay, I've rambled on but typing this out helps me figure it out, hopefully. The rest of the week looks good. I'll be AF until Friday when I have a cocktail party to go to. That shouldn't be too bad. I usually leave early from those since I go alone. (Sometimes I really like being single!)


            ODAT - Monday 21st September

            Morning All!

            Bessie - Enjoy your holiday and good for you taking proactive steps towards your sobriety!

            ah, another work week starts. I'm grateful that i am usually so busy the days fly by so i can enjoy the weekend, all 30 seconds that it seems to last.

            Have a great week all!
            AF/SF - November 23, 2014


              ODAT - Monday 21st September

              Good Morning. Hoping we each find a way to make it a fine Monday; we know what to do even though it can be a moment to moment thing. It is good to see you finding your way out, Tawny, and I look forward to reading about it. You are doing just fine, Fig, it is rarely a straight line out of here and everything that happens is grist for mill as we learn our path. Forward all, great to see you Blue, Bessie, Greenie, and Mistall. Love, Ladybird.
              may we be well


                ODAT - Monday 21st September

                Hi guys,

                Af last night which I needed - I was NF yesterday too, bought some nicotine gum and am going to try to give up a couple of bad habits. I am actually not concerned about gaining weight as when I was off sick earlier in the summer I lost a ton so I need to gain some back!

                MStall - how is your NF going?

                I will be Af this week - doing it odat. 2nd interview this afternoon so with me luck!

                Talk to you guys later,
                Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                  ODAT - Monday 21st September

                  Good morning all. Had a good weekend, and looking forward to a good week. Monday Monday and back at my desk to the grind. If I stand up I can see the sunrise out the window. It's going to be a great morning and I'm alert to see it. Good luck to everyone in pursuing your goals.


                    ODAT - Monday 21st September

                    Morning all!

                    Rainy Monday morning after a gorgeous sunny weekend. How fitting, eh?
                    AF day #44 and the quit date for the smokes is nearing as well. Will have to substitute with food and sex, I guess :H

                    Have a successful day, everyone!
                    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                    Winning since October 24th, 2013


                      ODAT - Monday 21st September

                      Good morning! I haven't posted on the ODAT threads, but I need to start getting my thinking more into ODAT instead of focusing on the long term.

                      My struggle is always after work. I have a plan together for tonight - I just need to stick with it.


                        ODAT - Monday 21st September


                        Hi Determination, like you I have decided to try ODAT, I tried to think long term, then spent ages telling myself what a loser I was when I failed, even though I did 2 days AF - which for me was quite an acheivement. But I could'nt see it like that, just that I had failed 30 days.
                        Good luck with your plan for tonight.

