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September to Remember - Week 4

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    September to Remember - Week 4

    Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase,
    just take the first step.

    --Martin Luther King Jr.

    I wonder if Martin Luther King Jr. would have liked the hypno CDs?:H

    Hang in there, September friends!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

    September to Remember - Week 4

    Good morning September friends,

    Thanks Dill for the eye opening quote - so very true!
    So here we are beginning week 4, I'm feeling strong & hope everyone else is too

    Off to discover today's project, will check in later. Have a great day!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      September to Remember - Week 4

      Good Morning All,

      Dill-where do you get such good quotes? This is a really good one to start week 4 off with. Thanks!

      Lav-I'm glad your feeling strong my cross posting buddy! Your right, we do have to start thinking of names for our October thread. Sept. surely flew by!

      I know what my project is for the day-so I'm off to whittle away at that pile of laundry.

      Have a great AF day everyone.
      AF since 7/26/2009

      "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

      "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


        September to Remember - Week 4

        Hi Dill, I love the quote...
        AF today


          September to Remember - Week 4

          I adore the sound of Week Four, particularly as my extra work will be ending and the last day is my birthday at which time I am going on a hike to see hoodoos. Sometimes life is just good. I also love your quote, Dill, and the man who said it. Sometimes I can?t see any steps and have to feel for them with my foot. Creepy and lonely but necessary. You must have a big pile of laundry after your road trip, Lil. I actually really like doing laundry, all the neatly folded piles, the ironing. There is medication for this but I don't take it. Hi Lav, so glad you are feeling strong, I feed regularly on your inspiration particularly in those times when I genuinely believe I can?t do this. :thanks: Welcome lovemylife, you will fare well here, keep coming back. Love, Ladybird.
          may we be well


            September to Remember - Week 4

            Hi All,

            Love that quote,Dill. It's so true about the 1st step.

            Can't believe it's week 4 already! I've started Christmas shopping. Now all I've got to do is remember where I've put it.

            We'll celebrate your birthday with my famous non curry, LBH. Or I may just post my local take-away menu. They do deliver.

            :welcome: lovemylife. Keep coming back. Let us know how you're doing.

            Love Jackie xxxx

            AF since 7/7/2009

            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              September to Remember - Week 4

              Good afternoon friends!

              I've just run across a little something that I would like to share with my friends, especially the Over 50 Friends. It's called 'The Ode to Forgetfulness' Enjoy

    [/video]]YouTube - Ode to Forgetfulness
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                September to Remember - Week 4

                thanks for the youtube link Lav, my internet very slow tonight so it didn't play very well but I got the gist - and it was very funny
                Dill love the quote - and what LBH said about feeling for the steps with her foot.
                What are hoodoos LBH? I'm sure we haven't got any of those round here.
                I've had a good day despite the rain and wind, hope everyone else has too.
                See you all tomorrow, sleep well

                ps what about Sober October? I can't think of words that rhyme with October - or we could have something completely different like October champions or something similar ....ideas not flowing today! inspiration needed urgently


                  September to Remember - Week 4

                  Jackie its a standing joke in our house that I find christmas presents at Easter - you're not alone!
                  Welcome love my life, good to see you


                    September to Remember - Week 4

                    LHB-We saw the hoodoos at Bryce canyon in Utah when we were on vacation! Is that where your going?

                    JC-I've been known to find Christmas presents a year after Christmas. Then I have to try and remember to give it to people the following year! :H

                    Sooty-Glad you are having a good day inspite of the weather. You are sounding so strong these days.

                    Lav-On this trip I managed to lose my car keys for the first time in my life. then lock the only keys we had in the car, and lose my address book. Am I getting forgetful??? Wait! What were we talking about! :H :H

                    Lovemylife-Welcome. Keep coming back. We have a very supportive group here.

                    Dill-I hope you're having a good day at work.

                    PS-Sooty, Sober October rhymes. I have no creative juices so I'll just go with the flow!
                    AF since 7/26/2009

                    "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                    "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                      September to Remember - Week 4

                      Hi Sooty. Hoodoos are odd geological formations that tend to cause little boys to dissolve in hysterical laughter. If you Google the term you will see some images and understand why. I shall go to place called Kashe Katuwe.

                      Sober October is nice and clear, Sooty, sounds good to me. ?O? words can be funny in our context (think oblique, opinionated, ornery, obstinate, oblong, out-dated, and, not to forget, old---loved the video, Lav). I thought about it earlier and also discarded the October Overdoers for obvious reasons (although in my case the do-overs would be fitting); the October Olympics (sounds too hard); October Oscars (too competitive); October Optimists (too depressing); and the October Outlaws (been there also). Thought of October On-Target (it can be a moving one); October Omnibus (come one, come all); Outstanding October (hip, hip); October Oasis (warm, fuzzy); October Odyssey (all over the place); October Opportunity (goes without saying) and Operation October (my trigger is bigger than your trigger). Funny little exercise, beats drinking which I guess is the point. Love, LBH.
                      may we be well


                        September to Remember - Week 4

                        Lovemylife, I'm glad you liked the quote. Please join us here and keep checking in!

                        LBH, you crack me up! You have given so much thought to the naming of the October thread, that I, for one, feel you are awarded the priviledge of naming it! I do want to put in my vote for 'Sober October', though.

                        Lil, I had a fine day at work. It was great to come home, though, and see so many posts on the Sept. thread. Very nice.

                        Lav, that Youtube was really cute!

                        Sooty, Sending you sunny thoughts.

                        Jackie C., I am always amazed at folks that shop for Christmas before December!

                        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                          September to Remember - Week 4

                          Evening Sept. friends,

                          I don't know but I think OPERATION OCTOBER sounds strong, like a true winner to me
                          LBH, good work there, thanks for the great ideas.

                          JC, I start shopping in July/August because all of our birthdays (with the exception of one) fall just prior to Christmas or just after. My daughter's birthday is in January and when she was a little girl I realized the stores were just stripped after the holidays and couldn't find the things she wanted. Therefore, I start shopping real early

                          Lovemylife, hope you had a great day!

                          Lil, you do know that most of us are suffering from severe, age related CRS!!!

                          Dill & Sooty, wishing you both a great evening.
                          See you in the am.
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            September to Remember - Week 4

                            Morning all, LBH you amaze me - you are veritable dictionary! Operation October sounds really good. I like it and I'm voting for it.
                            Sounds like a military campaign, one that we have to get our battle armour on for - make a plan and carry it out .... getting carried away myself now!
                            Off shopping to local village soon, don't need anything just feel like getting out and having a mooch around the shops.
                            Have a good day one and all, keep strong and keep smiling - its the best medicine
                            love sooty


                              September to Remember - Week 4

                              Good morning, friends. I have a rainy morning here in Ohio. It's kind of dark and dreary. It makes no real difference to me, as I have to go to work, rain or shine. I do wish I was with you, Sooty, off to shop. I'm not a happy shopper when I have to shop. But when I don't really need to shop, and I am just looking around, I really enjoy it!

                              I think Operation October has a determined sound to it. I like it.

                              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

