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September to Remember - Week 4

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    September to Remember - Week 4

    Good evening Sept. friends,

    Pnut, I am sorry to hear about your cat. It's hard losing a long devoted friend like that. I lost a dog 5 years ago & still think about him everday day. But, I am glad yo hear you are doing OK. Please stay close, check in often.

    LBH & Dill, hope you both had a good Friday Be sure to do something fun this weekend, keep yourselves distracted! I'm heading to the church sponsored Apple Festival tomorrow. I like to check out the arts & crafts, etc.

    Hi Nemo! Welcome, so glad you are here
    Congrats on your 13 AF days, that's a terrific start! There's no need to feel any shame here, just feel the strength & support. Wonderful that your partner is on track with you!

    I'm looking forward to waking up Saturday morning 6 months AF!
    I wasn't thinking this far ahead when I found MWO in February and finally bit the bullet in March to go AF. I had no idea that I could do it, I just knew that I needed to try.
    I'm so happy I did

    Thank you everyone and good night!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      September to Remember - Week 4

      Congrats on 6 months, Lav!


      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        September to Remember - Week 4

        Wow, Lav. I am so happy for you in your achievement of six months. I hope you know how deeply you are appreciated. You have helped me and continue to do so everyday. Love, Ladybird.
        may we be well


          September to Remember - Week 4

          Good morning Sept. friends,

          A nice typical Fall morning it!

          Thank you Dill & LBH, I love you both as well, I hope you both know that
          I am sending you all the strength & Lavan-ittude you need to get your 6 months as well!

          I'm off now to the Apple Festival, will be back later.
          Have a great Saturday!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            September to Remember - Week 4

            Lav-Congratulations on 6 months! :happy: Way to go!!
            AF since 7/26/2009

            "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

            "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


              September to Remember - Week 4

              Lav, well done on 6 months. You must be so pleased with yourself and rightly so. Well done my dear.
              I phoned my aunt who shares your special day and she's doing well too - she'd just been in the garden picking apples (remember I said she's 85) she is an inspiration to me just as you are. She could have her own apple festival - hope yours was enjoyable.
              LBH lovely to see you, hope you are keeping strong.
              Welcome Nemo lovely to have you with us.
              Pnut, so sorry you're feeling down, please dont worry about being negative (not that you are) we are tough here, we can stand a bit of negativity and in no time it'll get defeated by the lav-attitude that's flying around!
              Dill hope you are ok too
              and to everyone else have a good saturday and keep well.
              See you all tomorrow
              love Sooty


                September to Remember - Week 4

                Hi Everybody. Hey Dill. Tomorrow is Sunday and if I recall that can be a hard one for you. Is there anything I and the troops here can do to make it work out more the way you want? I know I want to spend these last few days of September getting focused. I have not done as well as I wanted to this month, just feeling sort of off emotionally. In August I didn?t drink at all and this month had my four day moderation experiment. Even though it was successful in terms of what I consumed, I think the whole thing left me feeling estranged. When I then drank again this past Tuesday, this time intentionally to excess (my first ever binge, I was always a daily heavy drinker), I got nothing that I wanted, even the buzz felt more like an illness than relaxation. I didn?t get on this thread early in the month as I knew I was not committed but to tell you the truth, I found nothing else that was particularly meaningful when I wasn?t at the same time working toward long term sobriety. So, if I can help you tomorrow, please let me. I really want to find my way out of this mess and I want you to also. Lets follow Lavi, she da bomb. Love, Ladybird.
                may we be well


                  September to Remember - Week 4

                  You are sounding really strong, Sooty. I love it!!! LBH
                  may we be well


                    September to Remember - Week 4

                    Hi September friends, Here I am, back from the Old Timer's festival where we looked at old farm machines and tractors and watched them work. It was enjoyable, but the best part was the food, of course! Mmmm! I still am savoring the apple dumpling with ice cream....

                    Sooty, your Aunt sounds like a woman I would like to know! And I agree with LBH, you do sound strong and up beat. It's good to hear.

                    LBH, thank you for thinking of me. I must say, I feel a little uncomfortable being the center of attention, though. It's not my usual position. But I do appreaciate your thinking of me. And because of it, I have started on a plan for tomorrow. I'll need one! I enjoyed reading your description of your intentional drinking night. I have had that same experience after periods of abstinence. It's like your chasing some elusive feeling. But maybe the AF time has given us the perspective of what it's like to truly feel good. That "buzz" really isn't all that great after all, but our addicted brains had us fooled into thinking is was so as to keep us providing the 'fix'.
                    Oh, dear, I do hope I am making sense. Sometimes it is so hard to communicate on a keyboard!

                    Lav, did you enjoy your day? I hope so. Does anyone in your 3D world know it was your 6 month AF anniversary?

                    Lil, I read on another thread that you were going to a James Dean festival...something about duck tails and apple dumplings?:H Hope you had a good time!

                    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                      September to Remember - Week 4

                      Lil, Dill, and Lav, I hope your excursions are/were wonderful. I am really sorry about flinging you into the center, D., usually hate that sort of thing myself. I?ll keep you respectfully in the corner of my eye.
                      Love, Ladybird.
                      may we be well


                        September to Remember - Week 4

                        Evening friends,

                        Thank you, thank you & yes I did have a good day!!
                        Truthfully, I spent the day with my husband, DIL, grandson, daughter & SIL - NONE of them know about my special day today. Thought about mentioning it but decided to be selfish & just keep it to myself & all of you of course. I didn't want to start a discussion about my past behavior or anything negative really. So, I've been enjoying this day in my own little head - I like it that way It may sound a little bizzare but what the hell.... that's the way I am. The apple festival was nice, lots of apple pie, cider & apple butter, yum!

                        Dill, I've been thinking about you too & am happy to hear you have a Sunday plan in the works. Do whatever you need to do, right?
                        LBH, I think I'm hearing determination from your corner, good! Don't forget, use all the Lavan-ittude you want - it's free!!!!!!
                        Sooty, Lil, hope you are having a great weekend too!
                        Pnut, hope you are OK, check in, let us know!

                        Gonna put my feet up for a bit, maybe there's something worthwhile on TV - you never know.
                        Thanks again to all of my best friends & good night
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          September to Remember - Week 4

                          Scratch, scratch, rub, rub, rub, scratch, scratch (pencil on paper)......

                          Developing plan:

                          1. Go to Church in the morning. (I usually go on Sat. afternoon, but missed today) Pray REALLY hard for strength.

                          2. Take L-glut (which I usually forget to do, but I really think it helps) morning, noon and late afternoon.

                          3. Developing.......

                          Hey, Lav, I completely understand keeping that special thought to yourself to savor! I'm really glad you had a good day.

                          Night everyone!

                          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                            September to Remember - Week 4

                            Good Sunday morning Sept. friends,

                            Hope everyone had a good night!
                            I'm preparing for the arrival of the 'Insanity Twins' (my son's dogs). Lucky me to have them for the day especially since it's raining out........... oh well.

                            Dill, good luck with that plan - looks good!

                            Wishing everyone a great day, I'll check in later.
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              September to Remember - Week 4

                              Hi September buddies. Had a major anxiety attack in the middle of the night which kept me up for good, and I came out to Lord Birdheart this morning regarding how discouraged and empty I feel about my ability to remain alcohol free for the long haul. I asked for his support today and throughout October. I felt embarrassed and ashamed but he was very sweet. Onward. I am not going to let anything external or internal make be drink today. Love, Ladybird.
                              may we be well


                                September to Remember - Week 4

                                Bravo, LBH! Very brave of you to tell Lord BH of your fears and struggles. I have never had the courage to do that with Mr. D. Nope. Poor Mr. D. is left wandering in the dark wondering why I am so dark on some days when there appears to be no apparent reason. He rolls with it though, fortunately. He knows I am trying to quit and he wants me to, as well. He is a non-drinker. I try to keep my issues with al separate from my issues with him. I am sorry you had a bad night, though. I took two Calmes Forte and two valerian capsules and I slept like a rock! (Do rocks sleep?)

                                Hi Lav! Good luck with the twins!

                                Hello everyone else to come!

                                Plan, cont'd:

                                3. get out of the house and do something this afternoon: shop, visit a friend, take a walk or some such thing.

                                4. Listen to my audio book The New Earth, by Eckhart Tolle. It is narrated by the author and he has a very soothing voice.

                                I'll check in later!! Hope you all have a great Sunday.

                                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

