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September to Remember - Week 4

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    September to Remember - Week 4

    jackie hope you're feeling better, I've got my flu jab on 10 October.
    Hope everyone's had a good day - I had a lovely walk with Mr Sooty otherwise known as Sweep! but I'm so tired now ...
    off to make a hot choc and go to bed.
    See you all tomorrow - take care everyone!


      September to Remember - Week 4

      Hi ?Embers. Great to see you Jackie and really sorry you are sick; it can be so hard just to let things run their course. I imagine all your little immune system troops are working away, happy that you are taking far better care of yourself, and you will rally very soon.

      Had my last day at work before the big roll back. Even though I know I have done the best thing for me all things considered, as usual I am having mixed feelings now that the ?moment has arrived?. I am convinced that the part of us that decides to do something (exercise, getting up early, retirement, quitting drinking, whatever,) is not the same part that has to pull it off. That part has never heard of such a thing; has no idea whose crazy idea that was! It is a good thing I can laugh at myself. I am not actually done/done with my assignment as I still have to finish writing things up, but I shall need to wait until tomorrow as I can?t see straight and have a MYO plan to follow that does not include overextending myself if I have a choice. I almost always do. Love to you all, Ladybird.
      may we be well


        September to Remember - Week 4

        Evening Sept. friends,

        Monday draws to a close.......good!

        I'm quite proud of you Dill & LBH - you are both sticking to you plans, so important!
        I'm feeling the pull of Operation October (if that's what we're going to call it).....
        Perfect or not I think we all kept our sights on the goal this month!

        Sooty, your long, long walk with Sweep must have been exhausting but invigorating

        JC - the flu??? Sorry to hear that! The last time I had the flu it kicked me in the butt - I was on my back for 5 days.......... Hope you're feeling better real soon Guess you can skip that flu shot now. I got mine last Friday, hope it works!

        Hi to Pnut if you check in!

        My grandson, who turned 10 months today absolutely wore me out this afternoon. He was fresh from a 2 hr. nap when he got here - I wasn't!!!

        Think I'll call it a day.
        Have a good night everyone.
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          September to Remember - Week 4

          Morning Lav and thanks for what you said about us keeping our eyes on the goal this month - that made me think - ok I might have had the odd slip (and so have others I know) but on the whole we've done pretty damn good and we should all be proud of ourselves.
          So we should be well prepared for Operation October - we've had lots of training so it should be a piece of cake!
          Lots of things to do today, hope everyone has a good Tuesday
          see you later
          love sooty


            September to Remember - Week 4

            Good morning friends! So nice to have you all to check in with! I couldn't be luckier, really.

            Jackie, I do hope you will be feeling in fine feather very soon. I am so sorry to hear you've been ill.

            Lav, I am liking the sound of Operation October. We'll take October by storm! I am feeling really good about it.

            Sooty, you are right about having had lots of training! And even though I have had a rough patch here lately, I am not going to let it defeat me. We all must soldier on, eh?!

            I am convinced that the part of us that decides to do something (exercise, getting up early, retirement, quitting drinking, whatever,) is not the same part that has to pull it off. That part has never heard of such a thing; has no idea whose crazy idea that was!
            :H:H LBH, How right you are!

            My other half won the argument last night and I gave in to some wine. I awoke at 3:00 am and have been awake since then regretting it. It was not worth it. I lost half a night's sleep, I feel like a failure and I am going to have to go through my day feeling like a bit of a zombie from lack of sleep. How is that for a reminder of what we all need to avoid?

            Heads up, "Embers", Lil managed to get a brief email to me telling me that she is having connectivity problems with the internet. She wanted me to tell you all that she is thinking of is, is working on it and will be back just as soon as she is able. She has a technician scheduled for Friday.

            Hi to Pnut and Pamina, hope you have a chance to stop by!

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              September to Remember - Week 4

              Good morning Sept. friends,

              Only one more day to say that!!!!
              I am ready for Operation October - bring it on

              Dill, wishing you a good day despite your sleep deficit!
              I can think of hundreds of reasons to never drink again but insomnia probably ranks #1! Dealt with it for 13 years, have just gotten it under control this year. Staying AF, taking 2 Mellodyn caps (herbal) an hour before bedtime and I'm sleeping like a baby now Nothing & no one will make me give that up - no way!!

              LBH, hope you are good today!

              JC, feeling better??

              Sooty, I think I'm going to stitch up a big banner for the side of your bus -
              'Operation October'
              Get Out of Our Way

              I'll get to work on that today...............
              Have a good Tuesday everyone.
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                September to Remember - Week 4

                Hello everyone. Off to a great start today, level and calm (at least by my standards ). Got up early and should finish up my writing in time to have a lovely late lunch out on my own in celebration. Learning what works and what doesn?t is a huge part of the MWO process and I am learning a lot this month. The lessons start out as big obvious ones and then turn into all the little far less dramatic ones that allow us to actually succeed. For me it is finding ways to give voice to and nurture or soothe the part of myself that only knows to drink in response to one thing or another. I am glad we are going to be together in October as this would be even more confusing alone :l. Love and see you later, Ladybird.
                may we be well


                  September to Remember - Week 4

                  Evening September friends,

                  Dill: When I 1st went Af the lack of sleep didn't bother me. I felt sooo energized and excited by each new day. I got masses done. I still don't sleep particularly well (not counting the last few days) but I'm learning to live with it.

                  LBH; You sound a lot more positive today and we know what tomorrow is (hehe)

                  Hi and big hugs to Sooty and any one else I've forgotten.

                  I'm still running half full but each day I feel a little better.

                  Love you all darlings,

                  Jackie xxx

                  AF since 7/7/2009

                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    September to Remember - Week 4

                    Hello everyone,
                    Just popping in quickly to check on you all while I wolf my lunch down.

                    Dill - don't feel badly - just try to get some rest today. Can you sneak a nap in? After work??
                    Lav - sure sounds like you enjoy your time so much with your grandson. To tell the truth, I am actually looking forward to grandkids, although I know I shouldn't hope for them too soon. My oldest is going to be 22you soon, and that is a bit too young yet, me thinks!!

                    Jackie - poor you with the flu!!! Hope you are feeling better every day.

                    LBH - how positive you are. All those lessons learned and lived by. I think I have to pay attention to the lessons I learn and change my behaviour. It is amazing to me how we can carry on engaging in behaviours which are so bad for us, yet we do not stop them. Besides drinking to much wine, i am also thinking about the evils of smoking! Hey, if I touch knowingly touch a hot element and burn myself, I will not do it again!!! But I guess that's the problem with addictions - it goes beyond simple cause and effect, and the negative effects tend to be delayed!

                    Hi Sooty - you sound good today. I too am ready for October and will have to stay close as I can and be as strong as i can!!

                    Today I am feeling ok. I've been very tired the past couple days (hormonal thing) and last night, despite my plan to run the 3 miles to the gym for a workout, I fell asleep sprawled across my bed at 8:00!! I tried and tried to drag myself up and it wasn't until almost 10 that I got up and had my one ciggie and went back to bed until 8:15 this morning - could hardly wake up even then!!!! I must try not to run myself into the ground!!! But no wine last night - thanks god for that!!!!!!!

                    OK - back to work here!
                    Have a wonderful day peeps!
                    xoxoxo peanut


                      September to Remember - Week 4

                      ladybirdheart;725554 wrote: For me it is finding ways to give voice to and nurture or soothe the part of myself that only knows to drink in response to one thing or another.
                      Yes. That's my day in a nutshell.

                      So sorry to keep dumping my bad news on this thread, but, selfishly, I'd rather do that than drink...

                      I had a complicated, intense, ambiguous relationship for 6 years and walked out of it 3 years ago. I'd occasionally daydream that maybe things could have changed for the better, but on the whole I've believed it was the right thing to do. Yesterday I found out my ex, 44, had been found dead in his hotel bed during a work assignment in Central Asia. COD as yet unclear. Today has been very all over the place for me. Part of me remembers I was no longer a part of his life. Another part of me feels like I've just lost all the good bits of our relationship. Then the 'woe is me' persona can't get over the fact that 5 close people have died in the past 14 months. Occasionally I manage to soothe myself, temporarily. Any soothing ideas gratefully received. I'm going to give sleep a try.


                        September to Remember - Week 4

                        Pamina, that is so much loss in such a short amount of time. I am so sorry to hear you have yet another to absorb. I will send up a prayer for you tonight.

                        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                          September to Remember - Week 4

                          I am so deeply sorry, Pam. Even when one has lived through grief before and knows it can be done, it’s cumulative. I don’t have wise words, the most important words are coming from you. I think all of us have some miles on us and we will be with you in this; that’s good because alone is harder. Love, Ladybird.
                          may we be well


                            September to Remember - Week 4

                            Pam, my gosh, I don't even know what to say.
                            Of course we will all be here for you and praying for strength to help you through these days.
                            I think you have already shown us that you are a lady of substance. Please stay close, we are here for you.
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              September to Remember - Week 4

                              Pam you have been through so much lately, its just not fair. Stay strong and keep in touch with us and let us be your sounding board.
                              Busy day ahead, hope everyone has a good one.
                              see you later


                                September to Remember - Week 4

                                Take care Pam,
                                Thinking of you.
                                Love Jackie xxx
                                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                                AF since 7/7/2009

