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September to Remember - Week 4

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    September to Remember - Week 4

    Good night's sleep behind me and ready to take on the day! I am looking forward to Operation October. I have some paint for the bus, Sooty. I was thinking we could go with a camoflage for the month?

    Later, Embers! I'll have one more check in for September and then on to October!

    "Truly, it is in darkness that one finds the light, so when we are in sorrow, then this light is nearest to all of us."--Meister Eckhart

    Our thoughts are with you, Pamina.:l

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      September to Remember - Week 4

      Good morning Dill & all our Sept. friends,

      So here it is, the final day of September! I too am looking forward to jumping on that camoflage bus tomorrow morning & heading straight into Operation October

      I have a busy day planned including watching my very busy grandson this afternoon. My upper arms are firming up nicely thanks to picking up his 22 lb. little self every few minutes

      Pam, thinking of you today as always, strength to you.

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        September to Remember - Week 4

        The bus is freshly painted, its full of fuel and I'm ready to drive through October. You do realise that over the weeks I've been promoted? I'm sure I started off as the ticket taker - but I'm not complaining cos I love driving!
        I've had a fairly busy day, managed to get out for a walk and getting ready to settle down for the evening now.
        Hope everyone's last day of September was a successful one.
        Bring on Operation October!!


          September to Remember - Week 4


          Hi folks

          I first posted on week 3, and thanks to everyone for the welcome! :thanks:
          Now it's Sep 30th and I made it without drinking, 33 days in total now. And I feel good!
          I hope we all make it through Oct as well.

          love & support
          You?ve had to hide sometimes, but now you?re all right



            September to Remember - Week 4

            Congrats, Do, way to go! We WILL make it through October.

            Thank you all for your thoughts and support, it means a lot. :l

            I'm tired but calmer. I'm back in London, TG!!! This city is so full of life I spent some time just walking around taking it in after spending over a month in an empty house surrounded by objects from another life. Being here also brings some distance back vis-a-vis my ex. I remember I left for good reason instead of wallowing in selected memories.

            I have to say September was not a good month for me. Just can't wait to see the end of it - good riddance!

            Good thing you like driving Sooty, and I'm so glad you're all onboard. See you on a brand new thread.


              September to Remember - Week 4

              Hey gang!!
              Pam - I've been thinking about you alot this past couple days. My heart goes out to you, but you also seem to have a pretty darned good attitude as well, and are taking good care of yourself. October will be a much better month for you.

              And congratulations to all of you for getting through September successfully. I know there have been some slips and stumbles for some, but for the most part, there was much success.
              DO25, way to go on your 33 days AF. You must feel great. I am hoping October is going to be a better month for me too, as like Pam, September kinda sucked!!!!

              Sooty - I'm ready to climb aboard the camoflage bus and trust that you will drive it well!!
              Dill, Lav and Jackie and everyone else - let's stick together, k???

              It's rather cold and rainy, but I think I will go out for a bit of a run anyhow!!! I'm feeling so fat these days and some exercise will make me feel better!
              xoxoxo peanut


                September to Remember - Week 4

                Hi - I thought I should be honest and post. I ended up with 21 AF in September. The AL consumption totally triggered by MIL visit. This is going to sound really really mean, but she's caused so much stress within our family unit here I don't think we'll have her here again, I've accepted that I can't help her or change her, and can't be responsible for her being lonely, she's had friends and has driven most of them away, so sad.

                Onwards and Upwards into October.

                Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                  September to Remember - Week 4

                  Ah Betty!
                  I feel for you, honey. Remember, nothing is ever over. Sounds like you have something to deal with, but I suppose strength is in order. Family strife..... If you have to stop seeing her for a bit, that's what you need. Do what ever is best for you and your family. My BF always talk s about forgiveness, and I can be sooooo doubtful. But, sometimes, what's the alternative??? In the long run, I mean.

                  You will be fine. Take care of your family, that's the most important thing!
                  xoxoxo peanut

