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ODAT - Tuesday

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    ODAT - Tuesday

    I can't believe it! Already 8:41 here and no one has started the ODAT thread.

    No worries, I'll get us going!

    Day 3 here - tired but I did take a sleeping pill last night so I slept well. I think another couple of good nights of sleep and I'll be in good shape. Being AF and sleeping should help me to shake this cold.

    2nd half of the interview went well. I should know this week whether or not I've received the promotion.

    I am also taking a course correspondence in co-current disorders - Did a lot of reading last night - very interesting stuff! So between that, a possible new job and just being a mom and live in girlfriend - I am crazy busy! Either that or just crazy, not sure yet. Hopefully soon we will finally get things unpacked, renovations complete and move into some kind of a rythm.

    Have a good day guys, whatever your goals. Mine is to have another AF day.

    Love and hugs,
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

    ODAT - Tuesday

    Good afternoon ODATers

    Hi Uni - thanks for starting us off - must be a sleeping in Tuesday??

    Boy's Mum hopes to be able to come out of hospital today although she won't be able to move much due to the surgery for a few weeks - guess we just take it one day at a time and see what it brings us.

    Getting really excited about our puppy - mummy dog was due yesterday but so far hasn't given birth yet. My daughter says I'm so excited it's as if I'm becoming a Granny cheeky mare how old does she think I am? Oh well I suppose a 30 year age gap when you're 13 does seem fairly huge doesn't it.

    Waiting for chocolate cake to finish baking and then going out wood hunting for the log burner.

    Luv to all


      ODAT - Tuesday

      Morning ODATers!

      Uni... keeping fingers, toes, eyes, etc. crossed for your promotion! Go get 'em tiger!
      Mummy... had to laugh... my daughter who is 18 thinks 25 is 'over the hill' :H And, my 'liitle one' is turning 17 today. My, my, where does the time go? Good luck on the puppy watch today... of course, you realize that we MUST HAVE pictures!??? Right???

      Day 45 for me today and all is well. Set my quit smoking date as well... Sep 30th. Wish me luck!

      Well, happy Tuesday to all to come... let's make today count!
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        ODAT - Tuesday

        Good morning everybody!

        Made it through last night. Stuck to my plan. Woohoo! 2 now. I have a plan for tonight too.

        I'm really looking forward to some Fall weather. I'm ready to start wearing jeans and a comfy sweatshirt again!

        Uni - good luck with the interview!

        Mad Mummy - I have puppy envy...I would LOVE to get a puppy or a dog but DH says absolutely not. Please do post pictures!

        Sunshine - that is so absolutely terrific how well you are doing AF. It gives me courage that this can be done.


          ODAT - Tuesday

          Hi everybody, my god I can't believe it I am coming up to 3 months sober, never thought I would make it, I really thought I was a lost cause, come on everyone if I can do it so can you. Must go now I'm off to a AA meeting. Have a good evening.


            ODAT - Tuesday

            hi, i didn't realise we had to start a new one each day, i checked in first thing this morning on other posts, got to daay 3 AF today, caved in on the train back from London just now, bought 2 teensy bottles of wine about 2 glasses worth and that;s a treat for tonight , then no more , none in the house, hope you are all staying strong, love Tawny.

