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My Roomie call me selfish

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    My Roomie call me selfish

    Ok, i live with my roomie here and we both love to drinks. The different is just she doesn't think she's an alcoholic like i think about myself.

    So, just now i talke to her that i won't accompany her to drink anymore. And she called me selfish...sad to hear that. well, maybe i am selfish cos i want to be AF for my own good. But, i will still keep my 7AF promise no matter what...cos i know there are a lot more people who love me and love to see me sober...

    Thank you for reading...
    AF today

    My Roomie call me selfish

    Stand your grounds! You are a great person for doing this :h
    LTG AF January 13, 2011


      My Roomie call me selfish

      Whoever can call you selfish for being conscious of your wellbeing is...foolish! You are doing the right thing no worries there!


        My Roomie call me selfish

        Doing what is best for your health and wellbeing is most certainly NOT selfish! You are doing the right thing and it took some serious ball$ to tell her that. Don't let her bring you down!
        AF July 6 2014


          My Roomie call me selfish

          Than be selfish....I suppose many of our friends look at our life change as being selfish or snobby, but if they are a true friend..they will understand you need to change to LIVE. If I had kept up like I was, I'd be dead by now. So, you be selfish and be well. Selfish your way right on to a sober happy life...
          Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


            My Roomie call me selfish

            Long live the selfish! :h
            LTG AF January 13, 2011


              My Roomie call me selfish

              She is jealous that she is not as strong as you are and dosen't even realize it!
              Give a man a beer, he'll waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, he'll waste a lifetime.


                My Roomie call me selfish

                You are looking out for your own well being. That is not selfish. If anyone is selfish, it is her for wanting you to self destruct along with her. Hopefully you can serve as a positive role model for her.
                Hang in there!

                Much love!!!
                ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

                AUGUST 9, 2009


                  My Roomie call me selfish

                  Dear All, thank you for read it and response, i am sure i can get through these 7 days with all your support.

                  I was sad when i heard that from her, cos she's not only roomie to me, she's my best friend, i really hope she can give me her support. Well, now i will just do what makes me good, despite what ppl will think about my change. And yes, Dance, hopefully someday i can help my roomie to live more healthier too...
                  Love you all
                  AF today


                    My Roomie call me selfish

                    Hhmmmm, she's either an alcoholic in denial, or a non-alcoholic who just doesn't get it. I'd bet the former.
                    I had really bad luck and really bad support when I was younger and on the wagon. Especially hard were the non-alcoholics!! the ones who would clutch the same warm drink for 2 straights hours, but still hassle me for not being cool enough to drink! (happened at work functions, get-togethers with friends, family functions....) Glad I'm older and don't have that peer pressure.

                    sounds like you agree she is alcoholic, and you can understand the fevered brain that stupid comment came out of?! well, you're definitely NOT selfish!
                    Woman takes a drink, drink takes a drink, drink takes a woman.


                      My Roomie call me selfish

                      Hi lovemylife,

                      First of all I want to congratulate you on your decision to do the right thing & take care of yourself! As far as your roomate's/friend's support goes - you don't need it!!!! That's the good thing about being a grownup, you don't need anyone's permission to do anything! Every choice is yours & your alone to make! So her feelings are a little hurt right now, she'll get over it

                      You've made your plan, stick to it! It's the best thing for you now!

                      Please join us on the 'Newbies Nest' thread, you'll get lots of support there

                      Wishing you the best,
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        My Roomie call me selfish

                        Your roomate is angry and hurt that she might lose her drinking partner. However, rather than deal with that, she is being selfish and trying manipule you so she doesn't have to look at her own drinking. I have a number of alcoholic friends, and they think it is great that I have stopped; they wish they could. Your friend is truly the one being selfish. Hang in there.
                        AF as of August 5th, 2012

