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    I am not really into AA, but I see I need to do this one day at a time. I am tired of waking up with wine on my breath & feeling nauseas. I drink a bottle of wine in 30 minutes then pass out. Now, my consumption is going up and I am reaching for other alcohol around the house. Three years ago, I was up to two or three bottles a night and I don't want that to happen again. Then I was pregnant and AF for over a year. Now, I don't keep wine at the house and will only buy one bottle at a time. I've been drinking a bottle almost everynight for almost a year. Stopped for a week after I did something stupid and embarrassing after a party. Switched to the mini bottles and would drink three/four of those a night. Now, I am back to a whole bottle, plus a side kick to push me over the edge as I call it (make me pass out). It's stupid. I have babies here. I need to quit. Saying I will never drink or not drink for a week scares me, so I gotta say I will not drink today. I ordered kudzu. Hope it gets here fast and hope it works. I'm going to not drink tonight. Does nyquil count??? Please wish me luck!


    Oh Lisa...I had embarased myself on my birthday party too and that made me determined that i have to stop all this, cos i really can't stand the bad, guilty and ashamed feeling in my heart and head.

    4 hours more it's my 2 AF, I had nightmares for these two nights and got up today with headache and seems like going to got fever and also my roomie called me selfish when i said i won't accompany her drink anymore...but hun, i know all worth it just to stay sober... so hang in there...wish you good luck
    AF today



      Welcome. Me, I'm not doing too well, but am pledging to keep posting.
      Check out this thread:

      or else there is the "ODAT" One Day At a Time thread.

      looking forward to seeing you around the boards. and have a great AF day!
      Woman takes a drink, drink takes a drink, drink takes a woman.



        Does nyquil count???
        It's "your way out" -- only counts if you count it. Best of luck today. keep those babies close.
        Woman takes a drink, drink takes a drink, drink takes a woman.



          Go for it! I was a wine drinker plus something else and I really relate to the idea that you drink to pass out. That was me for several years, every night on the sofa I would be passed out before my kids went to bed. It was self medicating for anxiety which I guess is pretty lethal. It has been aqlmost 8 months now since my last drink, it has been tough at times but well worth it, I feel that I am getting my life back. Have you any relaxation CDs or do you exercise? Also drink lots of water and at the first sign of hunger, eat something!!

          Good Luck




            Lisa - I can relate too!

            This is a wonderful community, and I have found that it is the right place for me. As puddy said, just focus on not drinking today. Just one day. Worry about tomorrow later.


              I WILL NOT DRINK TODAY

              Thanks so much to everyone! I came back, because I am having cravings already.

              Congrats on 2days AF Love! Dora, I know I medicate for anxiety. I don't exercise, but I may do something tonight. I am already feeling anxious not to have my crutch. I need to figure something to do tonight. Maybe watch a movie with my husband. I don't drink while watching tv, because I just want to go to sleep afterwards.


                I WILL NOT DRINK TODAY

                Make a friend out from your partner. Enjoy his companionship without the touch of sex while u two on bed watching movie. shere his feelings, and let him share yours. Give importance to his views and listen rather than talk. This solves a lot of problems which ignite the feel to booze. Am I right?


                  I WILL NOT DRINK TODAY

                  Lisa, one day at a time and everybit of progress you make can only benefit you. The Nyquil will help you sleep at night, a lot of people here use Benadryl as well.
                  I have no idea what the above poster was referring to as no where in your post was there any mention of martial problems.
                  You can do this, it just takes the desire and the will to want to stop. Good for you on making the step. I wish you all the best.


                    I WILL NOT DRINK TODAY

                    IF your relationship is your trigger than YES it would ignite the feel for booze, but for many, that is not the issue. I would say you have to work on whatever your triggers are and it takes time to figure them out. Just take it one day at a time...
                    Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                      I WILL NOT DRINK TODAY

                      Hang in there

                      Hi Lisa and welcome.:welcome: I know the feeling too well!

                      The witching hour is coming on... I highly recommend, if you can, get some L-Glutamine (available in every drug store) and take one with a glass of cold juice. Did it myself an hour ago when the cravings started and am feeling much better. And yes, I"m dreading the next three hours. (To make matters worse, there's an open bottle of wine in the house. Can't throw it out, it's DH's.) Just need to keep my glass full of water/juice/seltzer.

                      Hope you feel better soon!



                        I WILL NOT DRINK TODAY

                        Lisa~ I know the feeling~believe me. I ordered Kudzu on Saturday- haven't got it yet. I was AF for 4 days- broke down tonight. I'm on my #2 glass of wine. My hubby drinks with me so it's not a good situation. The reason I want to quit is for my 18 mo old grandson........please take care of your babies now, they will never be babies again- it goes by so fast! You can do it now while your young! Keep in touch!


                          I WILL NOT DRINK TODAY

                          Hi. Just letting everyone know I was AF last night. I watched a movie with DH and then took some benadryl. Tossed and turned a while got up and took some more. I didn't get a lot of sleep. I don't get ill when I am not drinking, so I feel fine. Just the psychological cravings. It's been my sleeping pills and anti-anxiety drug for three or four years (with a break while pregnant). Still waiting for my kudzo. I'm hoping with that, it will make it easier for me. I have never been one that could deny myself which makes this really hard.


                            I WILL NOT DRINK TODAY

                            Hi Lisa. Dont even think about a week AF. Concentrate on the minute if you have to. Then aim for 10 mins...and build it up that way. You are in a good place here with lots of help, support and advice. Your babies need you! Good luck with the battle....and you will win the war!


                              I WILL NOT DRINK TODAY

                              franzia'sgone;720464 wrote: Lisa~ I know the feeling~believe me. I ordered Kudzu on Saturday- haven't got it yet. I was AF for 4 days- broke down tonight. I'm on my #2 glass of wine. My hubby drinks with me so it's not a good situation. The reason I want to quit is for my 18 mo old grandson........please take care of your babies now, they will never be babies again- it goes by so fast! You can do it now while your young! Keep in touch!
                              I'm a wine drinker also. I wonder if perhaps wine is more addictive. I drank things like daquiri's, pina colada's, margaritas for years. I would have maybe two or three drinks a year while on vacation. Then at 36, I started drinking wine and it became an everday thing. I keep trying to figure out why as if that will be the answer to my problems. Whatever the reasons, we have very important reasons to cut down. Maybe we can support each other and help through. My husband bought home wine tonight. The kids go to bed in one hour and I don't work tomorrow. Not a good combo for me.

