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the shakes

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    the shakes

    Hi my new friends. I feel like I've known you all as I have been lurking here for a while. I feel like I can lick this drinking problem, but its gotten so bad that now I have the shakes in the morning and need to drink to calm that down. And of course, that leads to continuing for the whole day. Does that Topomax help with that? If so, how many mg per day. If I have the info, I may be able to ask the doc for an Rx. Or is there something else for the shakes that won't knock me out?
    Thanks for your help.

    the shakes


    I was in the same boat. My doctor took one look at me and threw me into detox.

    She explained that I could have a seizure, a stroke or a heart attack.

    There are two safe ways to detox:

    1. Take a detox med, such as Librium. One week's worth in titrating down schedule is how they do it.

    2. Cut back on the alcohol slowly over a week's time.

    Method 1 is the easiest way but you need a doctor to prescribe the Librium.
    Method 2 is incredibly difficult but many here have done it.

    Please be careful. Doctors cannot predict who will have a seizure, stroke or heart attack. I recommend erring on the side of caution.

    btw, :welcome:, and I am glad you are here. Please keep us informed of your progress.

    AF April 9, 2016


      the shakes


      Hi Rosalee,

      Zenstyle's right detox can be somewhat uncomfortable and for some horrendous....bite the bullet.

      I would go with Cindis' recommendation and see your dr for a librium prescription.
      It helps keep seizures at bay and ensures you're detoxing also helps a little with the shakes...
      I'm on day 3 and though have a slight tremor it's not nearly as bad as monday...

      Go for it doll....
      Keep us posted.

      Hugs & prayers,

      "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
      Bring it on!


        the shakes

        Hi Rosalee, welcome. I do agree with what has already been said. Best of luck.


          the shakes

          just like to say :welcome: rosalee stick around you can make great friends and get good advice here. :goodjob:

          :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

          Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
          I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

          This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


            the shakes

            Evening primrose oil will help with the shakes. I do agree with Cindy though if you are going to detox make sure that you do it safely with the help of your doctor.
            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


              the shakes

              Hi Rosalee, welcome and best wishes as you prepare to give up AL.

              Baclofen has been shown to be as effective as benzos like librium during acute withdrawal, yet it is not a controlled substance, and can be ordered without a prescription. I can personally vouch for how well it works at controlling the shakes and sweats. check out what others MWO'ers have to say in the Meds section.

              I mention this because noticed that you are in the USA, with our messed up health system. If you go to your doctor you'll have alcoholism on your medical record. This can make it difficult to get some types of insurance in the future. For example, I was turned down when I appled for Disability Insurance, because of alcoholism and depression on my medical record. am currently self-employed, and these diagnoses price me right out of individual medical insurance. Something to think about

              Definitely want you to be safe in detoxing. very best wishes & strength

              Woman takes a drink, drink takes a drink, drink takes a woman.


                the shakes


                Thanks, guys for your advice. I ordered 400 pills of Baclofen today. I also plan to detox slowly by just drinking less and less every day. Thats to hopefully avoid the DTs or shakes (if DTs and shakes are the same thing, I don't know).
                We have a big week-end long party coming up in a few weeks at the farm. A freind I invited is in AA and he plans to come and help me.
                Again, thanks for all your advice, esp. Zen for that wonderful post about that Baclofen.


                  the shakes

                  Welcome, Rosalee. I'm sure you know "feeding" the morning withdrawls with more alcohol only strengthens the cycle that gets harder and harder to break.

                  You are right about the insurance implications in the US, Puddytat. Although I've never had withdrawls when stopping, I saw my husband's suffering too many times. He wanted to do it without support so badly. So I know if you end up having someone call 911 during a seizure and end up in the hospital, that's on your medical record too, so I guess everyone has to weigh the risks. Personally, I think safety needs to come first, but that's just me having seen way too much over the years.

                  Whoops, you set me off . . .I'm going to get on my soapbox--it is so wrong that people trying to do the right thing in getting off alcohol have to worry about the implications of having it on their medical record. My husband had been through seizures/paranoid hallucinations/the worst shakes you can imagine--he couldn't even walk without assistance, and would end up in the hospital. His doctor said just tell me when you are ready to detox and I'll get you the meds. Then when he did, the doctor said, I'm sorry, I didn't know the HMO had a rule that only the dependency unit can prescribe those kind of meds, not General Practioners. I'm sure you know the outcome . . .

                  I didn't mean to detract from your situation, Rosalee, but something is just wrong with our healthcare system. I'm so glad you are here, Rosalee and hope to see you continuing to post.


                    the shakes

                    :soapbox: Go Maisie!

                    sorry to hear about your husband's struggles.
                    NOT sorry you got on that soapbox !

                    Take good care one and all. Good vibes once again Rosalee. This weekend sounds tough for you with the party at your farm.
                    Woman takes a drink, drink takes a drink, drink takes a woman.

